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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace PIC_Simulator.PIC
class PICBefehl
public string befehl;
public uint parameter_d;
public uint parameter_f;
public uint parameter_x;
public uint parameter_k;
public uint parameter_b;
public int labelnummer;
public int zeilennummer;
class PICProgramm
public const uint ADDR_INDF = 0x00;
public const uint ADDR_TMR0 = 0x01;
public const uint ADDR_PCL = 0x02;
public const uint ADDR_STATUS = 0x03;
public const uint ADDR_FSR = 0x04;
public const uint ADDR_PORT_A = 0x05;
public const uint ADDR_PORT_B = 0x06;
public const uint ADDR_UNIMPL_A = 0x07;
public const uint ADDR_PCLATH = 0x0A;
public const uint ADDR_INTCON = 0x0B;
public const uint ADDR_OPTION = 0x81;
public const uint ADDR_TRIS_A = 0x85;
public const uint ADDR_TRIS_B = 0x86;
public const uint ADDR_UNIMPL_B = 0x87;
public const uint ADDR_EECON1 = 0x88;
public const uint ADDR_EECON2 = 0x89;
public const uint STATUS_BIT_IRP = 7; // Unused in PIC16C84
public const uint STATUS_BIT_RP1 = 6; // Register Bank Selection Bit [1] (Unused in PIC16C84)
public const uint STATUS_BIT_RP0 = 5; // Register Bank Selection Bit [0]
public const uint STATUS_BIT_TO = 4; // Time Out Bit
public const uint STATUS_BIT_PD = 3; // Power Down Bit
public const uint STATUS_BIT_Z = 2; // Zero Bit
public const uint STATUS_BIT_DC = 1; // Digit Carry Bit
public const uint STATUS_BIT_C = 0; // Carry Bit
public const uint OPTION_BIT_RBPU = 7; // PORT-B Pull-Up Enable Bit
public const uint OPTION_BIT_INTEDG = 6; // Interrupt Edge Select Bit
public const uint OPTION_BIT_T0CS = 5; // TMR0 Clock Source Select Bit
public const uint OPTION_BIT_T0SE = 4; // TMR0 Source Edge Select Bit
public const uint OPTION_BIT_PSA = 3; // Prescaler Alignment Bit
public const uint OPTION_BIT_PS2 = 2; // Prescaler Rate Select Bit [2]
public const uint OPTION_BIT_PS1 = 1; // Prescaler Rate Select Bit [1]
public const uint OPTION_BIT_PS0 = 0; // Prescaler Rate Select Bit [0]
public const uint INTCON_BIT_GIE = 7; // Global Interrupt Enable Bit
public const uint INTCON_BIT_EEIE = 6; // EE Write Complete Interrupt Enable Bit
public const uint INTCON_BIT_T0IE = 5; // TMR0 Overflow Interrupt Enable Bit
public const uint INTCON_BIT_INTE = 4; // RB0/INT Interrupt Bit
public const uint INTCON_BIT_RBIE = 3; // RB Port Change Interrupt Enable Bit
public const uint INTCON_BIT_T0IF = 2; // TMR0 Overflow Interrupt Flag Bit
public const uint INTCON_BIT_INTF = 1; // RB0/INT Interrupt Flag Bit
public const uint INTCON_BIT_RBIF = 0; // RB Port Change Interrupt Flag Bit
public const uint INTERRUPT_SERVICE_ADDRESS = 0x04;
public const string ADDWF = "000111dfffffff";
public const string ANDWF = "000101dfffffff";
public const string CLRF = "0000011fffffff";
public const string CLRW = "0000010xxxxxxx";
public const string COMF = "001001dfffffff";
public const string DECF = "000011dfffffff";
public const string DECFSZ = "001011dfffffff";
public const string INCF = "001010dfffffff";
public const string INCFSZ = "001111dfffffff";
public const string IORWF = "000100dfffffff";
public const string MOVF = "001000dfffffff";
public const string MOVWF = "0000001fffffff";
public const string NOP = "0000000xx00000";
public const string RLF = "001101dfffffff";
public const string RRF = "001100dfffffff";
public const string SUBWF = "000010dfffffff";
public const string SWAPF = "001110dfffffff";
public const string XORWF = "000110dfffffff";
public const string BCF = "0100bbbfffffff";
public const string BSF = "0101bbbfffffff";
public const string BTFSC = "0110bbbfffffff";
public const string BTFSS = "0111bbbfffffff";
public const string ADDLW = "11111xkkkkkkkk";
public const string ANDLW = "111001kkkkkkkk";
public const string CALL = "100kkkkkkkkkkk";
