
242 lines
8.5 KiB

package handler
import (
type MessageHandler struct {
app *logic.Application
database *db.Database
func NewMessageHandler(app *logic.Application) MessageHandler {
return MessageHandler{
app: app,
database: app.Database,
// SendMessage swaggerdoc
// @Summary Send a new message
// @Description All parameter can be set via query-parameter or the json body. Only UserID, UserKey and Title are required
// @Param query_data query handler.SendMessage.query false " "
// @Param post_body body handler.SendMessage.body false " "
// @Success 200 {object} handler.SendMessage.response
// @Failure 400 {object} ginresp.apiError
// @Failure 401 {object} ginresp.apiError
// @Failure 403 {object} ginresp.apiError
// @Failure 404 {object} ginresp.apiError
// @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.apiError
// @Router / [POST]
// @Router /send [POST]
func (h MessageHandler) SendMessage(g *gin.Context) ginresp.HTTPResponse {
type query struct {
UserID *int64 `form:"user_id"`
UserKey *string `form:"user_key"`
Channel *string `form:"channel"`
ChanKey *string `form:"chan_key"`
Title *string `form:"message_title"`
Content *string `form:"message_content"`
Priority *int `form:"priority"`
UserMessageID *string `form:"msg_id"`
SendTimestamp *float64 `form:"timestamp"`
type body struct {
UserID *int64 `json:"user_id"`
UserKey *string `json:"user_key"`
Channel *string `json:"channel"`
ChanKey *string `form:"chan_key"`
Title *string `json:"message_title"`
Content *string `json:"message_content"`
Priority *int `json:"priority"`
UserMessageID *string `json:"msg_id"`
SendTimestamp *float64 `json:"timestamp"`
type response struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
ErrorID apierr.APIError `json:"error"`
ErrorHighlight int `json:"errhighlight"`
Message string `json:"message"`
SuppressSend bool `json:"suppress_send"`
MessageCount int `json:"messagecount"`
Quota int `json:"quota"`
IsPro bool `json:"is_pro"`
QuotaMax int `json:"quota_max"`
SCNMessageID int64 `json:"scn_msg_id"`
var b body
var q query
ctx, errResp :=, nil, &q, &b)
if errResp != nil {
return *errResp
defer ctx.Cancel()
data := dataext.ObjectMerge(b, q)
if data.UserID == nil {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(400, apierr.MISSING_UID, 101, "Missing parameter [[user_id]]")
if data.UserKey == nil {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(400, apierr.MISSING_UID, 102, "Missing parameter [[user_token]]")
if data.Title == nil {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(400, apierr.MISSING_UID, 103, "Missing parameter [[title]]")
if data.SendTimestamp != nil && mathext.Abs(*data.SendTimestamp-float64(time.Now().Unix())) > (24*time.Hour).Seconds() {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(400, apierr.TIMESTAMP_OUT_OF_RANGE, -1, "The timestamp mus be within 24 hours of now()")
if data.Priority != nil && (*data.Priority != 0 && *data.Priority != 1 && *data.Priority != 2) {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(400, apierr.INVALID_PRIO, 105, "Invalid priority")
if len(strings.TrimSpace(*data.Title)) == 0 {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(400, apierr.NO_TITLE, 103, "No title specified")
if data.UserMessageID != nil && len(strings.TrimSpace(*data.UserMessageID)) > 64 {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(400, apierr.USR_MSG_ID_TOO_LONG, -1, "MessageID too long (64 characters)")
channelName := "main"
if data.Channel != nil {
channelName = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(*data.Channel))
user, err := h.database.GetUser(ctx, *data.UserID)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(400, apierr.USER_NOT_FOUND, -1, "User not found")
if err != nil {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, -1, "Failed to query user")
if len(strings.TrimSpace(*data.Title)) > 120 {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(400, apierr.TITLE_TOO_LONG, 103, "Title too long (120 characters)")
if data.Content != nil && len(strings.TrimSpace(*data.Content)) > user.MaxContentLength() {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(400, apierr.CONTENT_TOO_LONG, 104, fmt.Sprintf("Content too long (%d characters; max := %d characters)", len(strings.TrimSpace(*data.Content)), user.MaxContentLength()))
if data.UserMessageID != nil {
msg, err := h.database.GetMessageByUserMessageID(ctx, *data.UserMessageID)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, -1, "Failed to query existing message")
if msg != nil {
return ginresp.JSON(http.StatusOK, response{
Success: true,
ErrorID: apierr.NO_ERROR,
ErrorHighlight: -1,
Message: "Message already sent",
SuppressSend: true,
MessageCount: user.MessagesSent,
Quota: user.QuotaUsedToday(),
IsPro: user.IsPro,
QuotaMax: user.QuotaPerDay(),
SCNMessageID: msg.SCNMessageID,
if user.QuotaRemainingToday() <= 0 {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(403, apierr.QUOTA_REACHED, -1, fmt.Sprintf("Daily quota reached (%d)", user.QuotaPerDay()))
channel, err :=, *data.UserID, channelName)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, -1, "Failed to query/create channel")
selfChanAdmin := *data.UserID == channel.OwnerUserID && *data.UserKey == user.AdminKey
selfChanSend := *data.UserID == channel.OwnerUserID && *data.UserKey == user.SendKey
forgChanSend := *data.UserID != channel.OwnerUserID && data.ChanKey != nil && *data.ChanKey == channel.SendKey
if !selfChanAdmin && !selfChanSend && !forgChanSend {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, 102, fmt.Sprintf("Daily quota reached (%d)", user.QuotaPerDay()))
var sendTimestamp *time.Time = nil
if data.SendTimestamp != nil {
sendTimestamp = langext.Ptr(timeext.UnixFloatSeconds(*data.SendTimestamp))
priority := langext.Coalesce(data.Priority, 1)
msg, err := h.database.CreateMessage(ctx, *data.UserID, channel, sendTimestamp, *data.Title, data.Content, priority, data.UserMessageID)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, -1, "Failed to create message in db")
subscriptions, err := h.database.ListSubscriptionsByChannel(ctx, channel.ChannelID)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, -1, "Failed to query subscriptions")
for _, sub := range subscriptions {
clients, err := h.database.ListClients(ctx, sub.SubscriberUserID)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, -1, "Failed to query clients")
for _, client := range clients {
fcmDelivID, err := h.deliverMessage(ctx, client, msg)
if err != nil {
_, err = h.database.CreateRetryDelivery(ctx, client, msg)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, -1, "Failed to create delivery")
} else {
_, err = h.database.CreateSuccessDelivery(ctx, client, msg, *fcmDelivID)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.SendAPIError(500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, -1, "Failed to create delivery")
return ginresp.JSON(http.StatusOK, response{
Success: true,
ErrorID: apierr.NO_ERROR,
ErrorHighlight: -1,
Message: "Message sent",
SuppressSend: false,
MessageCount: user.MessagesSent,
Quota: user.QuotaUsedToday(),
IsPro: user.IsPro,
QuotaMax: user.QuotaPerDay(),
SCNMessageID: msg.SCNMessageID,
func (h MessageHandler) deliverMessage(ctx *logic.AppContext, client models.Client, msg models.Message) (*string, error) {
if client.FCMToken != nil {
fcmDelivID, err :=, client, msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return langext.Ptr(fcmDelivID), nil
} else {
return langext.Ptr(""), nil