package ginresp import ( scn "" "" "" "errors" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "math/rand" "runtime/debug" "time" ) type WHandlerFunc func(*gin.Context) HTTPResponse type RequestLogAcceptor interface { InsertRequestLog(data models.RequestLog) } func Wrap(rlacc RequestLogAcceptor, fn WHandlerFunc) gin.HandlerFunc { maxRetry := scn.Conf.RequestMaxRetry retrySleep := scn.Conf.RequestRetrySleep return func(g *gin.Context) { reqctx := g.Request.Context() if g.Request.Body != nil { g.Request.Body = dataext.NewBufferedReadCloser(g.Request.Body) } t0 := time.Now() for ctr := 1; ; ctr++ { wrap, stackTrace, panicObj := callPanicSafe(fn, g) if panicObj != nil { log.Error().Interface("panicObj", panicObj).Msg("Panic occured (in gin handler)") log.Error().Msg(stackTrace) wrap = APIError(g, 500, apierr.PANIC, "A panic occured in the HTTP handler", errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%+v\n\n@:\n%s", panicObj, stackTrace))) } if g.Writer.Written() { if scn.Conf.ReqLogEnabled { rlacc.InsertRequestLog(createRequestLog(g, t0, ctr, nil, langext.Ptr("Writing in WrapperFunc is not supported"))) } panic("Writing in WrapperFunc is not supported") } if ctr < maxRetry && isSqlite3Busy(wrap) { log.Warn().Int("counter", ctr).Str("url", g.Request.URL.String()).Msg("Retry request (ErrBusy)") err := resetBody(g) if err != nil { panic(err) } time.Sleep(time.Duration(int64(float64(retrySleep) * (0.5 + rand.Float64())))) continue } if reqctx.Err() == nil { if scn.Conf.ReqLogEnabled { rlacc.InsertRequestLog(createRequestLog(g, t0, ctr, wrap, nil)) } statuscode := wrap.Statuscode() if statuscode/100 != 2 { log.Warn().Str("url", g.Request.Method+"::"+g.Request.URL.String()).Msg(fmt.Sprintf("Request failed with statuscode %d", statuscode)) } wrap.Write(g) } return } } } func createRequestLog(g *gin.Context, t0 time.Time, ctr int, resp HTTPResponse, panicstr *string) models.RequestLog { t1 := time.Now() ua := g.Request.UserAgent() auth := g.Request.Header.Get("Authorization") ct := g.Request.Header.Get("Content-Type") var reqbody []byte = nil if g.Request.Body != nil { brcbody, err := g.Request.Body.(dataext.BufferedReadCloser).BufferedAll() if err == nil { reqbody = brcbody } } var strreqbody *string = nil if len(reqbody) < scn.Conf.ReqLogMaxBodySize { strreqbody = langext.Ptr(string(reqbody)) } var respbody *string = nil var strrespbody *string = nil if resp != nil { respbody = resp.BodyString() if respbody != nil && len(*respbody) < scn.Conf.ReqLogMaxBodySize { strrespbody = respbody } } permObj, hasPerm := g.Get("perm") hasTok := false if hasPerm { hasTok = permObj.(models.PermissionSet).Token != nil } return models.RequestLog{ Method: g.Request.Method, URI: g.Request.URL.String(), UserAgent: langext.Conditional(ua == "", nil, &ua), Authentication: langext.Conditional(auth == "", nil, &auth), RequestBody: strreqbody, RequestBodySize: int64(len(reqbody)), RequestContentType: ct, RemoteIP: g.RemoteIP(), KeyID: langext.ConditionalFn10(hasTok, func() *models.KeyTokenID { return langext.Ptr(permObj.(models.PermissionSet).Token.KeyTokenID) }, nil), UserID: langext.ConditionalFn10(hasTok, func() *models.UserID { return langext.Ptr(permObj.(models.PermissionSet).Token.OwnerUserID) }, nil), Permissions: langext.ConditionalFn10(hasTok, func() *string { return langext.Ptr(permObj.(models.PermissionSet).Token.Permissions.String()) }, nil), ResponseStatuscode: langext.ConditionalFn10(resp != nil, func() *int64 { return langext.Ptr(int64(resp.Statuscode())) }, nil), ResponseBodySize: langext.ConditionalFn10(strrespbody != nil, func() *int64 { return langext.Ptr(int64(len(*respbody))) }, nil), ResponseBody: strrespbody, ResponseContentType: langext.ConditionalFn10(resp != nil, func() string { return resp.ContentType() }, ""), RetryCount: int64(ctr), Panicked: panicstr != nil, PanicStr: panicstr, ProcessingTime: t1.Sub(t0), TimestampStart: t0, TimestampFinish: t1, } } func callPanicSafe(fn WHandlerFunc, g *gin.Context) (res HTTPResponse, stackTrace string, panicObj any) { defer func() { if rec := recover(); rec != nil { res = nil stackTrace = string(debug.Stack()) panicObj = rec } }() res = fn(g) return res, "", nil } func resetBody(g *gin.Context) error { if g.Request.Body == nil { return nil } err := g.Request.Body.(dataext.BufferedReadCloser).Reset() if err != nil { return err } return nil } func isSqlite3Busy(r HTTPResponse) bool { if errwrap, ok := r.(*errorHTTPResponse); ok && errwrap != nil { if errors.Is(errwrap.error, sqlite3.ErrBusy) { return true } var s3err sqlite3.Error if errors.As(errwrap.error, &s3err) { if errors.Is(s3err.Code, sqlite3.ErrBusy) { return true } } } return false }