// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler // Type: Rei.Com.DataObject // Assembly: Rei.Com, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null // MVID: 608BC623-FF3D-4118-BA82-AC691A688790 // Assembly location: F:\Eigene Dateien\Dropbox\portable Collection\Progs\CarotDAV\Rei.Com.dll using Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Rei.Com { public class DataObject : System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject, IDisposable, IAsyncOperation { private static DateTime win32timeorigin = new DateTime(1601, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); private static readonly byte[] serializedObjectID = new Guid("FD9EA796-3B13-4370-A679-56106BB288FB").ToByteArray(); public const int S_OK = 0; public const int S_FALSE = 1; public const int E_FAIL = -2147467259; public const int E_UNEXPECTED = -2147418113; public const int E_NOTIMPL = -2147483647; public const int E_INVALIDARG = -2147483645; public const int OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED = -2147221501; private const int DV_E_LINDEX = -2147221400; private const int DV_E_FORMATETC = -2147221404; private const int DV_E_TYMED = -2147221399; private const int DV_E_DVASPECT = -2147221397; private const int DV_E_DVTARGETDEVICE = -2147221403; private const int STG_E_MEDIUMFULL = -2147286928; public object Tag; private List pData; private bool disposedValue; private bool pAsyncSupported; private bool pInOperation; private object pInOperationLock; private List Data { get { return this.pData; } } public DataObject() { this.disposedValue = false; this.pData = new List(); this.pInOperationLock = RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(new object()); this.pInOperation = false; this.pAsyncSupported = false; } public virtual FORMATETC[] SupportedFormats() { return new FORMATETC[0]; } [DllImport("ole32.dll")] internal static extern int OleIsCurrentClipboard(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject pDataObject); [DllImport("OLE32.DLL")] internal static extern void ReleaseStgMedium(ref STGMEDIUM medium); [DllImport("Kernel32.dll")] internal static extern int GlobalSize(IntPtr handle); [DllImport("Kernel32.dll")] internal static extern IntPtr GlobalLock(IntPtr handle); [DllImport("Kernel32.dll")] internal static extern bool GlobalUnlock(IntPtr handle); [DllImport("Kernel32.dll")] internal static extern IntPtr GlobalFree(IntPtr handle); protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!this.disposedValue && disposing) { int num1 = 0; int num2 = checked (this.Data.Count - 1); int index = num1; while (index <= num2) { DataObject.ObjectEntry objectEntry = this.Data[index]; IDisposable receivedistream = objectEntry.receivedistream as IDisposable; if (receivedistream != null) receivedistream.Dispose(); objectEntry = this.Data[index]; if (objectEntry.istreamcreator != null) this.Data[index].istreamcreator.Dispose(); checked { ++index; } } this.Data.Clear(); } this.disposedValue = true; } public void Dispose() { this.Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize((object) this); } ~DataObject() { this.Dispose(false); // ISSUE: explicit finalizer call //base.Finalize(); } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public int DAdvise(ref FORMATETC pFormatetc, ADVF advf, IAdviseSink adviseSink, out int connection) { connection = 0; return -2147221501; } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public void DUnadvise(int connection) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(-2147221501); } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public int EnumDAdvise(out IEnumSTATDATA enumAdvise) { enumAdvise = null; return -2147221501; } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public int GetCanonicalFormatEtc(ref FORMATETC formatIn, out FORMATETC formatOut) { formatOut = formatIn; return -2147221404; } protected int IndexOf(FORMATETC format) { if (format.ptd != IntPtr.Zero) return -2147221403; if (format.dwAspect != DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT) return -2147221397; int num1 = 0; int num2 = checked (this.Data.Count - 1); int index = num1; while (index <= num2) { if ((int) this.Data[index].Format.cfFormat == (int) format.cfFormat && this.Data[index].Format.dwAspect == format.dwAspect && this.Data[index].Format.lindex == format.lindex) { if ((this.Data[index].Format.tymed & format.tymed) != TYMED.TYMED_NULL) return index; return -2147221399; } checked { ++index; } } return -2147221404; } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] [DebuggerStepThrough] public virtual int QueryGetData(ref FORMATETC format) { DataObject.DataEventArgs e = new DataObject.DataEventArgs(format); this.OnDataQueried(e); if (e.QueryResult == DataObject.QueryGetDataResultType.Exists) return 0; if (e.QueryResult == DataObject.QueryGetDataResultType.None) return 1; int num = this.IndexOf(format); if (num >= 0) return 0; return num; } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] [DebuggerStepThrough] public virtual void GetData(ref FORMATETC format, out STGMEDIUM medium) { medium = new STGMEDIUM(); if ((format.tymed & (TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL | TYMED.TYMED_ISTREAM)) == TYMED.TYMED_NULL) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(-2147483647); try { this.OnDataRequested(new DataObject.DataEventArgs(format)); } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(ex); Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(-2147418113); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } int errorCode = this.IndexOf(format); if (errorCode < 0) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(errorCode); DataObject.ObjectEntry objectEntry = this.Data[errorCode]; medium.tymed = objectEntry.Format.tymed; medium.pUnkForRelease = (object) null; switch (objectEntry.Format.tymed) { case TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL: medium.unionmember = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(objectEntry.hglobal.Length); Marshal.Copy(objectEntry.hglobal, 0, medium.unionmember, objectEntry.hglobal.Length); break; case TYMED.TYMED_ISTREAM: System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream stream = objectEntry.istreamcreator.Create(); medium.unionmember = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject((object) stream); break; } } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] [DebuggerStepThrough] public virtual void GetDataHere(ref FORMATETC format, ref STGMEDIUM medium) { if ((format.tymed & (TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL | TYMED.TYMED_ISTREAM)) == TYMED.TYMED_NULL) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(-2147483647); if (format.tymed != medium.tymed) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(-2147221404); this.OnDataRequested(new DataObject.DataEventArgs(format)); int errorCode = this.IndexOf(format); if (errorCode < 0) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(errorCode); DataObject.ObjectEntry objectEntry = this.Data[errorCode]; medium.tymed = objectEntry.Format.tymed; medium.pUnkForRelease = (object) null; switch (objectEntry.Format.tymed) { case TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL: if (DataObject.GlobalSize(medium.unionmember) < objectEntry.hglobal.Length) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(-2147286928); Marshal.Copy(objectEntry.hglobal, 0, medium.unionmember, objectEntry.hglobal.Length); break; case TYMED.TYMED_ISTREAM: Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(-2147483647); break; } } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] [DebuggerStepThrough] public virtual void SetData([In] ref FORMATETC format, [In] ref STGMEDIUM medium, bool release) { if ((medium.tymed & medium.tymed - 1) != TYMED.TYMED_NULL) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(-2147221399); if (format.tymed != medium.tymed) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(-2147221404); if (medium.tymed != TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL && medium.tymed != TYMED.TYMED_ISTREAM) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(-2147483647); if (medium.unionmember == IntPtr.Zero) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(-2147483645); int i = this.IndexOf(format); if (i >= 0) this.RemoveAt(i); DataObject.ObjectEntry objectEntry = new DataObject.ObjectEntry(format); switch (objectEntry.Format.tymed) { case TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL: int length = DataObject.GlobalSize(medium.unionmember); objectEntry.hglobal = new byte[checked (length - 1 + 1)]; Marshal.Copy(DataObject.GlobalLock(medium.unionmember), objectEntry.hglobal, 0, length); DataObject.GlobalUnlock(medium.unionmember); break; case TYMED.TYMED_ISTREAM: objectEntry.receivedistream = (System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream) Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(medium.unionmember, typeof (System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream)); break; } if (release) DataObject.ReleaseStgMedium(ref medium); this.Data.Add(objectEntry); this.OnDataStored(new DataObject.DataEventArgs(format)); } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] [DebuggerStepThrough] public virtual IEnumFORMATETC EnumFormatEtc(DATADIR direction) { if (direction == DATADIR.DATADIR_SET) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(-2147221501); FORMATETC[] formatetcArray = this.SupportedFormats(); List formatetcList = new List(); int num1 = 0; int num2 = checked (formatetcArray.Length - 1); int index1 = num1; FORMATETC format1; FORMATETC formatetc1; while (index1 <= num2) { bool flag = false; int num3 = 0; int num4 = checked (formatetcList.Count - 1); int index2 = num3; while (index2 <= num4) { format1 = formatetcList[index2]; if ((int) format1.cfFormat == (int) formatetcArray[index1].cfFormat) { formatetc1 = formatetcList[index2]; if (formatetc1.dwAspect == formatetcArray[index1].dwAspect) { flag = true; FORMATETC formatetc2 = formatetcList[index2]; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type FORMATETC local = @formatetc2; formatetc1 = formatetcList[index2]; int num5 = (int) (formatetc1.tymed | formatetcArray[index1].tymed); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (local).tymed = (TYMED) num5; formatetcList[index2] = formatetc2; break; } } checked { ++index2; } } if (!flag) { FORMATETC formatetc2 = formatetcArray[index1]; formatetc2.lindex = -1; formatetc2.ptd = new IntPtr(); formatetcList.Add(formatetc2); } checked { ++index1; } } int num6 = 0; int num7 = checked (this.Data.Count - 1); int index3 = num6; while (index3 <= num7) { bool flag = false; int num3 = 0; int num4 = checked (formatetcList.Count - 1); int index2 = num3; DataObject.ObjectEntry objectEntry; while (index2 <= num4) { formatetc1 = formatetcList[index2]; int cfFormat1 = (int) formatetc1.cfFormat; format1 = this.Data[index3].Format; int cfFormat2 = (int) format1.cfFormat; if (cfFormat1 == cfFormat2) { FORMATETC format2 = formatetcList[index2]; int dwAspect1 = (int) format2.dwAspect; objectEntry = this.Data[index3]; int dwAspect2 = (int) objectEntry.Format.dwAspect; if (dwAspect1 == dwAspect2) { flag = true; FORMATETC formatetc2 = formatetcList[index2]; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type FORMATETC local = @formatetc2; int tymed1 = (int) formatetcList[index2].tymed; objectEntry = this.Data[index3]; format2 = objectEntry.Format; int tymed2 = (int) format2.tymed; int num5 = tymed1 | tymed2; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (local).tymed = (TYMED) num5; formatetcList[index2] = formatetc2; break; } } checked { ++index2; } } if (!flag) { objectEntry = this.Data[index3]; FORMATETC format2 = objectEntry.Format; format2.lindex = -1; format2.ptd = new IntPtr(); formatetcList.Add(format2); } checked { ++index3; } } return (IEnumFORMATETC) new DataObject._EnumFormatEtc(formatetcList.ToArray(), direction, 0); } public bool AsyncSupported { get { return this.pAsyncSupported; } set { this.pAsyncSupported = value; } } public bool IsInOperation { get { bool pfInAsyncOp; this.InOperation(out pfInAsyncOp); return pfInAsyncOp; } } public bool IsCurrentClipboard { get { return DataObject.OleIsCurrentClipboard((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject) this) == 0; } } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public void GetAsyncMode(out bool pfIsOpAsync) { pfIsOpAsync = this.AsyncSupported; } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public void SetAsyncMode(bool fDoOpAsync) { this.AsyncSupported = fDoOpAsync; } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public