public const string CLRWDT = "00000001100100";
public const string GOTO = "101kkkkkkkkkkk";
public const string IORLW = "111000kkkkkkkk";
public const string MOVLW = "1100xxkkkkkkkk";
public const string RETFIE = "00000000001001";
public const string RETLW = "1101xxkkkkkkkk";
public const string RETURN = "00000000001000";
public const string SLEEP = "00000001100011";
public const string SUBLW = "11110xkkkkkkkk";
public const string XORLW = "111010kkkkkkkk";
public List<PICBefehl> befehle;
public int PCCounter = 0; // -> nächster befehl
public int Stepcount = 0;
public byte Register_W = 0;
public byte[] Register = new byte[0x100];
public Stack<uint> Stack = new Stack<uint>();
public bool IsSleeping = false;
public byte Latch_RA = 0;
public byte Latch_RB = 0;
public List<int> Breakpoints = new List<int>();
public int TaktgeberFrequenz = 100000;
public int TaktgeberZahler = 0;
public bool TaktgeberAktiviert = false;
public uint TaktgeberAdresse = 0;
public uint TaktgeberBitnummer = 0;
public PICTimer Zaehler;
public PICWatchDog WatchDog;
public PICProgramm()
Zaehler = new PICTimer(this);
WatchDog = new PICWatchDog(this);
// Anfangswerte
public void Laden(string code)
befehle = new List<PICBefehl>();
int zn = -1;
foreach (var zeile in Regex.Split(code, @"\r?\n"))
if (zeile.StartsWith(" ")) continue;
if (zeile.Length < 10) continue;
befehle.Add(FindeBefehl(zeile, zn));
private PICBefehl FindeBefehl(string zeile, int zeilennummer)
foreach (var cmd in ALL_COMMANDS)
string bin = hex2binary(zeile.Substring(5, 4));
uint p_d = 0;
uint p_f = 0;
uint p_x = 0;
uint p_k = 0;
uint p_b = 0;
bool ok = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++)
if (cmd[i] == '0' && bin[i] == '0') continue;
if (cmd[i] == '1' && bin[i] == '1') continue;
if (cmd[i] == 'd' && bin[i] == '0') { p_d <<= 1; p_d |= 0; continue; }
if (cmd[i] == 'd' && bin[i] == '1') { p_d <<= 1; p_d |= 1; continue; }
if (cmd[i] == 'f' && bin[i] == '0') { p_f <<= 1; p_f |= 0; continue; }
if (cmd[i] == 'f' && bin[i] == '1') { p_f <<= 1; p_f |= 1; continue; }
if (cmd[i] == 'x' && bin[i] == '0') { p_x <<= 1; p_x |= 0; continue; }
if (cmd[i] == 'x' && bin[i] == '1') { p_x <<= 1; p_x |= 1; continue; }
if (cmd[i] == 'k' && bin[i] == '0') { p_k <<= 1; p_k |= 0; continue; }
if (cmd[i] == 'k' && bin[i] == '1') { p_k <<= 1; p_k |= 1; continue; }
if (cmd[i] == 'b' && bin[i] == '0') { p_b <<= 1; p_b |= 0; continue; }
if (cmd[i] == 'b' && bin[i] == '1') { p_b <<= 1; p_b |= 1; continue; }
if (cmd[i] == '0' && bin[i] == '1') { ok = false; break; }
if (cmd[i] == '1' && bin[i] == '0') { ok = false; break; }
throw new Exception("Falscher wert in cmd");
if (ok)
PICBefehl b = new PICBefehl();
b.befehl = cmd;
b.parameter_d = p_d;
b.parameter_f = p_f;
b.parameter_k = p_k;
b.parameter_x = p_x;
b.parameter_b = p_b;
b.zeilennummer = zeilennummer;
b.labelnummer = Convert.ToInt32(zeile.Substring(0, 4), 16);
return b;
throw new Exception("konnte befehl nicht finden: " + zeile);
private string hex2binary(string hexvalue)
string binaryval = "";
binaryval = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(hexvalue, 16), 2).PadLeft(14, '0');
return binaryval;
public bool Step(int frequenz)
if (PCCounter >= befehle.Count) return true;
PICBefehl aktueller_befehl = befehle[PCCounter];
if (TaktgeberAktiviert)
TaktgeberZahler += frequenz;
if (TaktgeberZahler >= TaktgeberFrequenz)
TaktgeberZahler = 0;
SetRegisterOhneBank(TaktgeberAdresse, TaktgeberBitnummer, !GetRegisterOhneBank(TaktgeberAdresse, TaktgeberBitnummer));
if (IsSleeping) { WatchDog.Aktualisieren(1, frequenz); return false;}
uint cycleCount = 1;
if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == ADDWF)
// Add the contents of the W register with
// register 'f'.If 'd' is 0 the result is stored
// in the W register.If 'd' is 1 the result is
// stored back in register 'f'.
