Mike Schwörer d21d775764
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Add ListSenderNames api route and use params.Add(..) in Filter classes
2024-09-20 20:37:55 +02:00

309 lines
11 KiB

package handler
import (
ct "blackforestbytes.com/simplecloudnotifier/db/cursortoken"
// ListMessages swaggerdoc
// @Summary List all (subscribed) messages
// @Description The next_page_token is an opaque token, the special value "@start" (or empty-string) is the beginning and "@end" is the end
// @Description Simply start the pagination without a next_page_token and get the next page by calling this endpoint with the returned next_page_token of the last query
// @Description If there are no more entries the token "@end" will be returned
// @Description By default we return long messages with a trimmed body, if trimmed=false is supplied we return full messages (this reduces the max page_size)
// @ID api-messages-list
// @Tags API-v2
// @Param query_data query handler.ListMessages.query false " "
// @Success 200 {object} handler.ListMessages.response
// @Failure 400 {object} ginresp.apiError "supplied values/parameters cannot be parsed / are invalid"
// @Failure 401 {object} ginresp.apiError "user is not authorized / has missing permissions"
// @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.apiError "internal server error"
// @Router /api/v2/messages [GET]
func (h APIHandler) ListMessages(pctx ginext.PreContext) ginext.HTTPResponse {
type query struct {
PageSize *int `json:"page_size" form:"page_size"`
NextPageToken *string `json:"next_page_token" form:"next_page_token"`
Search []string `json:"search" form:"search"`
StringSearch []string `json:"string_search" form:"string_search"`
Trimmed *bool `json:"trimmed" form:"trimmed"`
Channels []string `json:"channel" form:"channel"`
ChannelIDs []string `json:"channel_id" form:"channel_id"`
Senders []string `json:"sender" form:"sender"`
TimeBefore *string `json:"before" form:"before"` // RFC3339
TimeAfter *string `json:"after" form:"after"` // RFC3339
Priority []int `json:"priority" form:"priority"`
KeyTokens []string `json:"used_key" form:"used_key"`
HasSender *bool `json:"has_sender" form:"has_sender"`
type response struct {
Messages []models.Message `json:"messages"`
NextPageToken string `json:"next_page_token"`
PageSize int `json:"page_size"`
TotalCount int64 `json:"total_count"`
var q query
ctx, g, errResp := pctx.Query(&q).Start()
if errResp != nil {
return *errResp
defer ctx.Cancel()
return h.app.DoRequest(ctx, g, models.TLockReadWrite, func(ctx *logic.AppContext, finishSuccess func(r ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse {
trimmed := langext.Coalesce(q.Trimmed, true)
maxPageSize := langext.Conditional(trimmed, 16, 256)
pageSize := mathext.Clamp(langext.Coalesce(q.PageSize, 64), 1, maxPageSize)
if permResp := ctx.CheckPermissionSelfAllMessagesRead(); permResp != nil {
return *permResp
userid := *ctx.GetPermissionUserID()
tok, err := ct.Decode(langext.Coalesce(q.NextPageToken, ""))
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.PAGETOKEN_ERROR, "Failed to decode next_page_token", err)
err = h.database.UpdateUserLastRead(ctx, userid)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to update last-read", err)
filter := models.MessageFilter{
ConfirmedSubscriptionBy: langext.Ptr(userid),
if len(q.Search) != 0 {
filter.SearchStringFTS = langext.Ptr(langext.ArrMap(q.Search, func(v string) string { return strings.TrimSpace(v) }))
if len(q.StringSearch) != 0 {
filter.SearchStringPlain = langext.Ptr(langext.ArrMap(q.StringSearch, func(v string) string { return strings.TrimSpace(v) }))
if len(q.Channels) != 0 {
filter.ChannelNameCS = langext.Ptr(q.Channels)
if len(q.ChannelIDs) != 0 {
cids := make([]models.ChannelID, 0, len(q.ChannelIDs))
for _, v := range q.ChannelIDs {
cid := models.ChannelID(v)
if err = cid.Valid(); err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.BINDFAIL_QUERY_PARAM, "Invalid channel-id", err)
cids = append(cids, cid)
filter.ChannelID = &cids
if len(q.Senders) != 0 {
filter.SenderNameCS = langext.Ptr(q.Senders)
if q.HasSender != nil {
filter.HasSenderName = langext.Ptr(*q.HasSender)
if q.TimeBefore != nil {
t0, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, *q.TimeBefore)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.BINDFAIL_QUERY_PARAM, "Invalid before-time", err)
filter.TimestampCoalesceBefore = &t0
if q.TimeAfter != nil {
t0, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, *q.TimeAfter)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.BINDFAIL_QUERY_PARAM, "Invalid after-time", err)
filter.TimestampCoalesceAfter = &t0
if len(q.Priority) != 0 {
filter.Priority = langext.Ptr(q.Priority)
if len(q.KeyTokens) != 0 {
tids := make([]models.KeyTokenID, 0, len(q.KeyTokens))
for _, v := range q.KeyTokens {
tid := models.KeyTokenID(v)
if err = tid.Valid(); err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.BINDFAIL_QUERY_PARAM, "Invalid keytoken-id", err)
tids = append(tids, tid)
filter.UsedKeyID = &tids
messages, npt, totalCount, err := h.database.ListMessages(ctx, filter, &pageSize, tok)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to query messages", err)
if trimmed {
