TODO ======== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - migration script for existing data - app-store link in HTML - route to re-check all pro-token (for me) - tests (!) - deploy - diff my currently used scnsend script vs the one in the docs here - Pagination for ListChannels / ListSubscriptions / ListClients / ListChannelSubscriptions / ListUserSubscriptions - cannot open sqlite in dbbrowsr (cannot parse schema?) -> -> - (?) use str-ids (also prevents wrong-joins) -> see psycho -> how does it work with existing data? (do i care, there are only 2 active users... (are there?)) - error logging as goroutine, get sall errors via channel, (channel buffered - nonblocking send, second channel that gets a message when sender failed ) (then all errors end up in _second_ sqlite table) due to message channel etc everything is non blocking and cant fail in main - request logging (log all requests with body response, exitcode, headers, uri, route, userid, ..., tx-retries, etc), (trim body/response if too big?) - jobs to clear requests-db and logs-db after to only keep X entries... -> logs and request-logging into their own sqlite files (sqlite-files are prepped) - /send endpoint should be compatible with the [ webhook ] notifier of uptime-kuma (or add another /kuma endpoint) -> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - in my script: use `srvname` for sendername ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (?) default-priority for channels - (?) ack/read deliveries && return ack-count (? or not, how to query?) - (?) "login" on website and list/search/filter messages - (?) make channels deleteable (soft-delete) (what do with messages in channel?) - (?) desktop client for notifications