Mike Schwörer 9321938dad
All checks were successful
Build Docker and Deploy / Run goext test-suite (push) Successful in 4m0s
v0.0.433 fix exerr missing gindata when using ginext.Error and add config for Output logging to stderr
2024-04-15 10:25:30 +02:00

505 lines
13 KiB

package ginext
import (
json "gogs.mikescher.com/BlackForestBytes/goext/gojson"
type cookieval struct {
name string
value string
maxAge int
path string
domain string
secure bool
httpOnly bool
type headerval struct {
Key string
Val string
type HTTPResponse interface {
Write(g *gin.Context)
WithHeader(k string, v string) HTTPResponse
WithCookie(name string, value string, maxAge int, path string, domain string, secure bool, httpOnly bool) HTTPResponse
IsSuccess() bool
type InspectableHTTPResponse interface {
Statuscode() int
BodyString(g *gin.Context) *string
ContentType() string
Headers() []string
type jsonHTTPResponse struct {
statusCode int
data any
headers []headerval
cookies []cookieval
func (j jsonHTTPResponse) jsonRenderer(g *gin.Context) json.GoJsonRender {
var f *string
if jsonfilter := g.GetString("goext.jsonfilter"); jsonfilter != "" {
f = &jsonfilter
return json.GoJsonRender{Data: j.data, NilSafeSlices: true, NilSafeMaps: true, Filter: f}
func (j jsonHTTPResponse) Write(g *gin.Context) {
for _, v := range j.headers {
g.Header(v.Key, v.Val)
for _, v := range j.cookies {
g.SetCookie(v.name, v.value, v.maxAge, v.path, v.domain, v.secure, v.httpOnly)
g.Render(j.statusCode, j.jsonRenderer(g))
func (j jsonHTTPResponse) WithHeader(k string, v string) HTTPResponse {
j.headers = append(j.headers, headerval{k, v})
return j
func (j jsonHTTPResponse) WithCookie(name string, value string, maxAge int, path string, domain string, secure bool, httpOnly bool) HTTPResponse {
j.cookies = append(j.cookies, cookieval{name, value, maxAge, path, domain, secure, httpOnly})
return j
func (j jsonHTTPResponse) IsSuccess() bool {
return j.statusCode >= 200 && j.statusCode <= 399
func (j jsonHTTPResponse) Statuscode() int {
return j.statusCode
func (j jsonHTTPResponse) BodyString(g *gin.Context) *string {
if str, err := j.jsonRenderer(g).RenderString(); err == nil {
return &str
} else {
return nil
func (j jsonHTTPResponse) ContentType() string {
return "application/json"
func (j jsonHTTPResponse) Headers() []string {
return langext.ArrMap(j.headers, func(v headerval) string { return v.Key + "=" + v.Val })
type emptyHTTPResponse struct {
statusCode int
headers []headerval
cookies []cookieval
func (j emptyHTTPResponse) Write(g *gin.Context) {
for _, v := range j.headers {
g.Header(v.Key, v.Val)
for _, v := range j.cookies {
g.SetCookie(v.name, v.value, v.maxAge, v.path, v.domain, v.secure, v.httpOnly)
func (j emptyHTTPResponse) WithHeader(k string, v string) HTTPResponse {
j.headers = append(j.headers, headerval{k, v})
return j
func (j emptyHTTPResponse) WithCookie(name string, value string, maxAge int, path string, domain string, secure bool, httpOnly bool) HTTPResponse {
j.cookies = append(j.cookies, cookieval{name, value, maxAge, path, domain, secure, httpOnly})
return j
func (j emptyHTTPResponse) IsSuccess() bool {
return j.statusCode >= 200 && j.statusCode <= 399
func (j emptyHTTPResponse) Statuscode() int {
return j.statusCode
func (j emptyHTTPResponse) BodyString(*gin.Context) *string {
return nil
func (j emptyHTTPResponse) ContentType() string {
return ""
func (j emptyHTTPResponse) Headers() []string {
return langext.ArrMap(j.headers, func(v headerval) string { return v.Key + "=" + v.Val })
type textHTTPResponse struct {
statusCode int
data string
headers []headerval
cookies []cookieval
func (j textHTTPResponse) Write(g *gin.Context) {
for _, v := range j.headers {
g.Header(v.Key, v.Val)
for _, v := range j.cookies {
g.SetCookie(v.name, v.value, v.maxAge, v.path, v.domain, v.secure, v.httpOnly)
