package util import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "" "math" "reflect" "runtime/debug" "strings" "testing" ) func AssertJsonMapEqual(t *testing.T, key string, expected map[string]any, actual map[string]any) { mkeys := make(map[string]string) for k := range expected { mkeys[k] = k } for k := range actual { mkeys[k] = k } for mapkey := range mkeys { if _, ok := expected[mapkey]; !ok { TestFailFmt(t, "Missing Key expected['%s'] ( assertJsonMapEqual[%s] )", mapkey, key) } if _, ok := actual[mapkey]; !ok { TestFailFmt(t, "Missing Key actual['%s'] ( assertJsonMapEqual[%s] )", mapkey, key) } AssertEqual(t, key+"."+mapkey, expected[mapkey], actual[mapkey]) } } func AssertEqual(t *testing.T, key string, expected any, actual any) { // try to fix types, kinda hacky, but its only unit tests... switch vex := expected.(type) { case int: switch vac := actual.(type) { case int: // same case int32: expected = int64(vex) actual = int64(vac) case int64: expected = int64(vex) case float32: if IsWholeFloat(vac) { expected = int64(vex) actual = int64(vac) } case float64: if IsWholeFloat(vac) { expected = int64(vex) actual = int64(vac) } } case int32: switch vac := actual.(type) { case int: expected = int64(vex) actual = int64(vac) case int32: // same case int64: expected = int64(vex) case float32: if IsWholeFloat(vac) { expected = int64(vex) actual = int64(vac) } case float64: if IsWholeFloat(vac) { expected = int64(vex) actual = int64(vac) } } case int64: switch vac := actual.(type) { case int: actual = int64(vac) case int32: actual = int64(vac) case int64: // same case float32: if IsWholeFloat(vac) { actual = int64(vac) } case float64: if IsWholeFloat(vac) { actual = int64(vac) } } case float32: switch vac := actual.(type) { case int: if IsWholeFloat(vex) { expected = int64(vex) actual = int64(vac) } case int32: if IsWholeFloat(vex) { expected = int64(vex) actual = int64(vac) } case int64: if IsWholeFloat(vex) { expected = int64(vex) } case float32: // same case float64: expected = float64(vex) } case float64: switch vac := actual.(type) { case int: if IsWholeFloat(vex) { expected = int64(vex) actual = int64(vac) } case int32: if IsWholeFloat(vex) { expected = int64(vex) actual = int64(vac) } case int64: if IsWholeFloat(vex) { expected = int64(vex) } case float32: actual = float64(vac) case float64: // same } } if langext.IsNil(expected) && langext.IsNil(actual) { return } if expected != actual { t.Errorf("Value [%s] differs (%T <-> %T):\n", key, expected, actual) strExp := fmt.Sprintf("%v", expected) strAct := fmt.Sprintf("%v", actual) if strings.Contains(strAct, "\n") { t.Errorf("Actual:\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%v\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n", actual) } else { t.Errorf("Actual := \"%v\"\n", actual) } if strings.Contains(strExp, "\n") { t.Errorf("Expected:\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%v\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n", expected) } else { t.Errorf("Expected := \"%v\"\n", expected) } t.Error(string(debug.Stack())) t.FailNow() } } func AssertTrue(t *testing.T, key string, v bool) { if !v { t.Errorf("AssertTrue(%s) failed", key) t.Error(string(debug.Stack())) t.FailNow() } } func AssertNotDefault[T comparable](t *testing.T, key string, v T) { if v == *new(T) { t.Errorf("AssertNotDefault(%s) failed", key) t.Error(ljson(v)) t.Error(string(debug.Stack())) t.FailNow() } } func AssertNotDefaultAny[T any](t *testing.T, key string, v T) { if ljson(v) == ljson(*new(T)) { t.Errorf("AssertNotDefault(%s) failed", key) t.Error(ljson(v)) t.Error(string(debug.Stack())) t.FailNow() } } func AssertNotEqual(t *testing.T, key string, expected any, actual any) { if expected == actual || (langext.IsNil(expected) && langext.IsNil(actual)) { t.Errorf("Value [%s] does not differ (%T <-> %T):\n", key, expected, actual) str1 := fmt.Sprintf("%v", expected) str2 := fmt.Sprintf("%v", actual) if strings.Contains(str1, "\n") { t.Errorf("Actual:\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%v\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n", expected) } else { t.Errorf("Actual := \"%v\"\n", expected) } if strings.Contains(str2, "\n") { t.Errorf("Not Expected:\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%v\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n", actual) } else { t.Errorf("Not