exerr [WIP]
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1,416 @@
package exerr
import (
// ==== USAGE =====
// If some method returns an error _always wrap it into an bmerror:
// value, err := do_something(..)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, bmerror.Wrap(err, "do something failed").Build()
// }
// If possible add metadata to the error (eg the id that was not found, ...), the methods are the same as in zerolog
// return nil, bmerror.Wrap(err, "do something failed").Str("someid", id).Int("count", in.Count).Build()
// You can change the errortype with `.User()` and `.System()` (User-errors are 400 and System-errors 500)
// You can also manually set the statuscode with `.WithStatuscode(http.NotFound)`
// You can set the type with `WithType(..)`
// New Errors (that don't wrap an existing err object) are created with New
// return nil, bmerror.New(bmerror.ErrInternal, "womethign wen horrible wrong").Build()
// You can eitehr use an existing ErrorType, the "catch-all" ErrInternal, or add you own ErrType in consts.go
// All errors should be handled one of the following four ways:
// - return the error to the caller and let him handle it:
// (also auto-prints the error to the log)
// => Wrap/New + Build
// - Print the error
// (also auto-sends it to the error-service)
// This is useful for errors that happen asynchron or are non-fatal for the current request
// => Wrap/New + Print
// - Return the error to the Rest-API caller
// (also auto-prints the error to the log)
// (also auto-sends it to the error-service)
// => Wrap/New + Output
// - Print and stop the service
// (also auto-sends it to the error-service)
// => Wrap/New + Fatal
var stackSkipLogger zerolog.Logger
func init() {
cw := zerolog.ConsoleWriter{
Out: os.Stdout,
TimeFormat: "2006-01-02 15:04:05 Z07:00",
multi := zerolog.MultiLevelWriter(cw)
stackSkipLogger = zerolog.New(multi).With().Timestamp().CallerWithSkipFrameCount(4).Logger()
type Builder struct {
bmerror *bringmanError
containsGinData bool
func Get(err error) *Builder {
return &Builder{bmerror: fromError(err)}
func New(t ErrorType, msg string) *Builder {
return &Builder{bmerror: newBringmanErr(CatSystem, t, msg)}
func Wrap(err error, msg string) *Builder {
return &Builder{bmerror: fromError(err).wrap(msg, CatWrap, 1)}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (b *Builder) WithType(t ErrorType) *Builder {
b.bmerror.Type = t
return b
func (b *Builder) WithStatuscode(status int) *Builder {
b.bmerror.StatusCode = status
return b
func (b *Builder) WithMessage(msg string) *Builder {
b.bmerror.Message = msg
return b
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Err changes the Severity to ERROR (default)
// The error will be:
// - On Build():
// - Short-Logged as Err
// - On Print():
// - Logged as Err
// - Send to the error-service
// - On Output():
// - Logged as Err
// - Send to the error-service
func (b *Builder) Err() *Builder {
b.bmerror.Severity = SevErr
return b
// Warn changes the Severity to WARN
// The error will be:
// - On Build():
// - -(nothing)-
// - On Print():
// - Short-Logged as Warn
// - On Output():
// - Logged as Warn
func (b *Builder) Warn() *Builder {
b.bmerror.Severity = SevWarn
return b
// Info changes the Severity to INFO
// The error will be:
// - On Build():
// - -(nothing)-
// - On Print():
// - -(nothing)-
// - On Output():
// - -(nothing)-
func (b *Builder) Info() *Builder {
b.bmerror.Severity = SevInfo
return b
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// User sets the Category to CatUser
// Errors with category
func (b *Builder) User() *Builder {
b.bmerror.Category = CatUser
return b
func (b *Builder) System() *Builder {
b.bmerror.Category = CatSystem
return b
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (b *Builder) Id(key string, val fmt.Stringer) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTID, newIDWrap(val))
func (b *Builder) StrPtr(key string, val *string) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTStringPtr, val)
func (b *Builder) Str(key string, val string) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTString, val)
func (b *Builder) Int(key string, val int) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTInt, val)
func (b *Builder) Int8(key string, val int8) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTInt8, val)
