package handler import ( "" "" primarydb "" "" "" "fmt" "" "" "net/http" "time" ) type ExternalHandler struct { app *logic.Application database *primarydb.Database } func NewExternalHandler(app *logic.Application) ExternalHandler { return ExternalHandler{ app: app, database: app.Database.Primary, } } // UptimeKuma swaggerdoc // // @Summary Send a new message // @Description All parameter can be set via query-parameter or the json body. Only UserID, UserKey and Title are required // @Tags External // // @Param query_data query handler.UptimeKuma.query false " " // @Param post_body body handler.UptimeKuma.body false " " // // @Success 200 {object} handler.UptimeKuma.response // @Failure 400 {object} ginresp.apiError // @Failure 401 {object} ginresp.apiError "The user_id was not found or the user_key is wrong" // @Failure 403 {object} ginresp.apiError "The user has exceeded its daily quota - wait 24 hours or upgrade your account" // @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.apiError "An internal server error occurred - try again later" // // @Router /external/v1/uptime-kuma [POST] func (h ExternalHandler) UptimeKuma(pctx ginext.PreContext) ginext.HTTPResponse { type query struct { UserID *models.UserID `form:"user_id" example:"7725"` KeyToken *string `form:"key" example:"P3TNH8mvv14fm"` Channel *string `form:"channel"` ChannelUp *string `form:"channel_up"` ChannelDown *string `form:"channel_down"` Priority *int `form:"priority"` PriorityUp *int `form:"priority_up"` PriorityDown *int `form:"priority_down"` SenderName *string `form:"senderName"` } type body struct { Heartbeat *struct { Time string `json:"time"` Status int `json:"status"` Msg string `json:"msg"` Timezone string `json:"timezone"` TimezoneOffset string `json:"timezoneOffset"` LocalDateTime string `json:"localDateTime"` } `json:"heartbeat"` Monitor *struct { Name string `json:"name"` Url *string `json:"url"` } `json:"monitor"` Msg *string `json:"msg"` } type response struct { MessageID models.MessageID `json:"message_id"` } var b body var q query ctx, httpErr :=, nil, &q, &b, nil) if httpErr != nil { return *httpErr } defer ctx.Cancel() if b.Heartbeat == nil { return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.BINDFAIL_BODY_PARAM, "missing field 'heartbeat' in request body", nil) } if b.Monitor == nil { return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.BINDFAIL_BODY_PARAM, "missing field 'monitor' in request body", nil) } if b.Msg == nil { return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.BINDFAIL_BODY_PARAM, "missing field 'msg' in request body", nil) } title := langext.Conditional(b.Heartbeat.Status == 1, fmt.Sprintf("Monitor %v is back online", b.Monitor.Name), fmt.Sprintf("Monitor %v went down!", b.Monitor.Name)) content := b.Heartbeat.Msg var timestamp *float64 = nil if tz, err := time.LoadLocation(b.Heartbeat.Timezone); err == nil { if ts, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", b.Heartbeat.LocalDateTime, tz); err == nil { timestamp = langext.Ptr(float64(ts.Unix())) } } var channel *string = nil if q.Channel != nil { channel = q.Channel } if q.ChannelUp != nil && b.Heartbeat.Status == 1 { channel = q.ChannelUp } if q.ChannelDown != nil && b.Heartbeat.Status != 1 { channel = q.ChannelDown } var priority *int = nil if q.Priority != nil { priority = q.Priority } if q.PriorityUp != nil && b.Heartbeat.Status == 1 { priority = q.PriorityUp } if q.PriorityDown != nil && b.Heartbeat.Status != 1 { priority = q.PriorityDown } okResp, errResp :=, ctx, q.UserID, q.KeyToken, channel, &title, &content, priority, nil, timestamp, q.SenderName) if errResp != nil { return *errResp } return ctx.FinishSuccess(ginext.JSON(http.StatusOK, response{ MessageID: okResp.Message.MessageID, })) }