byte a = GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f);
byte b = Register_W;
uint Result = (uint) (a + b);
bool dc = AdditionDigitCarry(a, b);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, (Result % 0x100) == 0);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_DC, dc);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_C, Result > 0xFF);
Result %= 0x100;
if (aktueller_befehl.parameter_d != 0)
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, (byte)Result);
Register_W = (byte)Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == ANDWF)
// AND the W register with register 'f'.If 'd'
// is 0 the result is stored in the W regis -
// ter.If 'd' is 1 the result is stored back in
// register 'f'
byte Result = (byte)(Register_W & GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f));
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, Result == 0);
if (aktueller_befehl.parameter_d != 0)
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, Result);
Register_W = Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == CLRF)
// The contents of register 'f' are cleared
// and the Z bit is set.
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, 0x00);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, true);
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == CLRW)
// W register is cleared.Zero bit (Z) is
// set.
Register_W = 0;
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, true);
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == COMF)
// The contents of register 'f' are comple-
// mented.If 'd' is 0 the result is stored in
// W.If 'd' is 1 the result is stored back in
// register 'f'.
byte Result = (byte)~GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, Result == 0);
if (aktueller_befehl.parameter_d != 0)
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, Result);
Register_W = Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == DECF)
// Decrement register 'f'.If 'd' is 0 the
// result is stored in the W register.If 'd' is
// 1 the result is stored back in register 'f'.
uint Result = GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f);
if (Result == 0)
Result = 0xFF;
Result -= 1;
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, Result == 0);
if (aktueller_befehl.parameter_d != 0)
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, Result);
Register_W = (byte)Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == DECFSZ)
// The contents of register 'f' are decre-
// mented.If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in the
// W register.If 'd' is 1 the result is placed
// back in register 'f'.
// If the result is 1, the next instruction, is
// executed.If the result is 0, then a NOP is
// executed instead making it a 2T CY instruc -
// tion.
bool Cond = GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f) == 1;
uint Result = GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f);
if (Result == 0)
Result = 0xFF;
Result -= 1;
if (aktueller_befehl.parameter_d != 0)
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, Result);
Register_W = (byte)Result;
if (Cond)
PCCounter++; // skip next
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == INCF)
// The contents of register 'f' are incre-
// mented.If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in
// the W register.If 'd' is 1 the result is
// placed back in register 'f'.
uint Result = GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f);
Result += 1;
Result %= 0x100;
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, Result == 0);
if (aktueller_befehl.parameter_d != 0)
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, Result);
Register_W = (byte)Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == INCFSZ)
// The contents of register 'f' are incre-
// mented.If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in
// the W register.If 'd' is 1 the result is
// placed back in register 'f'.
// If the result is 1, the next instruction is
// executed.If the result is 0, a NOP is exe -
// cuted instead making it a 2T CY instruc -
// tion
bool Cond = GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f) == 0xFF;
uint Result = GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f);
Result += 1;
Result %= 0x100;
if (aktueller_befehl.parameter_d != 0)
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, Result);
Register_W = (byte)Result;
if (Cond)
PCCounter++; // skip next
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == IORWF)
// Inclusive OR the W register with regis -
// ter 'f'.If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in the
// W register.If 'd' is 1 the result is placed
// back in register 'f'.
byte Result = (byte)(Register_W | GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f));
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, Result == 0);
if (aktueller_befehl.parameter_d != 0)
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, Result);
Register_W = Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == MOVF)
// The contents of register f is moved to a
// destination dependant upon the status
// of d. If d = 0, destination is W register. If
// d = 1, the destination is file register f
// itself.d = 1 is useful to test a file regis-
// ter since status flag Z is affected.
uint Result = GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, Result == 0);
if (aktueller_befehl.parameter_d != 0)
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, Result);
Register_W = (byte)Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == MOVWF)
// Move data from W register to register
// 'f'
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, Register_W);
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == NOP)
//No operation.
