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v0.0.488 fix wpdf with 16bpp images
2024-07-22 15:16:28 +02:00

324 lines
7.4 KiB

package wpdf
import (
type PDFImageRef struct {
Info *gofpdf.ImageInfoType
Name string
Bin []byte
Image *image.Image
Mime string
type PDFImageRegisterOpt struct {
imageType *string
readDpi *bool
allowNegativePosition *bool
name *string
func NewPDFImageRegisterOpt() *PDFImageRegisterOpt {
return &PDFImageRegisterOpt{}
func (opt *PDFImageRegisterOpt) ImageType(v string) *PDFImageRegisterOpt {
opt.imageType = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageRegisterOpt) ReadDpi(v bool) *PDFImageRegisterOpt {
opt.readDpi = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageRegisterOpt) AllowNegativePosition(v bool) *PDFImageRegisterOpt {
opt.allowNegativePosition = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageRegisterOpt) Name(v string) *PDFImageRegisterOpt {
opt.name = &v
return opt
func (b *WPDFBuilder) RegisterImage(bin []byte, opts ...*PDFImageRegisterOpt) *PDFImageRef {
imgName := "fpdf_img_" + langext.MustRawHexUUID()
imageType := ""
readDpi := false
allowNegativePosition := false
mime := "application/octet-stream"
for _, opt := range opts {
imageType = langext.Coalesce(opt.imageType, imageType)
readDpi = langext.Coalesce(opt.readDpi, readDpi)
allowNegativePosition = langext.Coalesce(opt.allowNegativePosition, allowNegativePosition)
imgName = langext.Coalesce(opt.name, imgName)
if imageType == "" {
ct := http.DetectContentType(bin[:512])
switch ct {
case "image/jpg":
imageType = "JPG"
mime = ct
case "image/jpeg":
imageType = "JPEG"
mime = ct
case "image/png":
imageType = "PNG"
mime = ct
case "image/gif":
imageType = "GIF"
mime = ct
} else {
switch imageType {
case "JPG":
case "JPEG":
mime = "image/jpeg"
case "PNG":
mime = "image/png"
case "GIF":
mime = "image/gif"
options := gofpdf.ImageOptions{
ImageType: imageType,
ReadDpi: readDpi,
AllowNegativePosition: allowNegativePosition,
info := b.b.RegisterImageOptionsReader(imgName, options, bytes.NewReader(bin))
return &PDFImageRef{
Name: imgName,
Info: info,
Bin: bin,
Image: nil,
Mime: mime,
type PDFImageOpt struct {
x *float64
y *float64
width *float64
height *float64
flow *bool
link *int
linkStr *string
imageType *string
readDpi *bool
allowNegativePosition *bool
imageFit *imageext.ImageFit
fillColor *color.Color
compression *imageext.ImageCompresson
reEncodePixelPerMM *float64
crop *imageext.ImageCrop
func NewPDFImageOpt() *PDFImageOpt {
return &PDFImageOpt{}
func (opt *PDFImageOpt) X(v float64) *PDFImageOpt {
opt.x = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageOpt) Y(v float64) *PDFImageOpt {
opt.y = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageOpt) Width(v float64) *PDFImageOpt {
opt.width = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageOpt) Height(v float64) *PDFImageOpt {
opt.height = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageOpt) Flow(v bool) *PDFImageOpt {
opt.flow = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageOpt) Link(v int) *PDFImageOpt {
opt.link = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageOpt) LinkStr(v string) *PDFImageOpt {
opt.linkStr = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageOpt) ImageType(v string) *PDFImageOpt {
opt.imageType = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageOpt) ReadDpi(v bool) *PDFImageOpt {
opt.readDpi = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageOpt) AllowNegativePosition(v bool) *PDFImageOpt {
