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2014-05-13 12:40:42 +02:00
* jQuery Yii GridView plugin file.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright 2008-2010 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
(function ($) {
var selectCheckedRows, methods,
gridSettings = [];
* 1. Selects rows that have checkbox checked (only checkbox that is connected with selecting a row)
* 2. Check if "check all" need to be checked/unchecked
* @return object the jQuery object
selectCheckedRows = function (gridId) {
var settings = gridSettings[gridId],
table = $('#' + gridId).find('.' + settings.tableClass);
table.children('tbody').find('input.select-on-check').filter(':checked').each(function () {
table.children('thead').find('th input').filter('[type="checkbox"]').each(function () {
var name = this.name.substring(0, this.name.length - 4) + '[]', //.. remove '_all' and add '[]''
$checks = $("input[name='" + name + "']", table);
this.checked = $checks.length > 0 && $checks.length === $checks.filter(':checked').length;
return this;
methods = {
* yiiGridView set function.
* @param options map settings for the grid view. Available options are as follows:
* - ajaxUpdate: array, IDs of the containers whose content may be updated by ajax response
* - ajaxVar: string, the name of the request variable indicating the ID of the element triggering the AJAX request
* - ajaxType: string, the type (GET or POST) of the AJAX request
* - pagerClass: string, the CSS class for the pager container
* - tableClass: string, the CSS class for the table
* - selectableRows: integer, the number of rows that can be selected
* - updateSelector: string, the selector for choosing which elements can trigger ajax requests
* - beforeAjaxUpdate: function, the function to be called before ajax request is sent
* - afterAjaxUpdate: function, the function to be called after ajax response is received
* - ajaxUpdateError: function, the function to be called if an ajax error occurs
* - selectionChanged: function, the function to be called after the row selection is changed
* @return object the jQuery object
init: function (options) {
var settings = $.extend({
ajaxUpdate: [],
ajaxVar: 'ajax',
ajaxType: 'GET',
pagerClass: 'pager',
loadingClass: 'loading',
filterClass: 'filters',
tableClass: 'items',
selectableRows: 1
// updateSelector: '#id .pager a, '#id .grid thead th a',
// beforeAjaxUpdate: function (id) {},
// afterAjaxUpdate: function (id, data) {},
// selectionChanged: function (id) {},
// url: 'ajax request URL'
}, options || {});
settings.tableClass = settings.tableClass.replace(/\s+/g, '.');
return this.each(function () {
var eventType,
$grid = $(this),
id = $grid.attr('id'),
pagerSelector = '#' + id + ' .' + settings.pagerClass.replace(/\s+/g, '.') + ' a',
sortSelector = '#' + id + ' .' + settings.tableClass + ' thead th a.sort-link',
inputSelector = '#' + id + ' .' + settings.filterClass + ' input, ' + '#' + id + ' .' + settings.filterClass + ' select';
settings.updateSelector = settings.updateSelector
.replace('{page}', pagerSelector)
.replace('{sort}', sortSelector);
settings.filterSelector = settings.filterSelector
.replace('{filter}', inputSelector);
gridSettings[id] = settings;
if (settings.ajaxUpdate.length > 0) {
$(document).on('click.yiiGridView', settings.updateSelector, function () {
// Check to see if History.js is enabled for our Browser
if (settings.enableHistory && window.History.enabled) {
// Ajaxify this link
var url = $(this).attr('href').split('?'),
params = $.deparam.querystring('?'+ (url[1] || ''));
delete params[settings.ajaxVar];
window.History.pushState(null, document.title, decodeURIComponent($.param.querystring(url[0], params)));
} else {
$('#' + id).yiiGridView('update', {url: $(this).attr('href')});
return false;
$(document).on('change.yiiGridView keydown.yiiGridView', settings.filterSelector, function (event) {
if (event.type === 'keydown') {
if (event.keyCode !== 13) {
return; // only react to enter key