g.String(j.statusCode, "%s", j.data)
func (j textHTTPResponse) WithHeader(k string, v string) HTTPResponse {
j.headers = append(j.headers, headerval{k, v})
return j
func (j textHTTPResponse) WithCookie(name string, value string, maxAge int, path string, domain string, secure bool, httpOnly bool) HTTPResponse {
j.cookies = append(j.cookies, cookieval{name, value, maxAge, path, domain, secure, httpOnly})
return j
func (j textHTTPResponse) IsSuccess() bool {
return j.statusCode >= 200 && j.statusCode <= 399
func (j textHTTPResponse) Statuscode() int {
return j.statusCode
func (j textHTTPResponse) BodyString(*gin.Context) *string {
return langext.Ptr(j.data)
func (j textHTTPResponse) ContentType() string {
return "text/plain"
func (j textHTTPResponse) Headers() []string {
return langext.ArrMap(j.headers, func(v headerval) string { return v.Key + "=" + v.Val })
type dataHTTPResponse struct {
statusCode int
data []byte
contentType string
headers []headerval
cookies []cookieval
func (j dataHTTPResponse) Write(g *gin.Context) {
for _, v := range j.headers {
g.Header(v.Key, v.Val)
for _, v := range j.cookies {
g.SetCookie(v.name, v.value, v.maxAge, v.path, v.domain, v.secure, v.httpOnly)
g.Data(j.statusCode, j.contentType, j.data)
func (j dataHTTPResponse) WithHeader(k string, v string) HTTPResponse {
j.headers = append(j.headers, headerval{k, v})
return j
func (j dataHTTPResponse) WithCookie(name string, value string, maxAge int, path string, domain string, secure bool, httpOnly bool) HTTPResponse {
j.cookies = append(j.cookies, cookieval{name, value, maxAge, path, domain, secure, httpOnly})
return j
func (j dataHTTPResponse) IsSuccess() bool {
return j.statusCode >= 200 && j.statusCode <= 399
func (j dataHTTPResponse) Statuscode() int {
return j.statusCode
func (j dataHTTPResponse) BodyString(*gin.Context) *string {
return langext.Ptr(string(j.data))
func (j dataHTTPResponse) ContentType() string {
return j.contentType
func (j dataHTTPResponse) Headers() []string {
return langext.ArrMap(j.headers, func(v headerval) string { return v.Key + "=" + v.Val })
type fileHTTPResponse struct {
mimetype string
filepath string
filename *string
headers []headerval
cookies []cookieval
func (j fileHTTPResponse) Write(g *gin.Context) {
g.Header("Content-Type", j.mimetype) // if we don't set it here gin does weird file-sniffing later...
if j.filename != nil {
g.Header("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf("attachment; filename=\"%s\"", *j.filename))
for _, v := range j.headers {
g.Header(v.Key, v.Val)
for _, v := range j.cookies {
g.SetCookie(v.name, v.value, v.maxAge, v.path, v.domain, v.secure, v.httpOnly)
func (j fileHTTPResponse) WithHeader(k string, v string) HTTPResponse {
j.headers = append(j.headers, headerval{k, v})
return j
func (j fileHTTPResponse) WithCookie(name string, value string, maxAge int, path string, domain string, secure bool, httpOnly bool) HTTPResponse {
j.cookies = append(j.cookies, cookieval{name, value, maxAge, path, domain, secure, httpOnly})
return j
func (j fileHTTPResponse) IsSuccess() bool {
return true
func (j fileHTTPResponse) Statuscode() int {
return 200
func (j fileHTTPResponse) BodyString(*gin.Context) *string {
data, err := os.ReadFile(j.filepath)
if err != nil {
return nil
return langext.Ptr(string(data))
func (j fileHTTPResponse) ContentType() string {
return j.mimetype
func (j fileHTTPResponse) Headers() []string {
return langext.ArrMap(j.headers, func(v headerval) string { return v.Key + "=" + v.Val })
type downloadDataHTTPResponse struct {
statusCode int
mimetype string
data []byte
filename *string
headers []headerval
cookies []cookieval
func (j downloadDataHTTPResponse) Write(g *gin.Context) {
g.Header("Content-Type", j.mimetype) // if we don't set it here gin does weird file-sniffing later...