opt.allowNegativePosition = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageOpt) ImageFit(v imageext.ImageFit) *PDFImageOpt {
opt.imageFit = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageOpt) FillColor(v color.Color) *PDFImageOpt {
opt.fillColor = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageOpt) Compression(v imageext.ImageCompresson) *PDFImageOpt {
opt.compression = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageOpt) ReEncodePixelPerMM(v float64) *PDFImageOpt {
opt.reEncodePixelPerMM = &v
return opt
func (opt *PDFImageOpt) Crop(cropX float64, cropY float64, cropWidth float64, cropHeight float64) *PDFImageOpt {
opt.crop = &imageext.ImageCrop{
CropX: cropX,
CropY: cropY,
CropWidth: cropWidth,
CropHeight: cropHeight,
return opt
func (b *WPDFBuilder) Image(img *PDFImageRef, opts ...*PDFImageOpt) {
var err error
x := b.GetX()
y := b.GetY()
w := img.Info.Width()
h := img.Info.Height()
flow := true
link := 0
linkStr := ""
imageType := ""
readDpi := false
allowNegativePosition := false
reEncodePixelPerMM := 15.0
var imageFit *imageext.ImageFit = nil
var fillColor color.Color = color.Transparent
compression := imageext.CompressionPNGSpeed
var crop *imageext.ImageCrop = nil
for _, opt := range opts {
x = langext.Coalesce(opt.x, x)
y = langext.Coalesce(opt.y, y)
w = langext.Coalesce(opt.width, w)
h = langext.Coalesce(opt.height, h)
flow = langext.Coalesce(opt.flow, flow)
link = langext.Coalesce(opt.link, link)
linkStr = langext.Coalesce(opt.linkStr, linkStr)
imageType = langext.Coalesce(opt.imageType, imageType)
readDpi = langext.Coalesce(opt.readDpi, readDpi)
allowNegativePosition = langext.Coalesce(opt.allowNegativePosition, allowNegativePosition)
imageFit = langext.CoalesceOpt(opt.imageFit, imageFit)
fillColor = langext.Coalesce(opt.fillColor, fillColor)
compression = langext.Coalesce(opt.compression, compression)
reEncodePixelPerMM = langext.Coalesce(opt.reEncodePixelPerMM, reEncodePixelPerMM)
crop = langext.CoalesceOpt(opt.crop, crop)
regName := img.Name
if imageFit != nil || fillColor != nil || crop != nil {
var dataimg image.Image
if img.Image != nil {
dataimg = *img.Image
} else {
dataimg, err = imageext.VerifyAndDecodeImage(bytes.NewReader(img.Bin), img.Mime)
if err != nil {
if crop != nil {
dataimg, err = imageext.CropImage(dataimg, crop.CropX, crop.CropY, crop.CropWidth, crop.CropHeight)
if err != nil {
if imageFit != nil {
pdfPixelPerMillimeter := 15.0
pxw := w * pdfPixelPerMillimeter
pxh := h * pdfPixelPerMillimeter
dataimg, err = imageext.ObjectFitImage(dataimg, pxw, pxh, *imageFit, fillColor)
if err != nil {
if dataimg.ColorModel() != color.RGBAModel && dataimg.ColorModel() != color.NRGBAModel {
// the image cannto be 16bpp or similar - otherwise fpdf errors out
dataImgRGBA := image.NewNRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, dataimg.Bounds().Dx(), dataimg.Bounds().Dy()))
draw.Draw(dataImgRGBA, dataImgRGBA.Bounds(), dataimg, dataimg.Bounds().Min, draw.Src)
dataimg = dataImgRGBA
bfr, imgMime, err := imageext.EncodeImage(dataimg, compression)
if err != nil {
regName = regName + "_" + langext.MustRawHexUUID()
switch imgMime {
case "image/jpeg":
imageType = "JPEG"
case "image/png":
imageType = "PNG"
case "image/gif":
imageType = "GIF"
b.b.RegisterImageOptionsReader(regName, gofpdf.ImageOptions{ImageType: imageType}, &bfr)
fpdfOpt := gofpdf.ImageOptions{
ImageType: imageType,
ReadDpi: readDpi,
AllowNegativePosition: allowNegativePosition,
b.b.ImageOptions(regName, x, y, w, h, flow, fpdfOpt, link, linkStr)