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BFB goext library
A collection of general & useful library methods
This should not have any heavy dependencies (gin, mongo, etc) and add missing basic language features...
Potentially needs export GOPRIVATE=""
Name | Maintainer | Description |
langext | Mike | General uttility/helper functions, (everything thats missing from go standard library) |
mathext | Mike | Utility/Helper functions for math |
cryptext | Mike | Utility/Helper functions for encryption |
syncext | Mike | Utility/Helper funtions for multi-threading / mutex / channels |
dataext | Mike | Various useful data structures |
zipext | Mike | Utility for zip/gzip/tar etc |
reflectext | Mike | Utility for golang reflection |
fsext | Mike | Utility for filesytem access |
mongoext | Mike | Utility/Helper functions for mongodb |
cursortoken | Mike | MongoDB cursortoken implementation |
pagination | Mike | Pagination implementation |
totpext | Mike | Implementation of TOTP (2-Factor-Auth) |
termext | Mike | Utilities for terminals (mostly color output) |
confext | Mike | Parses environment configuration into structs |
cmdext | Mike | Runner for external commands/processes |
sq | Mike | Utility functions for sql based databases |
tst | Mike | Utility functions for unit tests |
rfctime | Mike | Classes for time seriallization, with different marshallign method for mongo and json |
gojson | Mike | Same interface for marshalling/unmarshalling as go/json, except with proper serialization of null arrays/maps |
bfcodegen | Mike | Various codegen tools (run via go generate) |
rext | Mike | Regex Wrapper, wraps regexp with a better interface |
wmo | Mike | Mongo Wrapper, wraps mongodb with a better interface |
scn | Mike | SimpleCloudNotifier |