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == RLF)
// The contents of register 'f' are rotated
// one bit to the left through the Carry
// Flag.If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in the
// W register.If 'd' is 1 the result is stored
// back in register 'f'.
uint Result = GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f);
uint Carry_Old = GetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_C) ? 1u : 0u;
uint Carry_New = (Result & 0x80) >> 7;
Result = Result << 1;
Result &= 0xFF;
Result |= Carry_Old;
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_C, Carry_New != 0);
if (aktueller_befehl.parameter_d != 0)
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, Result);
Register_W = (byte)Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == RRF)
// The contents of register 'f' are rotated
// one bit to the right through the Carry
// Flag.If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in the
// W register.If 'd' is 1 the result is placed
// back in register 'f'.
uint Result = GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f);
uint Carry_Old = GetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_C) ? 0x80u : 0x00u;
uint Carry_New = Result & 0x01;
Result = Result >> 1;
Result &= 0xFF;
Result |= Carry_Old;
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_C, Carry_New != 0);
if (aktueller_befehl.parameter_d != 0)
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, Result);
Register_W = (byte)Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == SUBWF)
// Subtract(2s complement method) W reg-
// ister from register 'f'.If 'd' is 0 the result is
// stored in the W register.If 'd' is 1 the
// result is stored back in register 'f'.
uint a = GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f);
uint b = Register_W;
bool carry = (a + ((~b) & 0xFF)) > 0xFF;
bool dc = SubtractionDigitCarry((byte)a, (byte)b);
if (a < b)
a += 0x100;
uint Result = a - b;
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, (Result % 0x100) == 0);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_DC, dc);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_C, carry);
Result %= 0x100;
if (aktueller_befehl.parameter_d != 0)
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, Result);
Register_W = (byte)Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == SWAPF)
// The upper and lower nibbles of register
// 'f' are exchanged. If 'd' is 0 the result is
// placed in W register. If 'd' is 1 the result
// is placed in register 'f'.
uint Result = GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f);
uint Low = Result & 0x0F;
uint High = Result & 0xF0;
Result = (Low << 4) | (High >> 4);
if (aktueller_befehl.parameter_d != 0)
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, Result);
Register_W = (byte)Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == XORWF)
// Exclusive OR the contents of the W
// register with register 'f'.If 'd' is 0 the
// result is stored in the W register.If 'd' is
// 1 the result is stored back in register 'f'.
byte Result = (byte)(Register_W ^ GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f));
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, Result == 0);
if (aktueller_befehl.parameter_d != 0)
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, Result);
Register_W = Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == BCF)
// Bit 'b' in register 'f' is cleared
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, aktueller_befehl.parameter_b, false);
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == BSF)
// Bit 'b' in register 'f' is set.
SetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f, aktueller_befehl.parameter_b, true);
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == BTFSC)
// If bit 'b' in register 'f' is '1' then the next
// instruction is executed.
// If bit 'b', in register 'f', is '0' then the next
// instruction is discarded, and a NOP is
// executed instead, making this a 2T CY
// instruction
if (!GetBit(GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f), aktueller_befehl.parameter_b))
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == BTFSS)
// If bit 'b' in register 'f' is '0' then the next
// instruction is executed.
// If bit 'b' is '1', then the next instruction is
// discarded and a NOP is executed
// instead, making this a 2T CY instruction.
if (GetBit(GetRegister(aktueller_befehl.parameter_f), aktueller_befehl.parameter_b))
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == ADDLW)
// The contents of the W register are
// added to the eight bit literal 'k' and the
// result is placed in the W register
uint a = Register_W;
uint b = aktueller_befehl.parameter_k;
uint Result = a + b;
bool dc = AdditionDigitCarry((byte)a, (byte)b);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, (Result % 0x100) == 0);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_DC, dc);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_C, Result > 0xFF);
Result %= 0x100;
Register_W = (byte)Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == ANDLW)
// The contents of W register are
// ANDed with the eight bit literal 'k'.The
// result is placed in the W register
uint Result = Register_W & aktueller_befehl.parameter_k;
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, Result == 0);
Register_W = (byte)Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == CALL)
// Call Subroutine. First, return address
// (PC + 1) is pushed onto the stack. The
// eleven bit immediate address is loaded
// into PC bits<10:0 >.The upper bits of
// the PC are loaded from PCLATH.CALL
// is a two cycle instruction.