func (b *Builder) Int16(key string, val int16) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTInt16, val)
func (b *Builder) Int32(key string, val int32) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTInt32, val)
func (b *Builder) Int64(key string, val int64) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTInt64, val)
func (b *Builder) Float32(key string, val float32) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTFloat32, val)
func (b *Builder) Float64(key string, val float64) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTFloat64, val)
func (b *Builder) Bool(key string, val bool) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTBool, val)
func (b *Builder) Bytes(key string, val []byte) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTBytes, val)
func (b *Builder) ObjectID(key string, val primitive.ObjectID) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTObjectID, val)
func (b *Builder) Time(key string, val time.Time) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTTime, val)
func (b *Builder) Dur(key string, val time.Duration) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTDuration, val)
func (b *Builder) Strs(key string, val []string) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTStringArray, val)
func (b *Builder) Ints(key string, val []int) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTIntArray, val)
func (b *Builder) Ints32(key string, val []int32) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTInt32Array, val)
func (b *Builder) Type(key string, cls interface{}) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTString, fmt.Sprintf("%T", cls))
func (b *Builder) Interface(key string, val interface{}) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTAny, newAnyWrap(val))
func (b *Builder) Any(key string, val any) *Builder {
return b.addMeta(key, MDTAny, newAnyWrap(val))
func (b *Builder) Stack() *Builder {
return b.addMeta("@Stack", MDTString, string(debug.Stack()))
func (b *Builder) Errs(key string, val []error) *Builder {
for i, valerr := range val {
b.addMeta(fmt.Sprintf("%v[%v]", key, i), MDTString, Get(valerr).toBMError().FormatLog(LogPrintFull))
return b
func (b *Builder) GinReq(ctx context.Context, g *gin.Context, req *http.Request) *Builder {
if v := ctx.Value("start_timestamp"); v != nil {
if t, ok := v.(time.Time); ok {
b.Time("ctx.startTimestamp", t)
b.Time("ctx.endTimestamp", time.Now())
b.Str("gin.method", req.Method)
b.Str("gin.path", g.FullPath())
b.Str("gin.header", formatHeader(g.Request.Header))
if req.URL != nil {
b.Str("gin.url", req.URL.String())
if ctxVal := g.GetString("apiversion"); ctxVal != "" {
b.Str("gin.context.apiversion", ctxVal)
if ctxVal := g.GetString("uid"); ctxVal != "" {
b.Str("gin.context.uid", ctxVal)
if ctxVal := g.GetString("fcmId"); ctxVal != "" {
b.Str("gin.context.fcmid", ctxVal)
if ctxVal := g.GetString("reqid"); ctxVal != "" {
b.Str("gin.context.reqid", ctxVal)
if req.Method != "GET" && req.Body != nil && req.Header.Get("Content-Type") == "application/json" {
if brc, ok := req.Body.(langext.BufferedReadCloser); ok {
if bin, err := brc.BufferedAll(); err == nil {
if len(bin) < 16*1024 {
var prettyJSON bytes.Buffer
err = json.Indent(&prettyJSON, bin, "", " ")
if err == nil {
b.Str("gin.body", string(prettyJSON.Bytes()))
} else {
b.Bytes("gin.body", bin)
} else {
b.Str("gin.body", fmt.Sprintf("[[%v bytes]]", len(bin)))
b.containsGinData = true
return b
func formatHeader(header map[string][]string) string {
ml := 1
for k, _ := range header {
if len(k) > ml {
ml = len(k)
r := ""
for k, v := range header {
if r != "" {
r += "\n"
for _, hval := range v {
value := hval
value = strings.ReplaceAll(value, "\n", "\\n")
value = strings.ReplaceAll(value, "\r", "\\r")
value = strings.ReplaceAll(value, "\t", "\\t")
r += langext.StrPadRight(k, " ", ml) + " := " + value
return r
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build creates a new error, ready to pass up the stack
// If the errors is not SevWarn or SevInfo it gets also logged (in short form, without stacktrace) onto stdout
func (b *Builder) Build() error {
if b.bmerror.Severity == SevErr || b.bmerror.Severity == SevFatal {
return b.bmerror.ToGrpcError()
// Output prints the error onto the gin stdout.
