package wmo

import (
	ct ""

type EntityID interface {
	MarshalBSONValue() (bsontype.Type, []byte, error)
	String() string

type Decodable interface {
	Decode(v any) error

type Cursorable interface {
	Decode(v any) error
	Err() error
	Close(ctx context.Context) error
	All(ctx context.Context, results any) error
	RemainingBatchLength() int
	Next(ctx context.Context) bool

type fullTypeRef struct {
	IsPointer      bool
	Kind           reflect.Kind
	RealType       reflect.Type
	Type           reflect.Type
	UnderlyingType reflect.Type
	Name           string
	Index          []int

type IColl interface {
	Collection() *mongo.Collection
	Name() string
	Indexes() mongo.IndexView
	Drop(ctx context.Context) error

type Coll[TData any] struct {
	coll                *mongo.Collection                                        // internal mongo collection, access via Collection()
	dataTypeMap         map[string]fullTypeRef                                   // list of TData fields (only if TData is not an interface)
	implDataTypeMap     map[reflect.Type]map[string]fullTypeRef                  // dynamic list of fields of TData implementations (only if TData is an interface)
	customDecoder       *func(ctx context.Context, dec Decodable) (TData, error) // custom decoding function (useful if TData is an interface)
	isInterfaceDataType bool                                                     // true if TData is an interface (not a struct)
	unmarshalHooks      []func(d TData) TData                                    // called for every object after unmarshalling
	marshalHooks        []func(d TData) TData                                    // called for every object before marshalling
	extraModPipeline    []func(ctx context.Context) mongo.Pipeline               // appended to pipelines after filter/limit/skip/sort, used for $lookup, $set, $unset, $project, etc

func (c *Coll[TData]) Collection() *mongo.Collection {
	return c.coll

func (c *Coll[TData]) Name() string {
	return c.coll.Name()

func (c *Coll[TData]) Indexes() mongo.IndexView {
	return c.coll.Indexes()

func (c *Coll[TData]) Drop(ctx context.Context) error {
	err := c.coll.Drop(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return exerr.Wrap(err, "failed to drop collection").Str("collection", c.Name()).Build()
	return nil

func (c *Coll[TData]) WithDecodeFunc(cdf func(ctx context.Context, dec Decodable) (TData, error), example TData) *Coll[TData] {


	c.customDecoder = langext.Ptr(cdf)
	return c

// WithUnmarshalHook
// function that is called for every object after reading from DB
func (c *Coll[TData]) WithUnmarshalHook(fn func(d TData) TData) *Coll[TData] {
	c.unmarshalHooks = append(c.unmarshalHooks, fn)

	return c

// WithMarshalHook
// function that is called for every object before writing to DB
func (c *Coll[TData]) WithMarshalHook(fn func(d TData) TData) *Coll[TData] {
	c.marshalHooks = append(c.marshalHooks, fn)

	return c

// WithModifyingPipeline
// pipeline that is appended to all read operations (after filtering)
func (c *Coll[TData]) WithModifyingPipeline(p mongo.Pipeline) *Coll[TData] {
	c.extraModPipeline = append(c.extraModPipeline, func(ctx context.Context) mongo.Pipeline { return p })

	return c

// WithModifyingPipelineFunc
// pipeline that is appended to all read operations (after filtering)
func (c *Coll[TData]) WithModifyingPipelineFunc(fn func(ctx context.Context) mongo.Pipeline) *Coll[TData] {
	c.extraModPipeline = append(c.extraModPipeline, fn)

	return c

func (c *Coll[TData]) createToken(fieldPrimary string, dirPrimary ct.SortDirection, fieldSecondary *string, dirSecondary *ct.SortDirection, lastEntity TData, pageSize *int) (ct.CursorToken, error) {

	valuePrimary, err := c.getFieldValueAsTokenString(lastEntity, fieldPrimary)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, exerr.Wrap(err, "failed to get (primary) field-value as token-string").Type("lastEntity", lastEntity).Str("fieldPrimary", fieldPrimary).Build()

	valueSeconary := ""
	if fieldSecondary != nil && dirSecondary != nil {
		valueSeconary, err = c.getFieldValueAsTokenString(lastEntity, *fieldSecondary)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, exerr.Wrap(err, "failed to get (secondary) field-value as token-string").Type("lastEntity", lastEntity).StrPtr("fieldSecondary", fieldSecondary).Build()

	return ct.NewKeySortToken(
		langext.Coalesce(pageSize, 0),
	), nil

func (c *Coll[TData]) needsDoubleSort(ctx context.Context) bool {
	for _, ppl := range c.extraModPipeline {
		for _, stage := range ppl(ctx) {
			for _, bsone := range stage {
				if bsone.Key == "$group" {
					// a group stage in extraModPipeline results in unsorted data, which means the caller must sort again after these pipeline stages...
					return true
	return false