res := langext.ArrMap(messages, func(v models.Message) models.Message { return v.PreMarshal().Trim() })
return finishSuccess(ginext.JSON(http.StatusOK, response{Messages: res, NextPageToken: npt.Token(), PageSize: pageSize, TotalCount: totalCount}))
} else {
res := langext.ArrMap(messages, func(v models.Message) models.Message { return v.PreMarshal() })
return finishSuccess(ginext.JSON(http.StatusOK, response{Messages: res, NextPageToken: npt.Token(), PageSize: pageSize, TotalCount: totalCount}))
// GetMessage swaggerdoc
// @Summary Get a single message (untrimmed)
// @Description The user must either own the message and request the resource with the READ or ADMIN Key
// @Description Or the user must subscribe to the corresponding channel (and be confirmed) and request the resource with the READ or ADMIN Key
// @Description The returned message is never trimmed
// @ID api-messages-get
// @Tags API-v2
// @Param mid path string true "MessageID"
// @Success 200 {object} models.Message
// @Failure 400 {object} ginresp.apiError "supplied values/parameters cannot be parsed / are invalid"
// @Failure 401 {object} ginresp.apiError "user is not authorized / has missing permissions"
// @Failure 404 {object} ginresp.apiError "message not found"
// @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.apiError "internal server error"
// @Router /api/v2/messages/{mid} [GET]
func (h APIHandler) GetMessage(pctx ginext.PreContext) ginext.HTTPResponse {
type uri struct {
MessageID models.MessageID `uri:"mid" binding:"entityid"`
var u uri
ctx, g, errResp := pctx.URI(&u).Start()
if errResp != nil {
return *errResp
defer ctx.Cancel()
return h.app.DoRequest(ctx, g, models.TLockRead, func(ctx *logic.AppContext, finishSuccess func(r ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse {
if permResp := ctx.CheckPermissionAny(); permResp != nil {
return *permResp
msg, err := h.database.GetMessage(ctx, u.MessageID, false)
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 404, apierr.MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND, "message not found", err)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to query message", err)
// either we have direct read permissions (it is our message + read/admin key)
// or we subscribe (+confirmed) to the channel and have read/admin key
if ctx.CheckPermissionMessageRead(msg) {
return finishSuccess(ginext.JSON(http.StatusOK, msg.PreMarshal()))
if uid := ctx.GetPermissionUserID(); uid != nil && ctx.CheckPermissionUserRead(*uid) == nil {
sub, err := h.database.GetSubscriptionBySubscriber(ctx, *uid, msg.ChannelID)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to query subscription", err)
if sub == nil {
// not subbed
return ginresp.APIError(g, 401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, "You are not authorized for this action", nil)
if !sub.Confirmed {
// sub not confirmed
return ginresp.APIError(g, 401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, "You are not authorized for this action", nil)
// => perm okay
return finishSuccess(ginext.JSON(http.StatusOK, msg.PreMarshal()))
return ginresp.APIError(g, 401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, "You are not authorized for this action", nil)
// DeleteMessage swaggerdoc
// @Summary Delete a single message
// @Description The user must own the message and request the resource with the ADMIN Key
// @ID api-messages-delete
// @Tags API-v2
// @Param mid path string true "MessageID"
// @Success 200 {object} models.Message
// @Failure 400 {object} ginresp.apiError "supplied values/parameters cannot be parsed / are invalid"
// @Failure 401 {object} ginresp.apiError "user is not authorized / has missing permissions"
// @Failure 404 {object} ginresp.apiError "message not found"
// @Failure 500 {object} ginresp.apiError "internal server error"
// @Router /api/v2/messages/{mid} [DELETE]
func (h APIHandler) DeleteMessage(pctx ginext.PreContext) ginext.HTTPResponse {
type uri struct {
MessageID models.MessageID `uri:"mid" binding:"entityid"`
var u uri
ctx, g, errResp := pctx.URI(&u).Start()
if errResp != nil {
return *errResp
defer ctx.Cancel()
return h.app.DoRequest(ctx, g, models.TLockReadWrite, func(ctx *logic.AppContext, finishSuccess func(r ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse {
if permResp := ctx.CheckPermissionAny(); permResp != nil {
return *permResp
msg, err := h.database.GetMessage(ctx, u.MessageID, false)
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 404, apierr.MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND, "message not found", err)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to query message", err)
if !ctx.CheckPermissionMessageDelete(msg) {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 401, apierr.USER_AUTH_FAILED, "You are not authorized for this action", nil)
err = h.database.DeleteMessage(ctx, msg.MessageID)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to delete message", err)
err = h.database.CancelPendingDeliveries(ctx, msg.MessageID)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.DATABASE_ERROR, "Failed to cancel deliveries", err)
return finishSuccess(ginext.JSON(http.StatusOK, msg.PreMarshal()))