package de.samdev.cannonshooter.entities; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import de.samdev.absgdx.framework.entities.Entity; import de.samdev.absgdx.framework.entities.colliosiondetection.CollisionGeometryOwner; import de.samdev.absgdx.framework.entities.colliosiondetection.geometries.CollisionGeometry; import de.samdev.absgdx.framework.layer.GameLayer; import de.samdev.cannonshooter.Textures; import de.samdev.cannonshooter.ZLayers; import de.samdev.cannonshooter.util.MathUtils; public class CannonBarrel extends Entity { private static final float CHARGE_SPEED = 0.00078f; private static final float UNCHARGE_SPEED = 0.001f; private static final float ROTATION_SPEED = 0.175f; private static final float RECOIL_PERC = 0.035f; private static final int MAX_BOOSTER_COUNT = 8; private static final float BOOST_PERCENTAGE = 0.5f; private boolean dragging = false; private float rotation = 0; private float targetRotation = 0; private float charge = 0; private boolean loaded = false; private CannonBullet bullet = null; private Cannon cannon; private float[] booster = new float[MAX_BOOSTER_COUNT]; public CannonBarrel(Cannon owner) { super(Textures.cannon_barrel[0], 4, 2); cannon = owner; clearBooster(); setPosition(owner.getPositionX(), owner.getPositionY()); setZLayer(ZLayers.LAYER_CANNON_BARREL); } @Override public TextureRegion getTexture() { float realCharge = (charge) / (1 - RECOIL_PERC); if (charge > (1-RECOIL_PERC)) realCharge = (1 - charge) / RECOIL_PERC; return Textures.cannon_barrel[31 - Math.min(31, (int)(realCharge * 32))]; } @Override public void beforeUpdate(float delta) { updateDragging(); updateRotation(delta); updateCharge(delta); updateBullet(); updateBooster(delta); } private void updateBullet() { if (loaded) { Vector2 v = new Vector2(1f - 0.5f + (1.9f) * charge, 0); v.rotate(rotation); bullet.setPosition(cannon.getCenterX() + v.x - bullet.getWidth()/2, cannon.getCenterY() + v.y - bullet.getHeight()/2); bullet.scale = charge; } } private void updateCharge(float delta) { if ( == 0 || == 1) { if (loaded) { charge += CHARGE_SPEED * getBoost() * delta *; if (charge > 1) { charge = 0; bullet.shoot(rotation); bullet = null; loaded = false; } } else { charge = 0; bullet = new CannonBullet(cannon,; owner.addEntity(bullet); loaded = true; } } else if ( <= 0.5) { charge -= UNCHARGE_SPEED * delta; if (charge < 0) charge = 0; } } private void updateRotation(float delta) { if (rotation != targetRotation) { float sign = MathUtils.moduloSignum(rotation, targetRotation, 360, 1); rotation += sign * ROTATION_SPEED * delta; if (sign != MathUtils.moduloSignum(rotation, targetRotation, 360, 1)) rotation = targetRotation; rotation = (rotation + 360) % 360; } } private void updateDragging() { if (! dragging) return; if (! Gdx.input.isTouched()) { dragging = false; return; } Vector2 mouse = new Vector2(owner.getMouseOnMapPositionX() - cannon.getCenterX(), owner.getMouseOnMapPositionY() - cannon.getCenterY()); targetRotation = mouse.angle(); } private void updateBooster(float delta) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BOOSTER_COUNT; i++) { if (booster[i] > 0) booster[i] -= delta; } } @Override public float getTextureRotation() { return rotation; } public void startDrag() { dragging = true; } public void onTeamChanged() { if (bullet != null) bullet.kill(); bullet = null; loaded = false; clearBooster(); } public void clearBooster() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BOOSTER_COUNT; i++) { booster[i] = -1; } } public boolean addBooster() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BOOSTER_COUNT; i++) { if (booster[i] < 0) { booster[i] = 1 / (CHARGE_SPEED *; // So a single cannon can always hold up a 0.5x multiplier return true; } } return false; } public float getBoost() { float boost = 1f; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BOOSTER_COUNT; i++) { if (booster[i] > 0) boost += BOOST_PERCENTAGE; } return boost; } @Override protected void renderTexture(SpriteBatch sbatch, TextureRegion tex, float offsetX, float offsetY) { // Cause of the different origin sbatch.draw( tex, getPositionX() + offsetX, getPositionY() + offsetY, getWidth()/4f, getHeight()/2f, getWidth(), getHeight(), getTextureScaleX(), getTextureScaleY(), getTextureRotation()); } @Override public void onLayerAdd(GameLayer layer) { // } @Override public void onActiveCollide(CollisionGeometryOwner passiveCollider, CollisionGeometry myGeo, CollisionGeometry otherGeo) { // } @Override public void onPassiveCollide(CollisionGeometryOwner activeCollider, CollisionGeometry myGeo, CollisionGeometry otherGeo) { // } @Override public void onActiveMovementCollide(CollisionGeometryOwner passiveCollider, CollisionGeometry myGeo, CollisionGeometry otherGeo) { // } @Override public void onPassiveMovementCollide(CollisionGeometryOwner activeCollider, CollisionGeometry myGeo, CollisionGeometry otherGeo) { // } @Override public boolean canCollideWith(CollisionGeometryOwner other) { return false; } @Override public boolean canMoveCollideWith(CollisionGeometryOwner other) { return false; } }