} else {
eventType = 'keydown';
} else {
// prevent processing for both keydown and change events
if (eventType === 'keydown') {
eventType = '';
var data = $(settings.filterSelector).serialize();
if (settings.pageVar !== undefined) {
data += '&' + settings.pageVar + '=1';
if (settings.enableHistory && settings.ajaxUpdate !== false && window.History.enabled) {
// Ajaxify this link
var url = $('#' + id).yiiGridView('getUrl'),
params = $.deparam.querystring($.param.querystring(url, data));
delete params[settings.ajaxVar];
window.History.pushState(null, document.title, decodeURIComponent($.param.querystring(url.substr(0, url.indexOf('?')), params)));
} else {
$('#' + id).yiiGridView('update', {data: data});
return false;
if (settings.enableHistory && settings.ajaxUpdate !== false && window.History.enabled) {
$(window).bind('statechange', function() { // Note: We are using statechange instead of popstate
var State = window.History.getState(); // Note: We are using History.getState() instead of event.state
$('#' + id).yiiGridView('update', {url: State.url});
if (settings.selectableRows > 0) {
$(document).on('click.yiiGridView', '#' + id + ' .' + settings.tableClass + ' > tbody > tr', function (e) {
var $currentGrid, $row, isRowSelected, $checks,
$target = $(e.target);
if ($target.closest('td').is('.empty,.button-column') || (e.target.type === 'checkbox' && !$target.hasClass('select-on-check'))) {
$row = $(this);
$currentGrid = $('#' + id);
$checks = $('input.select-on-check', $currentGrid);
isRowSelected = $row.toggleClass('selected').hasClass('selected');
if (settings.selectableRows === 1) {
$checks.prop('checked', false);
$('input.select-on-check', $row).prop('checked', isRowSelected);
$("input.select-on-check-all", $currentGrid).prop('checked', $checks.length === $checks.filter(':checked').length);
if (settings.selectionChanged !== undefined) {
if (settings.selectableRows > 1) {
$(document).on('click.yiiGridView', '#' + id + ' .select-on-check-all', function () {
var $currentGrid = $('#' + id),
$checks = $('input.select-on-check', $currentGrid),
$checksAll = $('input.select-on-check-all', $currentGrid),
$rows = $currentGrid.find('.' + settings.tableClass).children('tbody').children();
if (this.checked) {
$checks.prop('checked', true);
$checksAll.prop('checked', true);
} else {
$checks.prop('checked', false);
$checksAll.prop('checked', false);
if (settings.selectionChanged !== undefined) {
} else {
$(document).on('click.yiiGridView', '#' + id + ' .select-on-check', false);
* Returns the key value for the specified row
* @param row integer the row number (zero-based index)
* @return string the key value
getKey: function (row) {
return this.children('.keys').children('span').eq(row).text();
* Returns the URL that generates the grid view content.
* @return string the URL that generates the grid view content.
getUrl: function () {
var sUrl = gridSettings[this.attr('id')].url;
return sUrl || this.children('.keys').attr('title');
* Returns the jQuery collection of the cells in the specified row.
* @param row integer the row number (zero-based index)
* @return jQuery the jQuery collection of the cells in the specified row.
getRow: function (row) {
var sClass = gridSettings[this.attr('id')].tableClass;
return this.find('.' + sClass).children('tbody').children('tr').eq(row).children();
* Returns the jQuery collection of the cells in the specified column.
* @param column integer the column number (zero-based index)
* @return jQuery the jQuery collection of the cells in the specified column.
getColumn: function (column) {
var sClass = gridSettings[this.attr('id')].tableClass;
return this.find('.' + sClass).children('tbody').children('tr').children('td:nth-child(' + (column + 1) + ')');
* Performs an AJAX-based update of the grid view contents.
* @param options map the AJAX request options (see jQuery.ajax API manual). By default,
* the URL to be requested is the one that generates the current content of the grid view.
