274 lines
8.5 KiB

package logic
import (
scn "blackforestbytes.com/simplecloudnotifier"
type RequestOptions struct {
IgnoreWrongContentType bool
func (app *Application) DoRequest(gectx *ginext.AppContext, g *gin.Context, lockmode models.TransactionLockMode, fn func(ctx *AppContext, finishSuccess func(r ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse {
maxRetry := scn.Conf.RequestMaxRetry
retrySleep := scn.Conf.RequestRetrySleep
reqctx := g.Request.Context()
t0 := time.Now()
for ctr := 1; ; ctr++ {
ictx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(gectx, app.Config.RequestTimeout)
actx := CreateAppContext(app, g, ictx, cancel)
wrap, stackTrace, panicObj := callPanicSafe(func(ctx *AppContext, finishSuccess func(r ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse {
dl, ok := ctx.Deadline()
if !ok {
dl = time.Now().Add(time.Second * 5)
if lockmode == models.TLockRead {
islock := app.MainDatabaseLock.RTryLockWithTimeout(dl.Sub(time.Now()))
if !islock {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.INTERNAL_EXCEPTION, "Failed to lock {MainDatabaseLock} [ro]", nil)
defer app.MainDatabaseLock.RUnlock()
} else if lockmode == models.TLockReadWrite {
islock := app.MainDatabaseLock.TryLockWithTimeout(dl.Sub(time.Now()))
if !islock {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.INTERNAL_EXCEPTION, "Failed to lock {MainDatabaseLock} [rw]", nil)
defer app.MainDatabaseLock.Unlock()
authheader := g.GetHeader("Authorization")
perm, err := app.getPermissions(actx, authheader)
if err != nil {
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.PERM_QUERY_FAIL, "Failed to determine permissions", err)
actx.permissions = perm
g.Set("perm", perm)
return fn(actx, finishSuccess)
}, actx, actx._FinishSuccess)
if panicObj != nil {
log.Error().Interface("panicObj", panicObj).Msg("Panic occured (in gin handler)")
wrap = ginresp.APIError(g, 500, apierr.PANIC, "A panic occured in the HTTP handler", errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%+v\n\n@:\n%s", panicObj, stackTrace)))
if g.Writer.Written() {
if scn.Conf.ReqLogEnabled {
app.InsertRequestLog(createRequestLog(g, t0, ctr, nil, langext.Ptr("Writing in WrapperFunc is not supported")))
panic("Writing in WrapperFunc is not supported")
if ctr < maxRetry && isSqlite3Busy(wrap) {
log.Warn().Int("counter", ctr).Str("url", g.Request.URL.String()).Msg("Retry request (ErrBusy)")
err := resetBody(g)
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(int64(float64(retrySleep) * (0.5 + rand.Float64()))))
if reqctx.Err() == nil {
if scn.Conf.ReqLogEnabled {
app.InsertRequestLog(createRequestLog(g, t0, ctr, wrap, nil))
if scw, ok := wrap.(ginext.InspectableHTTPResponse); ok {
statuscode := scw.Statuscode()
if statuscode/100 != 2 {
log.Warn().Str("url", g.Request.Method+"::"+g.Request.URL.String()).Msg(fmt.Sprintf("Request failed with statuscode %d", statuscode))
} else {
log.Warn().Str("url", g.Request.Method+"::"+g.Request.URL.String()).Msg(fmt.Sprintf("Request failed with statuscode [unknown]"))
return wrap
func callPanicSafe(fn func(ctx *AppContext, finishSuccess func(r ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse, actx *AppContext, fnFin func(r ginext.HTTPResponse) ginext.HTTPResponse) (res ginext.HTTPResponse, stackTrace string, panicObj any) {
defer func() {
if rec := recover(); rec != nil {
res = nil
stackTrace = string(debug.Stack())
panicObj = rec
res = fn(actx, fnFin)
return res, "", nil
func createRequestLog(g *gin.Context, t0 time.Time, ctr int, resp ginext.HTTPResponse, panicstr *string) models.RequestLog {
t1 := time.Now()
ua := g.Request.UserAgent()
auth := g.Request.Header.Get("Authorization")
ct := g.Request.Header.Get("Content-Type")
var reqbody []byte = nil
if g.Request.Body != nil {
