#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Wrapper around SCN ( https://simplecloudnotifier.de/ ) # ====================================================== # # ./scn_send [@channel] title [content] [priority] # # # Call with scn_send "${title}" # or scn_send "${title}" ${content}" # or scn_send "${title}" ${content}" "${priority:0|1|2}" # or scn_send "@${channel} "${title}" # or scn_send "@${channel} "${title}" ${content}" # or scn_send "@${channel} "${title}" ${content}" "${priority:0|1|2}" # # content can be of format "--scnsend-read-body-from-file={path}" to read body from file # (this circumvents max commandline length) # ################################################################################ usage() { echo "Usage: " echo " scn_send [@channel] title [content] [priority]" echo "" } function cfgcol { [ -t 1 ] && [ -n "$(tput colors)" ] && [ "$(tput colors)" -ge 8 ]; } function rederr() { if cfgcol; then >&2 echo -e "\x1B[31m$1\x1B[0m"; else >&2 echo "$1"; fi; } function green() { if cfgcol; then echo -e "\x1B[32m$1\x1B[0m"; else echo "$1"; fi; } ################################################################################ # # Get env 'SCN_UID' and 'SCN_KEY' from conf file # # shellcheck source=/dev/null . "/etc/scn.conf" SCN_UID=${SCN_UID:-} SCN_KEY=${SCN_KEY:-} [ -z "${SCN_UID}" ] && { rederr "Missing config value 'SCN_UID' in /etc/scn.conf"; exit 1; } [ -z "${SCN_KEY}" ] && { rederr "Missing config value 'SCN_KEY' in /etc/scn.conf"; exit 1; } ################################################################################ args=( "$@" ) title="" content="" channel="" priority="" usr_msg_id="$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 32)" sendtime="$(date +%s)" sender="$(hostname)" if command -v srvname &> /dev/null; then sender="$( srvname )" fi if [[ "${args[0]}" = "--" ]]; then # only positional args form here on (currently not handled) args=("${args[@]:1}") fi if [ ${#args[@]} -lt 1 ]; then rederr "[ERROR]: no title supplied via parameter" usage exit 1 fi if [[ "${args[0]}" =~ ^@.* ]]; then channel="${args[0]}" args=("${args[@]:1}") channel="${channel:1}" fi if [ ${#args[@]} -lt 1 ]; then rederr "[ERROR]: no title supplied via parameter" usage exit 1 fi title="${args[0]}" args=("${args[@]:1}") content="" filecontent="" if [ ${#args[@]} -gt 0 ]; then content="${args[0]}" args=("${args[@]:1}") fi if [ ${#args[@]} -gt 0 ]; then priority="${args[0]}" args=("${args[@]:1}") fi if [ ${#args[@]} -gt 0 ]; then rederr "Too many arguments to scn_send" usage exit 1 fi if [[ "$content" == --scnsend-read-body-from-file=* ]]; then path="$( awk '{ print substr($0, 31) }' <<< "$content" )" filecontent="$path" content="" fi curlparams=() curlparams+=( "--data-urlencode" "user_id=${SCN_UID}" ) curlparams+=( "--data-urlencode" "key=${SCN_KEY}" ) curlparams+=( "--data-urlencode" "title=$title" ) curlparams+=( "--data-urlencode" "timestamp=$sendtime" ) curlparams+=( "--data-urlencode" "msg_id=$usr_msg_id" ) if [[ -n "$content" ]]; then curlparams+=("--data-urlencode" "content=$content") fi if [[ -n "$filecontent" && -z "$content" ]]; then curlparams+=("--data-urlencode" "content@$filecontent") fi if [[ -n "$priority" ]]; then curlparams+=("--data-urlencode" "priority=$priority") fi if [[ -n "$channel" ]]; then curlparams+=("--data-urlencode" "channel=$channel") fi if [[ -n "$sender" ]]; then curlparams+=("--data-urlencode" "sender_name=$sender") fi while true ; do outf="$(mktemp)" curlresp=$(curl --silent \ --output "${outf}" \ --write-out "%{http_code}" \ "${curlparams[@]}" \ "https://simplecloudnotifier.de/" ) curlout="$(cat "$outf")" rm "$outf" if [ "$curlresp" == 200 ] ; then green "Successfully send" exit 0 fi if [ "$curlresp" == 400 ] ; then rederr "Bad request - something went wrong" echo "$curlout" echo "" exit 1 fi if [ "$curlresp" == 401 ] ; then rederr "Unauthorized - wrong userid/userkey" exit 1 fi if [ "$curlresp" == 403 ] ; then rederr "Quota exceeded - wait 5 min before re-try" sleep 300 fi if [ "$curlresp" == 412 ] ; then rederr "Precondition Failed - No device linked" exit 1 fi if [ "$curlresp" == 500 ] ; then rederr "Internal server error - waiting for better times" sleep 60 fi # if none of the above matched we probably have no network ... rederr "Send failed (response code $curlresp) ... try again in 5s" sleep 5 done