package dataext import ( "context" "" "runtime" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "unsafe" ) // from // CASMutex is the struct implementing RWMutex with CAS mechanism. type CASMutex struct { state casState turnstile *semaphore.Weighted broadcastChan chan struct{} broadcastMut sync.RWMutex } func NewCASMutex() *CASMutex { return &CASMutex{ state: casStateNoLock, turnstile: semaphore.NewWeighted(1), broadcastChan: make(chan struct{}), } } type casState int32 const ( casStateUndefined casState = iota - 2 // -2 casStateWriteLock // -1 casStateNoLock // 0 casStateReadLock // >= 1 ) func (m *CASMutex) getState(n int32) casState { switch st := casState(n); { case st == casStateWriteLock: fallthrough case st == casStateNoLock: return st case st >= casStateReadLock: return casStateReadLock default: // actually, it should not happened. return casStateUndefined } } func (m *CASMutex) listen() <-chan struct{} { m.broadcastMut.RLock() defer m.broadcastMut.RUnlock() return m.broadcastChan } func (m *CASMutex) broadcast() { newCh := make(chan struct{}) m.broadcastMut.Lock() ch := m.broadcastChan m.broadcastChan = newCh m.broadcastMut.Unlock() close(ch) } func (m *CASMutex) tryLock(ctx context.Context) bool { for { broker := m.listen() if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32( (*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(&m.state)), int32(casStateNoLock), int32(casStateWriteLock), ) { return true } if ctx == nil { return false } select { case <-ctx.Done(): // timeout or cancellation return false case <-broker: // waiting for signal triggered by m.broadcast() and trying again. } } } // TryLockWithContext attempts to acquire the lock, blocking until resources // are available or ctx is done (timeout or cancellation). func (m *CASMutex) TryLockWithContext(ctx context.Context) bool { if err := m.turnstile.Acquire(ctx, 1); err != nil { // Acquire failed due to timeout or cancellation return false } defer m.turnstile.Release(1) return m.tryLock(ctx) } // Lock acquires the lock. // If it is currently held by others, Lock will wait until it has a chance to acquire it. func (m *CASMutex) Lock() { ctx := context.Background() m.TryLockWithContext(ctx) } // TryLock attempts to acquire the lock without blocking. // Return false if someone is holding it now. func (m *CASMutex) TryLock() bool { if !m.turnstile.TryAcquire(1) { return false } defer m.turnstile.Release(1) return m.tryLock(nil) } // TryLockWithTimeout attempts to acquire the lock within a period of time. // Return false if spending time is more than duration and no chance to acquire it. func (m *CASMutex) TryLockWithTimeout(duration time.Duration) bool { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), duration) defer cancel() return m.TryLockWithContext(ctx) } // Unlock releases the lock. func (m *CASMutex) Unlock() { if ok := atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32( (*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(&m.state)), int32(casStateWriteLock), int32(casStateNoLock), ); !ok { panic("Unlock failed") } m.broadcast() } func (m *CASMutex) rTryLock(ctx context.Context) bool { for { broker := m.listen() n := atomic.LoadInt32((*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(&m.state))) st := m.getState(n) switch st { case casStateNoLock, casStateReadLock: if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(&m.state)), n, n+1) { return true } } if ctx == nil { return false } select { case <-ctx.Done(): // timeout or cancellation return false default: switch st { // read-lock failed due to concurrence issue, try again immediately case casStateNoLock, casStateReadLock: runtime.Gosched() // allow other goroutines to do stuff. continue } } select { case <-ctx.Done(): // timeout or cancellation return false case <-broker: // waiting for signal triggered by m.broadcast() and trying again. } } } // RTryLockWithContext attempts to acquire the read lock, blocking until resources // are available or ctx is done (timeout or cancellation). func (m *CASMutex) RTryLockWithContext(ctx context.Context) bool { if err := m.turnstile.Acquire(ctx, 1); err != nil { // Acquire failed due to timeout or cancellation return false } m.turnstile.Release(1) return m.rTryLock(ctx) } // RLock acquires the read lock. // If it is currently held by others writing, RLock will wait until it has a chance to acquire it. func (m *CASMutex) RLock() { ctx := context.Background() m.RTryLockWithContext(ctx) } // RTryLock attempts to acquire the read lock without blocking. // Return false if someone is writing it now. func (m *CASMutex) RTryLock() bool { if !m.turnstile.TryAcquire(1) { return false } m.turnstile.Release(1) return m.rTryLock(nil) } // RTryLockWithTimeout attempts to acquire the read lock within a period of time. // Return false if spending time is more than duration and no chance to acquire it. func (m *CASMutex) RTryLockWithTimeout(duration time.Duration) bool { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), duration) defer cancel() return m.RTryLockWithContext(ctx) } // RUnlock releases the read lock. func (m *CASMutex) RUnlock() { n := atomic.AddInt32((*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(&m.state)), -1) switch m.getState(n) { case casStateUndefined, casStateWriteLock: panic("RUnlock failed") case casStateNoLock: m.broadcast() } } // RLocker returns a Locker interface that implements the Lock and Unlock methods // by calling CASMutex.RLock and CASMutex.RUnlock. func (m *CASMutex) RLocker() sync.Locker { return (*rlocker)(m) } type rlocker CASMutex func (r *rlocker) Lock() { (*CASMutex)(r).RLock() } func (r *rlocker) Unlock() { (*CASMutex)(r).RUnlock() }