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package ginext
import (
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type WHandlerFunc func(PreContext) HTTPResponse
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func Wrap(w *GinWrapper, fn WHandlerFunc) gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(g *gin.Context) {
g.Set("__returnRawErrors", w.returnRawErrors)
reqctx := g.Request.Context()
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wrap, stackTrace, panicObj := callPanicSafe(fn, PreContext{wrapper: w, ginCtx: g})
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if panicObj != nil {
fmt.Printf("\n======== ======== STACKTRACE ======== ========\n%s\n======== ======== ======== ========\n\n", stackTrace)
Interface("panicObj", panicObj).
Str("trace", stackTrace).
Msg("Panic occured (in gin handler)")
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wrap = APIError(g, commonapierr.Panic, "A panic occured in the HTTP handler", errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", panicObj)))
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if g.Writer.Written() {
panic("Writing in WrapperFunc is not supported")
if reqctx.Err() == nil {
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type PreContext struct {
ginCtx *gin.Context
wrapper *GinWrapper
uri any
query any
body any
form any
func (pctx *PreContext) URI(uri any) *PreContext {
pctx.uri = uri
return pctx
func (pctx *PreContext) Query(query any) *PreContext {
pctx.query = query
return pctx
func (pctx *PreContext) Body(body any) *PreContext {
pctx.body = body
return pctx
func (pctx *PreContext) Form(form any) *PreContext {
pctx.form = form
return pctx
func (pctx PreContext) Start() (*AppContext, *HTTPResponse) {
if pctx.uri != nil {
if err := pctx.ginCtx.ShouldBindUri(pctx.uri); err != nil {
return nil, langext.Ptr(APIError(pctx.ginCtx, commonapierr.BindFailURI, "Failed to read uri", err))
if pctx.query != nil {
if err := pctx.ginCtx.ShouldBindQuery(pctx.query); err != nil {
return nil, langext.Ptr(APIError(pctx.ginCtx, commonapierr.BindFailQuery, "Failed to read query", err))
if pctx.body != nil {
if pctx.ginCtx.ContentType() == "application/json" {
if err := pctx.ginCtx.ShouldBindJSON(pctx.body); err != nil {
return nil, langext.Ptr(APIError(pctx.ginCtx, commonapierr.BindFailJSON, "Failed to read body", err))
} else {
return nil, langext.Ptr(APIError(pctx.ginCtx, commonapierr.BindFailJSON, "missing JSON body", nil))
if pctx.form != nil {
if pctx.ginCtx.ContentType() == "multipart/form-data" {
if err := pctx.ginCtx.ShouldBindWith(pctx.form, binding.Form); err != nil {
return nil, langext.Ptr(APIError(pctx.ginCtx, commonapierr.BindFailFormData, "Failed to read multipart-form", err))
} else {
return nil, langext.Ptr(APIError(pctx.ginCtx, commonapierr.BindFailJSON, "missing form body", nil))
ictx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), pctx.wrapper.requestTimeout)
actx := CreateAppContext(pctx.ginCtx, ictx, cancel)
return actx, nil
func callPanicSafe(fn WHandlerFunc, pctx PreContext) (res HTTPResponse, stackTrace string, panicObj any) {
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defer func() {
if rec := recover(); rec != nil {
res = nil
stackTrace = string(debug.Stack())
panicObj = rec
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res = fn(pctx)
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return res, "", nil