brcbody, err := g.Request.Body.(dataext.BufferedReadCloser).BufferedAll()
if err == nil {
reqbody = brcbody
var strreqbody *string = nil
if len(reqbody) < scn.Conf.ReqLogMaxBodySize {
strreqbody = langext.Ptr(string(reqbody))
var respbody *string = nil
var strrespbody *string = nil
if resp != nil {
if resp2, ok := resp.(ginext.InspectableHTTPResponse); ok {
respbody = resp2.BodyString(g)
if respbody != nil && len(*respbody) < scn.Conf.ReqLogMaxBodySize {
strrespbody = respbody
permObj, hasPerm := g.Get("perm")
hasTok := false
if hasPerm {
hasTok = permObj.(models.PermissionSet).Token != nil
var statuscode *int64 = nil
if resp != nil {
if resp2, ok := resp.(ginext.InspectableHTTPResponse); ok {
statuscode = langext.Ptr(int64(resp2.Statuscode()))
var contentType = ""
if resp != nil {
if resp2, ok := resp.(ginext.InspectableHTTPResponse); ok {
contentType = resp2.ContentType()
return models.RequestLog{
Method: g.Request.Method,
URI: g.Request.URL.String(),
UserAgent: langext.Conditional(ua == "", nil, &ua),
Authentication: langext.Conditional(auth == "", nil, &auth),
RequestBody: strreqbody,
RequestBodySize: int64(len(reqbody)),
RequestContentType: ct,
RemoteIP: g.RemoteIP(),
KeyID: langext.ConditionalFn10(hasTok, func() *models.KeyTokenID { return langext.Ptr(permObj.(models.PermissionSet).Token.KeyTokenID) }, nil),
UserID: langext.ConditionalFn10(hasTok, func() *models.UserID { return langext.Ptr(permObj.(models.PermissionSet).Token.OwnerUserID) }, nil),
Permissions: langext.ConditionalFn10(hasTok, func() *string { return langext.Ptr(permObj.(models.PermissionSet).Token.Permissions.String()) }, nil),
ResponseStatuscode: statuscode,
ResponseBodySize: langext.ConditionalFn10(strrespbody != nil, func() *int64 { return langext.Ptr(int64(len(*respbody))) }, nil),
ResponseBody: strrespbody,
ResponseContentType: contentType,
RetryCount: int64(ctr),
Panicked: panicstr != nil,
PanicStr: panicstr,
ProcessingTime: models.SCNDuration(t1.Sub(t0)),
TimestampStart: models.NewSCNTime(t0),
TimestampFinish: models.NewSCNTime(t1),
func resetBody(g *gin.Context) error {
if g.Request.Body == nil {
return nil
err := g.Request.Body.(dataext.BufferedReadCloser).Reset()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func isSqlite3Busy(r ginext.HTTPResponse) bool {
if errwrap, ok := r.(interface{ Unwrap() error }); ok && errwrap != nil {
orig := exerr.OriginalError(errwrap.Unwrap())
var sqliteErr *sqlite.Error
if errors.As(orig, &sqliteErr) {
if sqliteErr.Code() == 5 { // [5] == SQLITE_BUSY
return true
if sqliteErr.Code() == 517 { // [517] == SQLITE_BUSY_SNAPSHOT
return true
if sqliteErr.Code() == 261 { // [261] == SQLITE_BUSY_RECOVERY
return true
if sqliteErr.Code() == 773 { // [773] == SQLITE_BUSY_TIMEOUT
return true
return false
func BuildGinRequestError(g *gin.Context, fieldtype string, err error) ginext.HTTPResponse {
switch fieldtype {
case "URI":
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.BINDFAIL_URI_PARAM, "Failed to read uri", err)
case "QUERY":
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.BINDFAIL_QUERY_PARAM, "Failed to read query", err)
case "JSON":
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.BINDFAIL_BODY_PARAM, "Failed to read JSON body", err)
case "BODY":
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.BINDFAIL_BODY_PARAM, "Failed to read query", err)
case "FORM":
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.BINDFAIL_BODY_PARAM, "Failed to read multipart-form / urlencoded-form", err)
case "HEADER":
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.BINDFAIL_HEADER_PARAM, "Failed to read header", err)
case "INIT":
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.INTERNAL_EXCEPTION, "Failed to init context", err)
return ginresp.APIError(g, 400, apierr.INTERNAL_EXCEPTION, "Failed to init", err)