void StartOperation(IntPtr pbcReserved) { bool flag = false; object pInOperationLock = this.pInOperationLock; ObjectFlowControl.CheckForSyncLockOnValueType(pInOperationLock); Monitor.Enter(pInOperationLock); try { if (!this.pInOperation) { this.pInOperation = true; flag = true; } } finally { Monitor.Exit(pInOperationLock); } if (!flag) return; this.OnAsyncOperationStart(); } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public void EndOperation(IntPtr hResult, IntPtr pbcReserved, int dwEffects) { bool flag = false; object pInOperationLock = this.pInOperationLock; ObjectFlowControl.CheckForSyncLockOnValueType(pInOperationLock); Monitor.Enter(pInOperationLock); try { if (this.pInOperation) { this.pInOperation = false; flag = true; } } finally { Monitor.Exit(pInOperationLock); } if (flag) this.OnAsyncOperationFinished(new DataObject.AsyncOperationFinishedEventArgs(hResult, dwEffects)); if (hResult.ToInt32() == 0) return; Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(hResult.ToInt32()); } [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public void InOperation(out bool pfInAsyncOp) { object pInOperationLock = this.pInOperationLock; ObjectFlowControl.CheckForSyncLockOnValueType(pInOperationLock); Monitor.Enter(pInOperationLock); try { pfInAsyncOp = this.pInOperation; } finally { Monitor.Exit(pInOperationLock); } } public static string FormatToString(FORMATETC format) { int id = (int) format.cfFormat >= 0 ? (int) format.cfFormat : checked ((int) format.cfFormat + 65536); string str1 = DataFormats.GetFormat(id).Name + "(" + id.ToString() + ") / "; if ((format.dwAspect & DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT) != (DVASPECT) 0) str1 += "CONTENT "; if ((format.dwAspect & DVASPECT.DVASPECT_DOCPRINT) != (DVASPECT) 0) str1 += "DOCPRINT "; if ((format.dwAspect & DVASPECT.DVASPECT_ICON) != (DVASPECT) 0) str1 += "ICON "; if ((format.dwAspect & DVASPECT.DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL) != (DVASPECT) 0) str1 += "THUMBNAIL "; string str2 = str1 + "/ " + format.lindex.ToString() + " "; if ((format.tymed & TYMED.TYMED_ENHMF) != TYMED.TYMED_NULL) str2 += "ENHMF "; if ((format.tymed & TYMED.TYMED_FILE) != TYMED.TYMED_NULL) str2 += "FILE "; if ((format.tymed & TYMED.TYMED_GDI) != TYMED.TYMED_NULL) str2 += "GDI "; if ((format.tymed & TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL) != TYMED.TYMED_NULL) str2 += "HGLOBAL "; if ((format.tymed & TYMED.TYMED_ISTORAGE) != TYMED.TYMED_NULL) str2 += "ISTORAGE "; if ((format.tymed & TYMED.TYMED_ISTREAM) != TYMED.TYMED_NULL) str2 += "ISTREAM "; if ((format.tymed & TYMED.TYMED_MFPICT) != TYMED.TYMED_NULL) str2 += "MFPICT "; if (format.tymed == TYMED.TYMED_NULL) str2 += "NULL "; return str2; } private static string FormatToString(STGMEDIUM medium) { if (medium.pUnkForRelease == null) return "medium(" + medium.tymed.ToString() + "[" + medium.unionmember.ToString() + "] null"; return "medium(" + medium.tymed.ToString() + "[" + medium.unionmember.ToString() + "] " + medium.pUnkForRelease.GetType().ToString(); } public static short MakecfFormat(string format) { DataFormats.Format format1 = DataFormats.GetFormat(format); if (format1.Id > (int) short.MaxValue) return checked ((short) (format1.Id - 65536)); return checked ((short) format1.Id); } public byte[] GetHGlobal(string format) { FORMATETC format1=new FORMATETC(); format1.lindex = -1; format1.dwAspect = DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT; format1.tymed = TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL; format1.cfFormat = DataObject.MakecfFormat(format); int index = this.IndexOf(format1); if (index < 0) return (byte[]) null; return this.Data[index].hglobal; } public DragDropEffects GetPreferredDropEffect() { byte[] hglobal = this.GetHGlobal(ShellClipboardFormats.PreferredDropEffect); if (hglobal == null) return DragDropEffects.None; return (DragDropEffects) BitConverter.ToInt32(hglobal, 0); } public DragDropEffects GetPerformedDropEffect() { byte[] hglobal = this.GetHGlobal(ShellClipboardFormats.PerformedDropEffect); if (hglobal == null) return DragDropEffects.None; return (DragDropEffects) BitConverter.ToInt32(hglobal, 0); } public DragDropEffects