Expected := \"%v\"\n", actual) } t.Error(string(debug.Stack())) t.FailNow() } } func AssertStrRepEqual(t *testing.T, key string, expected any, actual any) { strExp := fmt.Sprintf("%v", unpointer(expected)) strAct := fmt.Sprintf("%v", unpointer(actual)) if strAct != strExp { t.Errorf("Value [%s] differs (%T <-> %T):\n", key, expected, actual) if strings.Contains(strAct, "\n") { t.Errorf("Actual:\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%v\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n", strAct) } else { t.Errorf("Actual := \"%v\"\n", strAct) } if strings.Contains(strExp, "\n") { t.Errorf("Expected:\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%v\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n", strExp) } else { t.Errorf("Expected := \"%v\"\n", strExp) } t.Error(string(debug.Stack())) t.FailNow() } } func AssertNotStrRepEqual(t *testing.T, key string, expected any, actual any) { strExp := fmt.Sprintf("%v", unpointer(expected)) strAct := fmt.Sprintf("%v", unpointer(actual)) if strAct == strExp { t.Errorf("Value [%s] does not differ (%T <-> %T):\n", key, expected, actual) if strings.Contains(strAct, "\n") { t.Errorf("Actual:\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%v\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n", strAct) } else { t.Errorf("Actual := \"%v\"\n", strAct) } if strings.Contains(strExp, "\n") { t.Errorf("Expected:\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%v\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n", strExp) } else { t.Errorf("Expected := \"%v\"\n", strExp) } t.Error(string(debug.Stack())) t.FailNow() } } func TestFail(t *testing.T, msg string) { t.Error(msg) t.Error(string(debug.Stack())) t.FailNow() } func TestFailFmt(t *testing.T, format string, args ...any) { t.Errorf(format, args...) t.Error(string(debug.Stack())) t.FailNow() } func TestFailErr(t *testing.T, e error) { t.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed with error:\n%s\n\nError:\n%+v\n\nTrace:\n%s", e.Error(), e, string(debug.Stack()))) t.Error(string(debug.Stack())) t.FailNow() } func TestFailIfErr(t *testing.T, e error) { if e != nil { TestFailErr(t, e) } } func AssertArrAny[T any](t *testing.T, key string, arr []T, fn func(T) bool) { if !langext.ArrAny(arr, fn) { t.Errorf("AssertArrAny(%s) failed", key) t.Error(string(debug.Stack())) t.FailNow() } } func AssertAny(v any) { // used to prevent golang "unused variable error" } func unpointer(v any) any { if v == nil { return v } val := reflect.ValueOf(v) if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { if val.IsNil() { return v } val = val.Elem() return unpointer(val.Interface()) } return v } func AssertMultiNonEmpty(t *testing.T, key string, args ...any) { for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ { reflval := reflect.ValueOf(args[i]) if args[i] == nil || reflval.IsZero() { t.Errorf("Value %s[%d] is empty (AssertMultiNonEmpty)", key, i) t.FailNow() } } } func AssertMappedSet[T langext.OrderedConstraint](t *testing.T, key string, expected []T, values []gin.H, objkey string) { actual := make([]T, 0) for idx, vv := range values { if tv, ok := vv[objkey].(T); ok { actual = append(actual, tv) } else { TestFailFmt(t, "[%s]->[%d] is wrong type (expected: %T, actual: %T)", key, idx, *new(T), vv) } } langext.Sort(actual) langext.Sort(expected) if !langext.ArrEqualsExact(actual, expected) { t.Errorf("Value [%s] differs (%T <-> %T):\n", key, expected, actual) t.Errorf("Actual := [%v]\n", ljson(actual)) t.Errorf("Expected := [%v]\n", ljson(expected)) t.Error(string(debug.Stack())) t.FailNow() } } func AssertMappedArr[T langext.OrderedConstraint](t *testing.T, key string, expected []T, values []gin.H, objkey string) { actual := make([]T, 0) for idx, vv := range values { if tv, ok := vv[objkey].(T); ok { actual = append(actual, tv) } else { TestFailFmt(t, "[%s]->[%d] is wrong type (expected: %T, actual: %T)", key, idx, *new(T), vv) } } if !langext.ArrEqualsExact(actual, expected) { t.Errorf("Value [%s] differs (%T <-> %T):\n", key, expected, actual) t.Errorf("Actual := [%v]\n", actual) t.Errorf("Expected := [%v]\n", expected) t.Error(string(debug.Stack())) t.FailNow() } } func IsWholeFloat[T langext.FloatConstraint](v T) bool { _, frac := math.Modf(math.Abs(float64(v))) return frac == 0.0 } func ljson(v any) string { b, _ := json.Marshal(v) return string(b) }