* @return object the jQuery object
update: function (options) {
var customError;
if (options && options.error !== undefined) {
customError = options.error;
delete options.error;
return this.each(function () {
var $form,
$grid = $(this),
id = $grid.attr('id'),
settings = gridSettings[id];
options = $.extend({
type: settings.ajaxType,
url: $grid.yiiGridView('getUrl'),
success: function (data) {
var $data = $('<div>' + data + '</div>');
$.each(settings.ajaxUpdate, function (i, el) {
var updateId = '#' + el;
$(updateId).replaceWith($(updateId, $data));
if (settings.afterAjaxUpdate !== undefined) {
settings.afterAjaxUpdate(id, data);
if (settings.selectableRows > 0) {
complete: function () {
yiiXHR[id] = null;
error: function (XHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var ret, err;
if (XHR.readyState === 0 || XHR.status === 0) {
if (customError !== undefined) {
ret = customError(XHR);
if (ret !== undefined && !ret) {
switch (textStatus) {
case 'timeout':
err = 'The request timed out!';
case 'parsererror':
err = 'Parser error!';
case 'error':
if (XHR.status && !/^\s*$/.test(XHR.status)) {
err = 'Error ' + XHR.status;
} else {
err = 'Error';
if (XHR.responseText && !/^\s*$/.test(XHR.responseText)) {
err = err + ': ' + XHR.responseText;
if (settings.ajaxUpdateError !== undefined) {
settings.ajaxUpdateError(XHR, textStatus, errorThrown, err);
} else if (err) {
}, options || {});
if (options.type === 'GET') {
if (options.data !== undefined) {
options.url = $.param.querystring(options.url, options.data);
options.data = {};
} else {
if (options.data === undefined) {
options.data = $(settings.filterSelector).serialize();
if(yiiXHR[id] != null){
//class must be added after yiiXHR.abort otherwise ajax.error will remove it
if (settings.ajaxUpdate !== false) {
if(settings.ajaxVar) {
options.url = $.param.querystring(options.url, settings.ajaxVar + '=' + id);
if (settings.beforeAjaxUpdate !== undefined) {
settings.beforeAjaxUpdate(id, options);
yiiXHR[id] = $.ajax(options);
} else { // non-ajax mode
if (options.type === 'GET') {
window.location.href = options.url;
} else { // POST mode
$form = $('<form action="' + options.url + '" method="post"></form>').appendTo('body');
if (options.data === undefined) {
options.data = {};
if (options.data.returnUrl === undefined) {
options.data.returnUrl = window.location.href;
$.each(options.data, function (name, value) {
$form.append($('<input type="hidden" name="t" value="" />').attr('name', name).val(value));
* Returns the key values of the currently selected rows.
* @return array the key values of the currently selected rows.
getSelection: function () {
var settings = gridSettings[this.attr('id')],
keys = this.find('.keys span'),
selection = [];
this.find('.' + settings.tableClass).children('tbody').children().each(function (i) {
if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) {
return selection;
* Returns the key values of the currently checked rows.
* @param column_id string the ID of the column
* @return array the key values of the currently checked rows.
getChecked: function (column_id) {
var settings = gridSettings[this.attr('id')],
keys = this.find('.keys span'),
checked = [];
if (column_id.substring(column_id.length - 2) !== '[]') {
column_id = column_id + '[]';
this.find('.' + settings.tableClass).children('tbody').children('tr').children('td').children('input[name="' + column_id + '"]').each(function (i) {
if (this.checked) {
return checked;
$.fn.yiiGridView = function (method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.yiiGridView');
return false;
*** used before Yii 1.1.9
$.fn.yiiGridView.settings = gridSettings;
* Returns the key value for the specified row
* @param id string the ID of the grid view container
* @param row integer the row number (zero-based index)
* @return string the key value
$.fn.yiiGridView.getKey = function (id, row) {
return $('#' + id).yiiGridView('getKey', row);
* Returns the URL that generates the grid view content.
* @param id string the ID of the grid view container
* @return string the URL that generates the grid view content.
$.fn.yiiGridView.getUrl = function (id) {
return $('#' + id).yiiGridView('getUrl');
* Returns the jQuery collection of the cells in the specified row.
* @param id string the ID of the grid view container
* @param row integer the row number (zero-based index)
* @return jQuery the jQuery collection of the cells in the specified row.
$.fn.yiiGridView.getRow = function (id, row) {
return $('#' + id).yiiGridView('getRow', row);
* Returns the jQuery collection of the cells in the specified column.
* @param id string the ID of the grid view container
* @param column integer the column number (zero-based index)
* @return jQuery the jQuery collection of the cells in the specified column.
$.fn.yiiGridView.getColumn = function (id, column) {
return $('#' + id).yiiGridView('getColumn', column);
* Performs an AJAX-based update of the grid view contents.
* @param id string the ID of the grid view container
* @param options map the AJAX request options (see jQuery.ajax API manual). By default,
* the URL to be requested is the one that generates the current content of the grid view.
$.fn.yiiGridView.update = function (id, options) {
$('#' + id).yiiGridView('update', options);
* Returns the key values of the currently selected rows.
* @param id string the ID of the grid view container
* @return array the key values of the currently selected rows.
$.fn.yiiGridView.getSelection = function (id) {
return $('#' + id).yiiGridView('getSelection');
* Returns the key values of the currently checked rows.
* @param id string the ID of the grid view container
* @param column_id string the ID of the column
* @return array the key values of the currently checked rows.
$.fn.yiiGridView.getChecked = function (id, column_id) {
return $('#' + id).yiiGridView('getChecked', column_id);