Stack.Push((uint) PCCounter);
PCCounter = (int) (aktueller_befehl.parameter_k - 1);
cycleCount = 2;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == CLRWDT)
// CLRWDT instruction resets the Watch -
// dog Timer.It also resets the prescaler
// of the WDT. Status bits TO and PD are
// set.
if (GetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_OPTION, OPTION_BIT_PSA))
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_OPTION, OPTION_BIT_PS0, false);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_OPTION, OPTION_BIT_PS1, false);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_OPTION, OPTION_BIT_PS2, false);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_TO, true);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_PD, true);
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == GOTO)
// GOTO is an unconditional branch.The
// eleven bit immediate value is loaded
// into PC bits<10:0>.The upper bits of
// PC are loaded from PCLATH<4:3>.
// GOTO is a two cycle instruction.
PCCounter = befehle.FindIndex(b => b.labelnummer == aktueller_befehl.parameter_k) - 1;
cycleCount = 2;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == IORLW)
// The contents of the W register is
// ORed with the eight bit literal 'k'.The
// result is placed in the W register
uint Result = Register_W | aktueller_befehl.parameter_k;
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, Result == 0);
Register_W = (byte)Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == MOVLW)
// The eight bit literal 'k' is loaded into W
// register.The dont cares will assemble
// as 0s.
Register_W = (byte)aktueller_befehl.parameter_k;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == RETFIE)
// Return from Interrupt.Stack is POPed
// and Top of Stack(TOS) is loaded in the
// PC.Interrupts are enabled by setting
// Global Interrupt Enable bit, GIE
// (INTCON < 7 >).This is a two cycle
// instruction.
PCCounter = (int) Stack.Pop();
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_INTCON, INTCON_BIT_GIE, true);
cycleCount = 2;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == RETLW)
// The W register is loaded with the eight
// bit literal 'k'.The program counter is
// loaded from the top of the stack(the
// return address). This is a two cycle
// instruction.
Register_W = (byte)aktueller_befehl.parameter_k;
PCCounter = (int) Stack.Pop();
cycleCount = 2;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == RETURN)
// Return from subroutine. The stack is
// POPed and the top of the stack(TOS)
// is loaded into the program counter.This
// is a two cycle instruction.
PCCounter = (int)Stack.Pop();
cycleCount = 2;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == SLEEP)
// The power-down status bit, PD is
// cleared.Time -out status bit, TO is
// set.Watchdog Timer and its prescaler
// are cleared.
// The processor is put into SLEEP
// mode with the oscillator stopped. See
// Section 14.8 for more details.
if (GetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_OPTION, OPTION_BIT_PSA))
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_OPTION, OPTION_BIT_PS0, false);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_OPTION, OPTION_BIT_PS1, false);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_OPTION, OPTION_BIT_PS2, false);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_TO, true);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_PD, false);
IsSleeping = true;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == SUBLW)
// The W register is subtracted (2s comple-
// ment method) from the eight bit literal 'k'.
// The result is placed in the W register.
uint a = aktueller_befehl.parameter_k;
uint b = Register_W;
bool carry;
bool dc = SubtractionDigitCarry((byte)a, (byte)b);
if (carry = a < b)
a += 0x100;
uint Result = a - b;
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, (Result % 0x100) == 0);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_DC, dc);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_C, !carry);
Result %= 0x100;
Register_W = (byte)Result;
else if (aktueller_befehl.befehl == XORLW)
// The contents of the W register are
// XORed with the eight bit literal 'k'.
