#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Call with `scn_send title` # or `scn_send title content` # or `scn_send title content priority` # # if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then echo "no title supplied via parameter" exit 1 fi ################################################################################ # INSERT YOUR DATA HERE # ################################################################################ user_id=999 user_key="????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????" ################################################################################ title=$1 content="" if [ "$#" -gt 1 ]; then content=$2 fi priority=1 if [ "$#" -gt 2 ]; then priority=$3 fi usr_msg_id=$(uuidgen) while true ; do curlresp=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" \ -d "user_id=$user_id" -d "user_key=$user_key" -d "title=$title" \ -d "content=$content" -d "priority=$priority" -d "msg_id=$usr_msg_id" \ https://scn.blackforestbytes.com/send.php) if [ "$curlresp" == 200 ] ; then echo "Successfully send" exit 0 fi if [ "$curlresp" == 400 ] ; then echo "Bad request - something went wrong" exit 1 fi if [ "$curlresp" == 401 ] ; then echo "Unauthorized - wrong userid/userkey" exit 1 fi if [ "$curlresp" == 403 ] ; then echo "Quota exceeded - wait one hour before re-try" sleep 3600 fi if [ "$curlresp" == 412 ] ; then echo "Precondition Failed - No device linked" exit 1 fi if [ "$curlresp" == 500 ] ; then echo "Internal server error - waiting for better times" sleep 60 fi # if none of the above matched we probably hav no network ... echo "Send failed (response code $curlresp) ... try again in 5s" sleep 5 done