#!/bin/bash set -o nounset # disallow usage of unset vars ( set -u ) set -o errexit # Exit immediately if a pipeline returns non-zero. ( set -e ) set -o errtrace # Allow the above trap be inherited by all functions in the script. ( set -E ) set -o pipefail # Return value of a pipeline is the value of the last (rightmost) command to exit with a non-zero status IFS=$'\n\t' # Set $IFS to only newline and tab. dir="/tmp/mongo_repo_$( uuidgen )" echo "" echo "> Clone https://github.dev/mongodb/mongo-go-driver" echo "" git clone "https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-go-driver" "$dir" pushd "$dir" git fetch --tags latestTag="$( git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1` )" git -c "advice.detachedHead=false" checkout $latestTag latestSHA="$( git rev-parse HEAD )" popd existingTag=$( cat mongoPatchVersion.go | grep -oP "(?<=const MongoCloneTag = \")([A-Za-z0-9.]+)(?=\")" ) existingSHA=$( cat mongoPatchVersion.go | grep -oP "(?<=const MongoCloneCommit = \")([A-Za-z0-9.]+)(?=\")" ) echo "====================================" echo "ID (online) $latestSHA" echo "ID (local) $existingSHA" echo "Tag (online) $latestTag" echo "Tag (local) $existingTag" echo "====================================" if [[ "$latestTag" == "$existingTag" ]]; then echo "Nothing to do" rm -rf "$dir" exit 0 fi echo "" echo "> Copy repository" echo "" rm -rf mongo cp -r "$dir" "mongo" rm -rf "$dir" echo "" echo "> Clean repository" echo "" rm -rf "mongo/.git" rm -rf "mongo/.evergreen" rm -rf "mongo/cmd" rm -rf "mongo/docs" rm -rf "mongo/etc" rm -rf "mongo/examples" rm -rf "mongo/testdata" rm -rf "mongo/benchmark" rm -rf "mongo/vendor" rm -rf "mongo/go.mod" rm -rf "mongo/go.sum" echo "" echo "> Update mongoPatchVersion.go" echo "" { printf "package goext\n" printf "\n" printf "// %s\n" "$( date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z" )" printf "\n" printf "const MongoCloneTag = \"%s\"\n" "$latestTag" printf "const MongoCloneCommit = \"%s\"\n" "$latestSHA" } > mongoPatchVersion.go echo "" echo "> Patch mongo" echo "" git apply -v _data/mongo.patch echo "" echo "Done."