// The result is placed in the W regis -
// ter.
uint Result = Register_W ^ aktueller_befehl.parameter_k;
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_BIT_Z, Result == 0);
Register_W = (byte)Result; ;
WatchDog.Aktualisieren(cycleCount, frequenz);
return PCCounter >= befehle.Count;
public void SetRegisterOhneBank(uint index, uint wert)
// register die nur einmal auf bank1 + 2 existieren
if (index == ADDR_PCL + 0x80) index -= 0x80;
if (index == ADDR_STATUS + 0x80) index -= 0x80;
if (index == ADDR_FSR + 0x80) index -= 0x80;
if (index == ADDR_PCLATH + 0x80) index -= 0x80;
if (index == ADDR_INTCON + 0x80) index -= 0x80;
if (index == ADDR_PCL) // PC direkt setzen
wert &= 0xFF; // Only Low 8 Bit
uint high = GetRegister(ADDR_PCLATH);
high &= 0x1F; // Only Bit <0,1,2,3,4>
high <<= 8;
PCCounter = (int) (high | wert);
if (index == ADDR_INDF) // indirekte adresierung
if (Register[ADDR_FSR] % 0x80 != 0) Register[Register[ADDR_FSR]] = (byte)(wert & 0xFF);
Register[index] = (byte)(wert & 0xFF);
if (index == ADDR_PORT_A || index == ADDR_TRIS_A)
var ra = Register[ADDR_PORT_A];
var ta = Register[ADDR_TRIS_A];
for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (!GetBit(ta, i)) Latch_RA = (byte)SetBit(Latch_RA, i, GetBit(ra, i));
if (index == ADDR_PORT_B || index == ADDR_TRIS_B)
var rb = Register[ADDR_PORT_B];
var tb = Register[ADDR_TRIS_B];
for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (!GetBit(tb, i)) Latch_RB = (byte)SetBit(Latch_RB, i, GetBit(rb, i));
public byte GetRegisterOhneBank(uint index)
if (index == ADDR_UNIMPL_A) return 0;
if (index == ADDR_UNIMPL_B) return 0;
// register die nur einmal auf bank1 + 2 existieren
if (index == ADDR_PCL + 0x80) index -= 0x80;
if (index == ADDR_STATUS + 0x80) index -= 0x80;
if (index == ADDR_FSR + 0x80) index -= 0x80;
if (index == ADDR_PCLATH + 0x80) index -= 0x80;
if (index == ADDR_INTCON + 0x80) index -= 0x80;
if (index == ADDR_PCL) // PC
return (byte) (PCCounter & 0xFF);
if (index == ADDR_INDF) // indirekte adresierung
if (Register[ADDR_FSR] % 0x80 == 0) return 0;
return Register[Register[ADDR_FSR]];
return Register[index];
private byte GetRegister(uint index)
return GetRegisterOhneBank(0x80 + index);
return GetRegisterOhneBank(index);
private void SetRegister(uint index, uint wert)
SetRegisterOhneBank(0x80 + index, wert);
SetRegisterOhneBank(index, wert);
public void SetRegisterOhneBank(uint index, uint bit, bool wert)
SetRegisterOhneBank(index, SetBit(GetRegisterOhneBank(index), bit, wert));
private void SetRegister(uint index, uint bit, bool wert)
SetRegister(index, SetBit(GetRegister(index), bit, wert));
public bool GetRegisterOhneBank(uint index, uint bit)
return GetBit(GetRegisterOhneBank(index), bit);
public static bool AdditionDigitCarry(byte a, byte b)
a &= 0x0F;
b &= 0x0F;
return (a + b) > 0x0F;
public static bool SubtractionDigitCarry(byte a, byte b)
int xa = a & 0x0F;
int xb = ((~b) & 0x0F);
return (xa + xb) > 0x0F;
public static bool GetBit(byte val, uint pos)
return (val & SHL(1, pos)) != 0;
public static uint SHL(uint val, uint steps)
return (uint)((val) << ((int)steps));
public static uint SHR(uint val, uint steps)
return (uint)((val) >> ((int)steps));
public static byte SetBit(byte val, uint pos, bool bit)
return (byte)(bit ? (val | SHL(1, pos)) : (val & ~SHL(1, pos)));
public void Reset()
Register = new byte[0x100];
Latch_RA = 0;
Latch_RB = 0;
Register_W = 0;
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_PCL, 0x00);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_STATUS, 0x18);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_PCLATH, 0x00);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_INTCON, 0x00);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_OPTION, 0xFF);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_TRIS_A, 0x1F);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_TRIS_B, 0xFF);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_EECON1, 0x00);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_EECON2, 0x00);
PCCounter = 0;
public void TimerInterrupt()
if (!GetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_INTCON, INTCON_BIT_GIE)) return;
if (!GetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_INTCON, INTCON_BIT_T0IE)) return;
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_INTCON, INTCON_BIT_T0IF, true);
SetRegisterOhneBank(ADDR_INTCON, INTCON_BIT_GIE, false);