package handler import ( "" "" "" "" "" "bytes" "errors" "" "" "" "" "" "net/http" "time" ) type CommonHandler struct { app *logic.Application } func NewCommonHandler(app *logic.Application) CommonHandler { return CommonHandler{ app: app, } } type pingResponse struct { Message string `json:"message"` Info pingResponseInfo `json:"info"` } type pingResponseInfo struct { Method string `json:"method"` Request string `json:"request"` Headers map[string][]string `json:"headers"` URI string `json:"uri"` Address string `json:"addr"` } // Ping swaggerdoc // // @Summary Simple endpoint to test connection (any http method) // @Tags Common // // @Success 200 {object} pingResponse // @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.apiError // // @Router /api/ping [get] // @Router /api/ping [post] // @Router /api/ping [put] // @Router /api/ping [delete] // @Router /api/ping [patch] func (h CommonHandler) Ping(pctx ginext.PreContext) ginext.HTTPResponse { ctx, g, errResp := pctx.Start() if errResp != nil { return *errResp } defer ctx.Cancel() return, g, models.TLockRead, func(ctx *logic.AppContext, finishSuccess func(r ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) _, _ = buf.ReadFrom(g.Request.Body) resuestBody := buf.String() return ginext.JSON(http.StatusOK, pingResponse{ Message: "Pong", Info: pingResponseInfo{ Method: g.Request.Method, Request: resuestBody, Headers: g.Request.Header, URI: g.Request.RequestURI, Address: g.Request.RemoteAddr, }, }) }) } // DatabaseTest swaggerdoc // // @Summary Check for a working database connection // @ID api-common-dbtest // @Tags Common // // @Success 200 {object} handler.DatabaseTest.response // @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.apiError // // @Router /api/db-test [post] func (h CommonHandler) DatabaseTest(pctx ginext.PreContext) ginext.HTTPResponse { type response struct { Success bool `json:"success"` LibVersion string `json:"libVersion"` LibVersionNumber int `json:"libVersionNumber"` SourceID string `json:"sourceID"` } ctx, g, errResp := pctx.Start() if errResp != nil { return *errResp } defer ctx.Cancel() return, g, models.TLockRead, func(ctx *logic.AppContext, finishSuccess func(r ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse { libVersion, libVersionNumber, sourceID := sqlite3.Version() err := if err != nil { return ginresp.InternalError(err) } return ginext.JSON(http.StatusOK, response{ Success: true, LibVersion: libVersion, LibVersionNumber: libVersionNumber, SourceID: sourceID, }) }) } // Health swaggerdoc // // @Summary Server Health-checks // @ID api-common-health // @Tags Common // // @Success 200 {object} handler.Health.response // @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.apiError // // @Router /api/health [get] func (h CommonHandler) Health(pctx ginext.PreContext) ginext.HTTPResponse { type response struct { Status string `json:"status"` } ctx, g, errResp := pctx.Start() if errResp != nil { return *errResp } defer ctx.Cancel() return, g, models.TLockReadWrite, func(ctx *logic.AppContext, finishSuccess func(r ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse { _, libVersionNumber, _ := sqlite3.Version() if libVersionNumber < 3039000 { return ginresp.InternalError(errors.New("sqlite version too low")) } tctx := simplectx.CreateSimpleContext(ctx, nil) err := if err != nil { return ginresp.InternalError(err) } for _, subdb := range { uuidKey, _ := langext.NewHexUUID() uuidWrite, _ := langext.NewHexUUID() err = subdb.WriteMetaString(tctx, uuidKey, uuidWrite) if err != nil { return ginresp.InternalError(err) } uuidRead, err := subdb.ReadMetaString(tctx, uuidKey) if err != nil { return ginresp.InternalError(err) } if uuidRead == nil || uuidWrite != *uuidRead { return ginresp.InternalError(errors.New("writing into DB was not consistent")) } err = subdb.DeleteMeta(tctx, uuidKey) if err != nil { return ginresp.InternalError(err) } } return ginext.JSON(http.StatusOK, response{Status: "ok"}) }) } // Sleep swaggerdoc // // @Summary Return 200 after x seconds // @ID api-common-sleep // @Tags Common // // @Param secs path number true "sleep delay (in seconds)" // // @Success 200 {object} handler.Sleep.response // @Failure 400 {object} ginresp.apiError // @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.apiError // // @Router /api/sleep/{secs} [post] func (h CommonHandler) Sleep(pctx ginext.PreContext) ginext.HTTPResponse { type uri struct { Seconds float64 `uri:"secs"` } type response struct { Start string `json:"start"` End string `json:"end"` Duration float64 `json:"duration"` } ctx, g, errResp := pctx.Start() if errResp != nil { return *errResp } defer ctx.Cancel() return, g, models.TLockRead, func(ctx *logic.AppContext, finishSuccess func(r ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse { t0 := time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano) var u uri if err := g.ShouldBindUri(&u); err != nil { return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.BINDFAIL_URI_PARAM, "Failed to read uri", err) } time.Sleep(timeext.FromSeconds(u.Seconds)) t1 := time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano) return ginext.JSON(http.StatusOK, response{ Start: t0, End: t1, Duration: u.Seconds, }) }) } func (h CommonHandler) NoRoute(pctx ginext.PreContext) ginext.HTTPResponse { ctx, g, errResp := pctx.Start() if errResp != nil { return *errResp } defer ctx.Cancel() return, g, models.TLockRead, func(ctx *logic.AppContext, finishSuccess func(r ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse { return ginext.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{ "": "================ ROUTE NOT FOUND ================", "FullPath": g.FullPath(), "Method": g.Request.Method, "URL": g.Request.URL.String(), "RequestURI": g.Request.RequestURI, "Proto": g.Request.Proto, "Header": g.Request.Header, "~": "================ ROUTE NOT FOUND ================", }) }) }