// The error also gets printed to stdout/stderr
// If the error is SevErr|SevFatal we also send it to the error-service
func (b *Builder) Output(ctx context.Context, g *gin.Context) {
if !b.containsGinData && g.Request != nil {
// Auto-Add gin metadata if the caller hasn't already done it
b.GinReq(ctx, g, g.Request)
b.bmerror.Output(ctx, g)
if b.bmerror.Severity == SevErr || b.bmerror.Severity == SevFatal {
} else if b.bmerror.Severity == SevWarn {
// Print prints the error
// If the error is SevErr we also send it to the error-service
func (b *Builder) Print() {
if b.bmerror.Severity == SevErr || b.bmerror.Severity == SevFatal {
} else if b.bmerror.Severity == SevWarn {
func (b *Builder) Format(level LogPrintLevel) string {
return b.bmerror.FormatLog(level)
// Fatal prints the error and terminates the program
// If the error is SevErr we also send it to the error-service
func (b *Builder) Fatal() {
b.bmerror.Severity = SevFatal
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (b *Builder) addMeta(key string, mdtype metaDataType, val interface{}) *Builder {
b.bmerror.Meta.add(key, mdtype, val)
return b
func (b *Builder) toBMError() BMError {
return b.bmerror.ToBMError()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package exerr
type ErrorCategory struct{ Category string }
var (
CatWrap = ErrorCategory{"Wrap"} // The error is simply wrapping another error (e.g. when a grpc call returns an error)
CatSystem = ErrorCategory{"System"} // An internal system error (e.g. connection to db failed)
CatUser = ErrorCategory{"User"} // The user (the API caller) did something wrong (e.g. he has no permissions to do this)
CatForeign = ErrorCategory{"Foreign"} // A foreign error that some component threw (e.g. an unknown mongodb error), happens if we call Wrap(..) on an non-bmerror value
var AllCategories = []ErrorCategory{CatWrap, CatSystem, CatUser, CatForeign}
type ErrorSeverity struct{ Severity string }
var (
SevTrace = ErrorSeverity{"Trace"}
SevDebug = ErrorSeverity{"Debug"}
SevInfo = ErrorSeverity{"Info"}
SevWarn = ErrorSeverity{"Warn"}
SevErr = ErrorSeverity{"Err"}
SevFatal = ErrorSeverity{"Fatal"}
var AllSeverities = []ErrorSeverity{SevTrace, SevDebug, SevInfo, SevWarn, SevErr, SevFatal}
type ErrorType struct{ Key string }
var (
TypeInternal = ErrorType{"Internal"}
// other values come from pkgconfig
@ -1,17 +1,50 @@
package exerr
type ErrorPackageConfig struct {
LogTraces bool
RecursiveErrors bool
ZeroLogTraces bool // autom print zerolog logs on CreateError
RecursiveErrors bool // errors contains their Origin-Error
Types []ErrorType // all available error-types
type ErrorPackageConfigInit struct {
LogTraces bool
RecursiveErrors bool
InitTypes func(_ func(_ string) ErrorType)
var initialized = false
var pkgconfig = ErrorPackageConfig{
LogTraces: true,
ZeroLogTraces: true,
RecursiveErrors: true,
Types: []ErrorType{TypeInternal},
// Init initializes the exerr packages
// Must be called at the program start, before (!) any errors
// Is not thread-safe
func Init(cfg ErrorPackageConfig) {
pkgconfig = cfg
func Init(cfg ErrorPackageConfigInit) {
if initialized {
panic("Cannot re-init error package")
types := pkgconfig.Types
fnAddType := func(v string) ErrorType {
et := ErrorType{v}
types = append(types, et)
return et
if cfg.InitTypes != nil {
pkgconfig = ErrorPackageConfig{
ZeroLogTraces: cfg.LogTraces,
RecursiveErrors: cfg.RecursiveErrors,
Types: types,
initialized = true
@ -11,11 +11,12 @@ type ExErr struct {
Category ErrorCategory `json:"category"`
Severity ErrorSeverity `json:"severity"`
Type ErrorType `json:"type"`
Source ErrorSource `json:"source"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Caller string `json:"caller"`
OriginalError *ExErr
Meta MetaMap `json:"meta"`
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package exerr
import "sync"
import (
type Method string
@ -11,7 +13,7 @@ const (
MethodFatal Method = "FATAL"
type Listener = func(method Method, v BMError)
type Listener = func(method Method, v ExErr)
var listenerLock = sync.Mutex{}
var listener = make([]Listener, 0)
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
package exerr
import (
spbmodels "bringman.de/proto/common/models"
@ -11,6 +9,7 @@ import (
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
package exerr
import (
@ -3,11 +3,25 @@ module gogs.mikescher.com/BlackForestBytes/goext
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@ -282,3 +282,11 @@ func ArrSum[T NumberConstraint](arr []T) T {
return r
func ArrRemove[T comparable](arr []T, needle T) []T {
idx := ArrFirstIndex(arr, needle)
if idx >= 0 {
return append(arr[:idx], arr[idx+1:]...)
return arr
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