2018-01-21 15:29:01 +01:00
2017-11-08 17:39:50 +01:00
2018-01-21 15:29:01 +01:00
Displays a Commit Table for every of your github-years.
This is practically a copy of githubs Commit-Graph functionality.
But with the extra feature of showing commits older than a year, from private repositories abd from other git remotes.
*See it live in action [here ](http://www.mikescher.de/about )*
### How to use:
Create a new ExtendedGitGraph object
The constructor parameters are:
* the path to the cache file
* The output mode
- STDOUT: Log to `print` and logfile
- SESSION: Log session-variable and logfile (used for ajax calls)
- LOGFILE: Only log to logfile
* The logfile path. The 4 latest logs are kept and the placeholder {num} is used for different filenames
include 'src/ExtendedGitGraph.php';
$v = new ExtendedGitGraph(__DIR__ . '/egh_cache.bin', ExtendedGitGraph::OUT_STDOUT, __DIR__ . '/../temp/egh_log{num}.log');
Next you need to add sources for us to search, currently supported are:
* Github User accounts
* Github Repositories
* Gitea User accounts *(WIP)*
* Gitea Repositories *(WIP)*
$v->addRemote('github-user', null, 'Mikescher', 'Mikescher');
$v->addRemote('github-user', null, 'Mikescher', 'Blackforestbytes');
$v->addRemote('github-repository', null, 'Mikescher', 'Anastron/ColorRunner');
$v->addRemote('gitea-user', null, 'Mikescher', 'Mikescher');
$v->addRemote('gitea-repository', null, 'Mikescher', 'Benzin/MVU_API');
If you use github you need to specify an API token to get more than 60 API calls:
(get one from [Github -> Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal access tokens ](https://github.com/settings/tokens ))
If you use gitea you need to specify the server url
Now we generate the graphs, first call `init()`
Then either query the data from our specified sources with `updateFromRemotes()` or load teh values from the last query from our specified cache file with `updateFromCache()`
Next call `generate()` to create HTML and get the snippets by calling `get()` .
foreach ($v->get() as $year => $html)
file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/../output/out_'.$year.'.html', $html);
You can set the used color scheme with `setColorScheme` , supported are:
- custom
- standard
- modern
- gray
- red
- blue
- purple
- orange
- halloween

### Reload with Ajax:
The reloading can take a **long** time if you have a lot of commits and repositories.
Because of that you can also refresh via Ajax:
- Call the file `ajax/ajaxReload.php?scheme=x` to start the reloading
- Call the file `ajax/ajaxStatus.php` to get the current status (for displaying purposes)
- Call the file `ajax/ajaxRedraw.php?scheme=x` to only redraw from cache
> **Attention:**
> You need to create a file `ajaxSecret.php` that returns an ExtendedGitGraph object with your settings (remotes, repositories, tokens, etc).
> Don't forget to set output mode to `ExtendedGitGraph::OUT_SESSION`
Below a crappy example implementation with jQuerys Ajax calls:
<!DOCTYPE html>
< html >
< head >
< meta charset = "utf-8" >
< script src = "http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js" > < / script >
< link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "/style.css" >
< script type = "text/javascript" language = "JavaScript" >
<?php include __DIR__ . '/../script.js'; ?>
< / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" language = "JavaScript" >
function startAjaxRedraw() {
$('#drawdiv ').html("");
var scheme = $("#select_scheme ").val();
val = setInterval(
url: '/ajax/ajaxStatus.php',
success: function(result)
var ajaxOutput = $('#ajaxOutput ');
async: true
}, 500);
url: '/ajax/ajaxRedraw.php?scheme='+scheme,
success: function(result)
$('#drawdiv ').html(result)
error: function(result)
url: '/ajax/ajaxStatus.php',
success: function(result)
var ajaxOutput = $('#ajaxOutput ');
ajaxOutput.val(result + '\r\n' + 'AN ERROR OCCURED:' + '\r\n' + textStatus);
async: true
async: true
function startAjaxRefresh()
var scheme = $("#select_scheme ").val();
$('#ajaxOutput ').val("");
$('#drawdiv ').html("");
val = setInterval(
url: '/ajax/ajaxStatus.php',
success: function(result)
var ajaxOutput = $('#ajaxOutput ');
async: true
}, 500);
url: '/ajax/ajaxReload.php?scheme='+scheme,
success: function(result)
url: '/ajax/ajaxStatus.php',
success: function(result)
var ajaxOutput = $('#ajaxOutput ');
ajaxOutput.val(result + '\r\n.');
async: true
$('#drawdiv ').html(result);
error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
url: '/ajax/ajaxStatus.php',
success: function(result)
var ajaxOutput = $('#ajaxOutput ');
ajaxOutput.val(result + '\r\n' + 'AN ERROR OCCURED:' + '\r\n' + textStatus);
async: true
async: true
< / script >
< / head >
< body >
< textarea style = "width: 800px; height: 250px;" id = "ajaxOutput" readonly = "readonly" title = "?" > < / textarea >
< br >
< a href = "javascript:startAjaxRedraw()" > [REDRAW]< / a >
< a href = "javascript:startAjaxRefresh()" > [REGENERATE]< / a >
< select id = "select_scheme" >
< option value = "custom" > custom< / option >
< option value = "standard" > standard< / option >
< option value = "modern" > modern< / option >
< option value = "gray" > gray< / option >
< option value = "red" > red< / option >
< option value = "blue" selected = "selected" > blue< / option >
< option value = "purple" > purple< / option >
< option value = "orange" > orange< / option >
< option value = "halloween" > halloween< / option >
< / select >
< br / >
< br / >
< br / >
< br / >
< div id = "drawdiv" >
< ?php
foreach (glob(__DIR__ . '/../output/out_*.html') as $f)
echo file_get_contents($f);
echo "\n\n\n< br /> \n\n\n";
< / div >
< / body >
< / html >