GetLogicalPerformedDropEffect() { byte[] hglobal = this.GetHGlobal(ShellClipboardFormats.LogicalPerformedDropEffect); if (hglobal == null) return DragDropEffects.None; return (DragDropEffects) BitConverter.ToInt32(hglobal, 0); } public DragDropEffects GetPasteSucceeded() { byte[] hglobal = this.GetHGlobal(ShellClipboardFormats.PasteSucceeded); if (hglobal == null) return DragDropEffects.None; return (DragDropEffects) BitConverter.ToInt32(hglobal, 0); } public Guid GetTargetCLSID() { byte[] hglobal = this.GetHGlobal(ShellClipboardFormats.TargetCLSID); if (hglobal == null) { Guid guid=new Guid(); return guid; } return new Guid(hglobal); } public DropDesctiption GetDropDesctiption() { byte[] hglobal = this.GetHGlobal(ShellClipboardFormats.DropDescription); if (hglobal == null) { DropDesctiption dropDesctiption=new DropDesctiption(); return dropDesctiption; } return new DropDesctiption() { type = BitConverter.ToInt32(hglobal, 0), szMessage = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(hglobal, 4, 260), szInsert = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(hglobal, 264, 260) }; } private void SetObjectEntry(DataObject.ObjectEntry e) { int i = this.IndexOf(e.Format); if (i >= 0) this.RemoveAt(i); this.Data.Add(e); } private void SetHGlobal(string format, byte[] buf) { FORMATETC f=new FORMATETC(); f.cfFormat = DataObject.MakecfFormat(format); f.dwAspect = DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT; f.lindex = -1; f.tymed = TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL; this.SetObjectEntry(new DataObject.ObjectEntry(f) { hglobal = buf }); } public void SetPreferredDropEffect(DragDropEffects effect) { byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((int) effect); this.SetHGlobal(ShellClipboardFormats.PreferredDropEffect, bytes); } public void SetInDragLoop(bool value) { byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(!value ? 0 : 1); this.SetHGlobal(ShellClipboardFormats.InShellDragLoop, bytes); } public void SetUntrustedDragDrop() { byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(6155); this.SetHGlobal(ShellClipboardFormats.UntrustedDragDrop, bytes); } public void SetText(string str) { str += "\0"; byte[] bytes1 = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str); this.SetHGlobal(DataFormats.Text, bytes1); byte[] bytes2 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(str); this.SetHGlobal(DataFormats.UnicodeText, bytes2); } public void SetTexts(string[] strs) { this.SetText(string.Join("\r\n", strs)); } public void SetUri(Uri uri) { string s = uri.AbsoluteUri + "\0"; byte[] bytes1 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(s); this.SetHGlobal(ShellClipboardFormats.UniformResourceLocatorW, bytes1); byte[] bytes2 = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(s); this.SetHGlobal(ShellClipboardFormats.UniformResourceLocator, bytes2); } public void SetFileDropList(StringCollection paths) { string[] strArray = new string[checked (paths.Count - 1 + 1)]; paths.CopyTo(strArray, 0); this.SetFileDropList(strArray); } public void SetFileDropList(string[] paths) { DropFiles dropFiles=new DropFiles(); dropFiles.pFiles = Marshal.SizeOf((object) dropFiles); dropFiles.pt = new POINTL(); dropFiles.fNC = false; dropFiles.fWide = true; byte[] bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(string.Join("\0", paths) + "\0\0"); int num1 = Marshal.SizeOf((object) dropFiles); byte[] numArray = new byte[checked (Marshal.SizeOf((object) dropFiles) + bytes.Length - 1 + 1)]; IntPtr num2 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf((object) dropFiles)); try { Marshal.StructureToPtr((object) dropFiles, num2, false); Marshal.Copy(num2, numArray, 0, num1); bytes.CopyTo((Array) numArray, num1); } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(num2); } this.SetHGlobal(DataFormats.FileDrop, numArray); } public void SetManagedObject(object data) { BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter(); byte[] array; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { memoryStream.Write(DataObject.serializedObjectID, 0, DataObject.serializedObjectID.Length); binaryFormatter.Serialize((Stream) memoryStream, RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(data)); array = memoryStream.ToArray(); } this.SetHGlobal(data.GetType().FullName, array); } public void SetVirtualFiles(VirtualFileInfo[] finfos, bool showprogress) { int num1 = 0; int num2 = checked (finfos.Length - 1); int index1 = num1; while (index1 <= num2) { if (finfos[index1].IStreamCreator != null) { FORMATETC f=new FORMATETC(); f.cfFormat = DataObject.MakecfFormat(ShellClipboardFormats.FileContents); f.dwAspect = DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT; f.lindex = index1; f.tymed = TYMED.TYMED_ISTREAM; this.SetObjectEntry(new DataObject.ObjectEntry(f) { istreamcreator = finfos[index1].IStreamCreator }); } checked { ++index1; } } int num3 = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof (FileDescriptor)); byte[] numArray = new byte[checked (num3 * finfos.Length + 4 - 1 + 1)]; BitConverter.GetBytes(finfos.Length).CopyTo((Array) numArray, 0); IntPtr num4 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(num3); try { int num5 = 0; int num6 = checked (finfos.Length - 1); int index2 = num5; while (index2 <= num6) { FileDescriptor fileDescriptor = new FileDescriptor(); fileDescriptor.cFileName = finfos[index2].FileName; fileDescriptor.dwFlags = finfos[index2].Flags & ~(FDFlags.FD_CLSID | FDFlags.FD_SIZEPOINT | FDFlags.FD_PROGRESSUI | FDFlags.FD_LINKUI); if ((finfos[index2].Flags & FDFlags.FD_ATTRIBUTES) != (FDFlags) 0) fileDescriptor.dwFileAttributes = finfos[index2].FileAttributes; if ((finfos[index2].Flags & FDFlags.FD_CREATETIME) != (FDFlags) 0) fileDescriptor.ftCreationTime = DataObject.ToFileTime(finfos[index2].CreationTime); if ((finfos[index2].Flags & FDFlags.FD_ACCESSTIME) != (FDFlags) 0) fileDescriptor.ftLastAccessTime = DataObject.ToFileTime(finfos[index2].LastAccessTime); if ((finfos[index2].Flags & FDFlags.FD_WRITESTIME) != (FDFlags) 0) fileDescriptor.ftLastWriteTime = DataObject.ToFileTime(finfos[index2].LastWriteTime); if ((finfos[index2].Flags & FDFlags.FD_FILESIZE) != (FDFlags) 0) fileDescriptor.FileSize = finfos[index2].FileSize; if (showprogress) fileDescriptor.dwFlags = fileDescriptor.dwFlags | FDFlags.FD_PROGRESSUI; Marshal.StructureToPtr((object) fileDescriptor, num4, false); Marshal.Copy(num4, numArray, checked (index2 * num3 + 4), num3); checked { ++index2; } } } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(num4); } this.SetHGlobal(ShellClipboardFormats.FileGroupDescriptorW, numArray); } public void RemoveAt(int i) { IDisposable receivedistream = this.Data[i].receivedistream as IDisposable; if (receivedistream != null) receivedistream.Dispose(); if (this.Data[i].istreamcreator != null) this.Data[i].istreamcreator.Dispose(); this.Data.RemoveAt(i); } public bool Remove(FORMATETC format) { int i = this.IndexOf(format); if (i < 0) return false; this.RemoveAt(i); return true; } public void RemoveTexts() { FORMATETC format=new FORMATETC(); format.lindex = -1; format.dwAspect = DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT; format.tymed = TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL; format.cfFormat = DataObject.MakecfFormat(DataFormats.UnicodeText); this.Remove(format); } public void RemoveUris() { FORMATETC format=new FORMATETC(); format.lindex = -1; format.dwAspect = DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT; format.tymed = TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL; format.cfFormat = DataObject.MakecfFormat(ShellClipboardFormats.UniformResourceLocatorW); this.Remove(format); } public void RemoveVirtualFiles() { FORMATETC format=new FORMATETC(); format.cfFormat = DataObject.MakecfFormat(ShellClipboardFormats.FileContents); format.dwAspect = DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT; format.tymed = TYMED.TYMED_ISTREAM; format.lindex = 0; while (this.Remove(format)) format.lindex = checked (format.lindex + 1); format.cfFormat = DataObject.MakecfFormat(ShellClipboardFormats.FileGroupDescriptorW); format.dwAspect = DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT; format.tymed = TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL; format.lindex = -1; this.Remove(format); format.cfFormat = DataObject.MakecfFormat(ShellClipboardFormats.FileGroupDescriptor); format.dwAspect = DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT; format.tymed = TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL; format.lindex = -1; this.Remove(format); } public void RemoveAll() { while (this.Data.Count > 0) this.RemoveAt(checked (this.Data.Count - 1)); } internal static long ToFileTime(DateTime time) { if (DateTime.Compare(time, DataObject.win32timeorigin) < 0) return 0; return time.ToFileTime(); } public event EventHandler AsyncOperationStart; public event EventHandler AsyncOperationFinished; public event EventHandler DataRequested; public event EventHandler DataStored; public event EventHandler DataQueried; protected virtual void OnAsyncOperationStart() { EventHandler operationStartEvent = this.AsyncOperationStart; if (operationStartEvent == null) return; operationStartEvent((object) this, EventArgs.Empty); } protected virtual void OnAsyncOperationFinished(DataObject.AsyncOperationFinishedEventArgs e) { EventHandler operationFinishedEvent = this.AsyncOperationFinished; if (operationFinishedEvent == null) return; operationFinishedEvent((object) this, e); } protected virtual void OnDataRequested(DataObject.DataEventArgs e) { EventHandler dataRequestedEvent = this.DataRequested; if (dataRequestedEvent == null) return; dataRequestedEvent((object) this, e); } protected virtual void OnDataStored(DataObject.DataEventArgs e) { EventHandler dataStoredEvent = this.DataStored; if (dataStoredEvent == null) return; dataStoredEvent((object) this, e); } protected virtual void OnDataQueried(DataObject.DataEventArgs e) { EventHandler dataQueriedEvent = this.DataQueried; if (dataQueriedEvent == null) return; dataQueriedEvent((object) this, e); } public class AsyncOperationFinishedEventArgs : EventArgs { private IntPtr pResult; private DragDropEffects pEffect; public AsyncOperationFinishedEventArgs(IntPtr result, int effect) { this.pResult = result; this.pEffect = (DragDropEffects) effect; } public IntPtr Result { get { return this.pResult; } } public DragDropEffects Effect { get { return this.pEffect; } } } public enum QueryGetDataResultType { None, Exists, FromData, } public class DataEventArgs : EventArgs { private FORMATETC pFormat; private DataObject.QueryGetDataResultType pResponse; public DataEventArgs(FORMATETC format) { this.pFormat = format; this.pResponse = DataObject.QueryGetDataResultType.FromData; } public FORMATETC Format { get { return this.pFormat; } } public DataObject.QueryGetDataResultType QueryResult { get { return this.pResponse; } set { this.pResponse = value; } } } [DebuggerDisplay("{ToString()}")] private struct ObjectEntry { public FORMATETC pformatetc; public byte[] hglobal; public IStreamCreator istreamcreator; public System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream receivedistream; public ObjectEntry(FORMATETC f) { this = new DataObject.ObjectEntry(); this.pformatetc = f; } public FORMATETC Format { get { return this.pformatetc; } } public override string ToString() { return DataObject.FormatToString(this.pformatetc); } } public class _EnumFormatEtc : IEnumFORMATETC { private FORMATETC[] pFormats; private DATADIR pdirection; private int pindex; internal _EnumFormatEtc(FORMATETC[] list, DATADIR direction, int index) { this.pFormats = list; this.pdirection = direction; this.pindex = index; } public void Clone(out IEnumFORMATETC newEnum) { newEnum = (IEnumFORMATETC) new DataObject._EnumFormatEtc(this.pFormats, this.pdirection, this.pindex); } public int Reset() { this.pindex = 0; int num=0; return num; } public int Next(int celt, FORMATETC[] rgelt, int[] pceltFetched) { int num1 = checked (this.pindex + celt) <= this.pFormats.Length ? celt : checked (this.pFormats.Length - this.pindex); if (num1 == 0) return 1; int num2 = 0; int num3 = checked (num1 - 1); int index = num2; while (index <= num3) { FORMATETC pFormat = this.pFormats[checked (this.pindex + index)]; rgelt[index] = pFormat; checked { ++index; } } this.pindex = checked (this.pindex + num1); if (pceltFetched != null) pceltFetched[0] = num1; return num1 != celt ? 1 : 0; } public int Skip(int celt) { if (checked (this.pindex + celt) >= this.pFormats.Length) return 1; this.pindex = checked (this.pindex + celt); return 0; } } } }