
249 lines
7.7 KiB

package handler
import (
type CompatHandler struct {
app *logic.Application
func NewCompatHandler(app *logic.Application) CompatHandler {
return CompatHandler{
app: app,
// Register swaggerdoc
// @Summary Register a new account
// @Param fcm_token query string true "the (android) fcm token"
// @Param pro query string true "if the user is a paid account" Enums(true, false)
// @Param pro_token query string true "the (android) IAP token"
// @Success 200 {object} handler.Register.response
// @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.internAPIError
// @Router /register.php [get]
func (h CompatHandler) Register(g *gin.Context) ginresp.HTTPResponse {
type query struct {
FCMToken string `form:"fcm_token"`
Pro string `form:"pro"`
ProToken string `form:"pro_token"`
type response struct {
Success string `json:"success"`
Message string `json:"message"`
UserID string `json:"user_id"`
UserKey string `json:"user_key"`
QuotaUsed string `json:"quota"`
QuotaMax string `json:"quota_max"`
IsPro string `json:"is_pro"`
return ginresp.NotImplemented(0)
// Info swaggerdoc
// @Summary Get information about the current user
// @Param user_id query string true "the user_id"
// @Param user_key query string true "the user_key"
// @Success 200 {object} handler.Info.response
// @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.internAPIError
// @Router /info.php [get]
func (h CompatHandler) Info(g *gin.Context) ginresp.HTTPResponse {
type query struct {
UserID string `form:"user_id"`
UserKey string `form:"user_key"`
type response struct {
Success string `json:"success"`
Message string `json:"message"`
UserID string `json:"user_id"`
UserKey string `json:"user_key"`
QuotaUsed string `json:"quota"`
QuotaMax string `json:"quota_max"`
IsPro string `json:"is_pro"`
FCMSet bool `json:"fcm_token_set"`
UnackCount int `json:"unack_count"`
return ginresp.NotImplemented(0)
// Ack swaggerdoc
// @Summary Acknowledge that a message was received
// @Param user_id query string true "the user_id"
// @Param user_key query string true "the user_key"
// @Param scn_msg_id query string true "the message id"
// @Success 200 {object} handler.Ack.response
// @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.internAPIError
// @Router /ack.php [get]
func (h CompatHandler) Ack(g *gin.Context) ginresp.HTTPResponse {
type query struct {
UserID string `form:"user_id"`
UserKey string `form:"user_key"`
MessageID string `form:"scn_msg_id"`
type response struct {
Success string `json:"success"`
Message string `json:"message"`
PrevAckValue int `json:"prev_ack"`
NewAckValue int `json:"new_ack"`
return ginresp.NotImplemented(0)
// Requery swaggerdoc
// @Summary Return all not-acknowledged messages
// @Param user_id query string true "the user_id"
// @Param user_key query string true "the user_key"
// @Success 200 {object} handler.Requery.response
// @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.internAPIError
// @Router /requery.php [get]
func (h CompatHandler) Requery(g *gin.Context) ginresp.HTTPResponse {
type query struct {
UserID string `form:"user_id"`
UserKey string `form:"user_key"`
type response struct {
Success string `json:"success"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Count int `json:"count"`
Data []models.CompatMessage `json:"data"`
return ginresp.NotImplemented(0)
// Update swaggerdoc
// @Summary Set the fcm-token (android)
// @Param user_id query string true "the user_id"
// @Param user_key query string true "the user_key"
// @Param fcm_token query string true "the (android) fcm token"
// @Success 200 {object} handler.Update.response
// @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.internAPIError
// @Router /update.php [get]
func (h CompatHandler) Update(g *gin.Context) ginresp.HTTPResponse {
type query struct {
UserID string `form:"user_id"`
UserKey string `form:"user_key"`
FCMToken string `form:"fcm_token"`
type response struct {
Success string `json:"success"`
Message string `json:"message"`
UserID string `json:"user_id"`
UserKey string `json:"user_key"`
QuotaUsed string `json:"quota"`
QuotaMax string `json:"quota_max"`
IsPro string `json:"is_pro"`
return ginresp.NotImplemented(0)
// Expand swaggerdoc
// @Summary Get a whole (potentially truncated) message
// @Success 200 {object} handler.Expand.response
// @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.internAPIError
// @Router /expand.php [get]
func (h CompatHandler) Expand(g *gin.Context) ginresp.HTTPResponse {
type query struct {
UserID string `form:"user_id"`
UserKey string `form:"user_key"`
MessageID string `form:"scn_msg_id"`
type response struct {
Success string `json:"success"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Data models.ShortCompatMessage `json:"data"`
return ginresp.NotImplemented(0)
// Upgrade swaggerdoc
// @Summary Upgrade a free account to a paid account
// @Param user_id query string true "the user_id"
// @Param user_key query string true "the user_key"
// @Param pro query string true "if the user is a paid account" Enums(true, false)
// @Param pro_token query string true "the (android) IAP token"
// @Success 200 {object} handler.Upgrade.response
// @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.internAPIError
// @Router /upgrade.php [get]
func (h CompatHandler) Upgrade(g *gin.Context) ginresp.HTTPResponse {
type query struct {
UserID string `form:"user_id"`
UserKey string `form:"user_key"`
Pro string `form:"pro"`
ProToken string `form:"pro_token"`
type response struct {
Success string `json:"success"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Data models.ShortCompatMessage `json:"data"`
return ginresp.NotImplemented(0)
// Send swaggerdoc
// @Summary Send a message
// @Description all aeguments can either be supplied in the query or in the json body
// @Param user_id query string true "the user_id"
// @Param user_key query string true "the user_key"
// @Param title query string true "The message title"
// @Param content query string false "The message content"
// @Param priority query string false "The message priority" Enum(0, 1, 2)
// @Param msg_id query string false "The message idempotency id"
// @Param timestamp query string false "The message timestamp"
// @Param user_id body string true "the user_id"
// @Param user_key body string true "the user_key"
// @Param title body string true "The message title"
// @Param content body string false "The message content"
// @Param priority body string false "The message priority" Enum(0, 1, 2)
// @Param msg_id body string false "The message idempotency id"
// @Param timestamp body string false "The message timestamp"
// @Success 200 {object} handler.Send.response
// @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.sendAPIError
// @Router /send.php [post]
func (h CompatHandler) Send(g *gin.Context) ginresp.HTTPResponse {
type query struct {
type response struct {
Success string `json:"success"`
Message string `json:"message"`
return ginresp.SendAPIError(apierr.INTERNAL_EXCEPTION, -1, "NotImplemented")