if j.filename != nil {
g.Header("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf("attachment; filename=\"%s\"", *j.filename))
for _, v := range j.headers {
g.Header(v.Key, v.Val)
for _, v := range j.cookies {
g.SetCookie(v.name, v.value, v.maxAge, v.path, v.domain, v.secure, v.httpOnly)
g.Data(j.statusCode, j.mimetype, j.data)
func (j downloadDataHTTPResponse) WithHeader(k string, v string) HTTPResponse {
j.headers = append(j.headers, headerval{k, v})
return j
func (j downloadDataHTTPResponse) WithCookie(name string, value string, maxAge int, path string, domain string, secure bool, httpOnly bool) HTTPResponse {
j.cookies = append(j.cookies, cookieval{name, value, maxAge, path, domain, secure, httpOnly})
return j
func (j downloadDataHTTPResponse) IsSuccess() bool {
return j.statusCode >= 200 && j.statusCode <= 399
func (j downloadDataHTTPResponse) Statuscode() int {
return j.statusCode
func (j downloadDataHTTPResponse) BodyString(*gin.Context) *string {
return langext.Ptr(string(j.data))
func (j downloadDataHTTPResponse) ContentType() string {
return j.mimetype
func (j downloadDataHTTPResponse) Headers() []string {
return langext.ArrMap(j.headers, func(v headerval) string { return v.Key + "=" + v.Val })
type redirectHTTPResponse struct {
statusCode int
url string
headers []headerval
cookies []cookieval
func (j redirectHTTPResponse) Write(g *gin.Context) {
for _, v := range j.headers {
g.Header(v.Key, v.Val)
for _, v := range j.cookies {
g.SetCookie(v.name, v.value, v.maxAge, v.path, v.domain, v.secure, v.httpOnly)
g.Redirect(j.statusCode, j.url)
func (j redirectHTTPResponse) WithHeader(k string, v string) HTTPResponse {
j.headers = append(j.headers, headerval{k, v})
return j
func (j redirectHTTPResponse) WithCookie(name string, value string, maxAge int, path string, domain string, secure bool, httpOnly bool) HTTPResponse {
j.cookies = append(j.cookies, cookieval{name, value, maxAge, path, domain, secure, httpOnly})
return j
func (j redirectHTTPResponse) IsSuccess() bool {
return j.statusCode >= 200 && j.statusCode <= 399
func (j redirectHTTPResponse) Statuscode() int {
return j.statusCode
func (j redirectHTTPResponse) BodyString(*gin.Context) *string {
return nil
func (j redirectHTTPResponse) ContentType() string {
return ""
func (j redirectHTTPResponse) Headers() []string {
return langext.ArrMap(j.headers, func(v headerval) string { return v.Key + "=" + v.Val })
type jsonAPIErrResponse struct {
err *exerr.ExErr
headers []headerval
cookies []cookieval
func (j jsonAPIErrResponse) Write(g *gin.Context) {
for _, v := range j.headers {
g.Header(v.Key, v.Val)
for _, v := range j.cookies {
g.SetCookie(v.name, v.value, v.maxAge, v.path, v.domain, v.secure, v.httpOnly)
exerr.Get(j.err).Output(context.Background(), g)
func (j jsonAPIErrResponse) WithHeader(k string, v string) HTTPResponse {
j.headers = append(j.headers, headerval{k, v})
return j
func (j jsonAPIErrResponse) WithCookie(name string, value string, maxAge int, path string, domain string, secure bool, httpOnly bool) HTTPResponse {
j.cookies = append(j.cookies, cookieval{name, value, maxAge, path, domain, secure, httpOnly})
return j
func (j jsonAPIErrResponse) IsSuccess() bool {
return false
func (j jsonAPIErrResponse) Statuscode() int {
return langext.Coalesce(j.err.RecursiveStatuscode(), 0)
func (j jsonAPIErrResponse) BodyString(*gin.Context) *string {
if str, err := j.err.ToDefaultAPIJson(); err == nil {
return &str
} else {
return nil
func (j jsonAPIErrResponse) ContentType() string {
return "application/json"
func (j jsonAPIErrResponse) Headers() []string {
return langext.ArrMap(j.headers, func(v headerval) string { return v.Key + "=" + v.Val })
func (j jsonAPIErrResponse) Unwrap() error {
return j.err
func Status(sc int) HTTPResponse {
return &emptyHTTPResponse{statusCode: sc}
func JSON(sc int, data any) HTTPResponse {
return &jsonHTTPResponse{statusCode: sc, data: data}
func Data(sc int, contentType string, data []byte) HTTPResponse {
return &dataHTTPResponse{statusCode: sc, contentType: contentType, data: data}
func Text(sc int, data string) HTTPResponse {
return &textHTTPResponse{statusCode: sc, data: data}
func File(mimetype string, filepath string) HTTPResponse {
return &fileHTTPResponse{mimetype: mimetype, filepath: filepath}
func Download(mimetype string, filepath string, filename string) HTTPResponse {
return &fileHTTPResponse{mimetype: mimetype, filepath: filepath, filename: &filename}
func DownloadData(status int, mimetype string, filename string, data []byte) HTTPResponse {
return &downloadDataHTTPResponse{statusCode: status, mimetype: mimetype, data: data, filename: &filename}
func Redirect(sc int, newURL string) HTTPResponse {
return &redirectHTTPResponse{statusCode: sc, url: newURL}
func Error(e error) HTTPResponse {
return &jsonAPIErrResponse{
err: exerr.FromError(e),
func ErrWrap(e error, errorType exerr.ErrorType, msg string) HTTPResponse {
return &jsonAPIErrResponse{
err: exerr.FromError(exerr.Wrap(e, msg).WithType(errorType).Build()),
func NotImplemented() HTTPResponse {
return Error(exerr.New(exerr.TypeNotImplemented, "").Build())