2023-05-28 13:39:20 +02:00
package handler
import (
// CreateUser swaggerdoc
// @Summary Create a new user
// @ID api-user-create
// @Tags API-v2
// @Param post_body body handler.CreateUser.body false " "
// @Success 200 {object} models.UserJSONWithClientsAndKeys
// @Failure 400 {object} ginresp.apiError "supplied values/parameters cannot be parsed / are invalid"
// @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.apiError "internal server error"
// @Router /api/v2/users [POST]
func (h APIHandler) CreateUser(g *gin.Context) ginresp.HTTPResponse {
type body struct {
FCMToken string `json:"fcm_token"`
ProToken *string `json:"pro_token"`
Username *string `json:"username"`
AgentModel string `json:"agent_model"`
AgentVersion string `json:"agent_version"`
ClientType string `json:"client_type"`
NoClient bool `json:"no_client"`
var b body
ctx, errResp := h.app.StartRequest(g, nil, nil, &b, nil)
if errResp != nil {
return *errResp
defer ctx.Cancel()
var clientType models.ClientType
if !b.NoClient {
if b.FCMToken == "" {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.INVALID_CLIENTTYPE, "Missing FCMToken", nil)
if b.AgentVersion == "" {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.INVALID_CLIENTTYPE, "Missing AgentVersion", nil)
if b.ClientType == "" {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.INVALID_CLIENTTYPE, "Missing ClientType", nil)
if b.ClientType == string(models.ClientTypeAndroid) {
clientType = models.ClientTypeAndroid
} else if b.ClientType == string(models.ClientTypeIOS) {
clientType = models.ClientTypeIOS
} else {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.BINDFAIL_BODY_PARAM, "Invalid ClientType", nil)
if b.ProToken != nil {
ptok, err := h.app.VerifyProToken(ctx, *b.ProToken)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.FAILED_VERIFY_PRO_TOKEN, "Failed to query purchase status", err)
if !ptok {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.INVALID_PRO_TOKEN, "Purchase token could not be verified", nil)
readKey := h.app.GenerateRandomAuthKey()
sendKey := h.app.GenerateRandomAuthKey()
adminKey := h.app.GenerateRandomAuthKey()
err := h.database.ClearFCMTokens(ctx, b.FCMToken)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to clear existing fcm tokens", err)
if b.ProToken != nil {
err := h.database.ClearProTokens(ctx, *b.ProToken)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to clear existing pro tokens", err)
username := b.Username
if username != nil {
username = langext.Ptr(h.app.NormalizeUsername(*username))
userobj, err := h.database.CreateUser(ctx, b.ProToken, username)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to create user in db", err)
_, err = h.database.CreateKeyToken(ctx, "AdminKey (default)", userobj.UserID, true, make([]models.ChannelID, 0), models.TokenPermissionList{models.PermAdmin}, adminKey)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to create admin-key in db", err)
_, err = h.database.CreateKeyToken(ctx, "SendKey (default)", userobj.UserID, true, make([]models.ChannelID, 0), models.TokenPermissionList{models.PermChannelSend}, sendKey)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to create send-key in db", err)
_, err = h.database.CreateKeyToken(ctx, "ReadKey (default)", userobj.UserID, true, make([]models.ChannelID, 0), models.TokenPermissionList{models.PermUserRead, models.PermChannelRead}, readKey)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to create read-key in db", err)
if b.NoClient {
return ctx.FinishSuccess(ginresp.JSON(http.StatusOK, userobj.JSONWithClients(make([]models.Client, 0), adminKey, sendKey, readKey)))
} else {
err := h.database.DeleteClientsByFCM(ctx, b.FCMToken)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to delete existing clients in db", err)
client, err := h.database.CreateClient(ctx, userobj.UserID, clientType, b.FCMToken, b.AgentModel, b.AgentVersion)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to create client in db", err)
return ctx.FinishSuccess(ginresp.JSON(http.StatusOK, userobj.JSONWithClients([]models.Client{client}, adminKey, sendKey, readKey)))
// GetUser swaggerdoc
// @Summary Get a user
// @ID api-user-get
// @Tags API-v2
2023-05-28 17:04:44 +02:00
// @Param uid path string true "UserID"
2023-05-28 13:39:20 +02:00
// @Success 200 {object} models.UserJSON
// @Failure 400 {object} ginresp.apiError "supplied values/parameters cannot be parsed / are invalid"
// @Failure 401 {object} ginresp.apiError "user is not authorized / has missing permissions"
// @Failure 404 {object} ginresp.apiError "user not found"
// @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.apiError "internal server error"
// @Router /api/v2/users/{uid} [GET]
func (h APIHandler) GetUser(g *gin.Context) ginresp.HTTPResponse {
type uri struct {
UserID models.UserID `uri:"uid" binding:"entityid"`
var u uri
ctx, errResp := h.app.StartRequest(g, &u, nil, nil, nil)
if errResp != nil {
return *errResp
defer ctx.Cancel()
if permResp := ctx.CheckPermissionUserRead(u.UserID); permResp != nil {
return *permResp
user, err := h.database.GetUser(ctx, u.UserID)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 404, apierr.USER_NOT_FOUND, "User not found", err)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to query user", err)
return ctx.FinishSuccess(ginresp.JSON(http.StatusOK, user.JSON()))
// UpdateUser swaggerdoc
// @Summary (Partially) update a user
// @Description The body-values are optional, only send the ones you want to update
// @ID api-user-update
// @Tags API-v2
// @Param uid path int true "UserID"
// @Param username body string false "Change the username (send an empty string to clear it)"
// @Param pro_token body string false "Send a verification of premium purchase"
// @Success 200 {object} models.UserJSON
// @Failure 400 {object} ginresp.apiError "supplied values/parameters cannot be parsed / are invalid"
// @Failure 401 {object} ginresp.apiError "user is not authorized / has missing permissions"
// @Failure 404 {object} ginresp.apiError "user not found"
// @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.apiError "internal server error"
// @Router /api/v2/users/{uid} [PATCH]
func (h APIHandler) UpdateUser(g *gin.Context) ginresp.HTTPResponse {
type uri struct {
UserID models.UserID `uri:"uid" binding:"entityid"`
type body struct {
Username *string `json:"username"`
ProToken *string `json:"pro_token"`
var u uri
var b body
ctx, errResp := h.app.StartRequest(g, &u, nil, &b, nil)
if errResp != nil {
return *errResp
defer ctx.Cancel()
if permResp := ctx.CheckPermissionUserAdmin(u.UserID); permResp != nil {
return *permResp
if b.Username != nil {
username := langext.Ptr(h.app.NormalizeUsername(*b.Username))
if *username == "" {
username = nil
err := h.database.UpdateUserUsername(ctx, u.UserID, username)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to update user", err)
if b.ProToken != nil {
if *b.ProToken == "" {
err := h.database.UpdateUserProToken(ctx, u.UserID, nil)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to update user", err)
} else {
ptok, err := h.app.VerifyProToken(ctx, *b.ProToken)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.FAILED_VERIFY_PRO_TOKEN, "Failed to query purchase status", err)
if !ptok {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.INVALID_PRO_TOKEN, "Purchase token could not be verified", nil)
err = h.database.ClearProTokens(ctx, *b.ProToken)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to clear existing fcm tokens", err)
err = h.database.UpdateUserProToken(ctx, u.UserID, b.ProToken)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to update user", err)
user, err := h.database.GetUser(ctx, u.UserID)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to query (updated) user", err)
return ctx.FinishSuccess(ginresp.JSON(http.StatusOK, user.JSON()))