package logic import ( "" "" "" "database/sql" "errors" "" "" ) func (ac *AppContext) CheckPermissionUserRead(userid models.UserID) *ginext.HTTPResponse { p := ac.permissions if p.Token != nil && p.Token.IsUserRead(userid) { return nil } return langext.Ptr(ginresp.APIError(ac.ginContext, 401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, "You are not authorized for this action", nil)) } func (ac *AppContext) CheckPermissionSelfAllMessagesRead() *ginext.HTTPResponse { p := ac.permissions if p.Token != nil && p.Token.IsAllMessagesRead(p.Token.OwnerUserID) { return nil } return langext.Ptr(ginresp.APIError(ac.ginContext, 401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, "You are not authorized for this action", nil)) } func (ac *AppContext) CheckPermissionAllMessagesRead(userid models.UserID) *ginext.HTTPResponse { p := ac.permissions if p.Token != nil && p.Token.IsAllMessagesRead(userid) { return nil } return langext.Ptr(ginresp.APIError(ac.ginContext, 401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, "You are not authorized for this action", nil)) } func (ac *AppContext) CheckPermissionChanMessagesRead(channel models.Channel) *ginext.HTTPResponse { p := ac.permissions if p.Token != nil && p.Token.IsChannelMessagesRead(channel.ChannelID) { if channel.OwnerUserID == p.Token.OwnerUserID { return nil // owned channel } else { sub, err :=, p.Token.OwnerUserID, channel.ChannelID) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return langext.Ptr(ginresp.APIError(ac.ginContext, 401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, "You are not authorized for this action", nil)) } if err != nil { return langext.Ptr(ginresp.APIError(ac.ginContext, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to query subscription", err)) } if sub == nil { return langext.Ptr(ginresp.APIError(ac.ginContext, 401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, "You are not authorized for this action (no subscription)", nil)) } if !sub.Confirmed { return langext.Ptr(ginresp.APIError(ac.ginContext, 401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, "You are not authorized for this action (subscription not confirmed)", nil)) } return nil // subscribed channel } } return langext.Ptr(ginresp.APIError(ac.ginContext, 401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, "You are not authorized for this action", nil)) } func (ac *AppContext) CheckPermissionUserAdmin(userid models.UserID) *ginext.HTTPResponse { p := ac.permissions if p.Token != nil && p.Token.IsAdmin(userid) { return nil } return langext.Ptr(ginresp.APIError(ac.ginContext, 401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, "You are not authorized for this action", nil)) } func (ac *AppContext) CheckPermissionSend(channel models.Channel, key string) (*models.KeyToken, *ginext.HTTPResponse) { keytok, err :=, key) if err != nil { return nil, langext.Ptr(ginresp.APIError(ac.ginContext, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to query token", err)) } if keytok == nil { return nil, langext.Ptr(ginresp.APIError(ac.ginContext, 401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, "You are not authorized for this action", nil)) } if keytok.IsChannelMessagesSend(channel) { return keytok, nil } return nil, langext.Ptr(ginresp.APIError(ac.ginContext, 401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, "You are not authorized for this action", nil)) } func (ac *AppContext) CheckPermissionMessageRead(msg models.Message) bool { p := ac.permissions if p.Token != nil && p.Token.IsChannelMessagesRead(msg.ChannelID) { return true } return false } func (ac *AppContext) CheckPermissionMessageDelete(msg models.Message) bool { p := ac.permissions if p.Token != nil && p.Token.IsAdmin(msg.SenderUserID) { return true } return false } func (ac *AppContext) CheckPermissionAny() *ginext.HTTPResponse { p := ac.permissions if p.Token == nil { return langext.Ptr(ginresp.APIError(ac.ginContext, 401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, "You are not authorized for this action", nil)) } return nil } func (ac *AppContext) GetPermissionUserID() *models.UserID { if ac.permissions.Token == nil { return nil } else { return langext.Ptr(ac.permissions.Token.OwnerUserID) } } func (ac *AppContext) GetPermissionKeyTokenID() *models.KeyTokenID { if ac.permissions.Token == nil { return nil } else { return langext.Ptr(ac.permissions.Token.KeyTokenID) } }