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2014-05-13 12:40:42 +02:00
* Locale data for 'ia'.
* This file is automatically generated by yiic cldr command.
* Copyright © 1991-2007 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the Terms of Use in http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html.
* @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC (http://www.yiiframework.com/license/)
return array (
'version' => '5798',
'numberSymbols' =>
array (
'alias' => '',
'decimal' => '.',
'group' => ',',
'list' => ';',
'percentSign' => '%',
'plusSign' => '+',
'minusSign' => '-',
'exponential' => 'E',
'perMille' => '‰',
'infinity' => '∞',
'nan' => 'NaN',
'decimalFormat' => '#,##0.###',
'scientificFormat' => '#E0',
'percentFormat' => '#,##0%',
'currencyFormat' => '¤ #,##0.00',
'currencySymbols' =>
array (
'AUD' => 'AU$',
'BRL' => 'R$',
'CAD' => 'CA$',
'CNY' => 'CN¥',
'EUR' => '€',
'GBP' => '£',
'HKD' => 'HK$',
'ILS' => '₪',
'INR' => '₹',
'JPY' => 'JP¥',
'KRW' => '₩',
'MXN' => 'MX$',
'NZD' => 'NZ$',
'THB' => '฿',
'TWD' => 'NT$',
'USD' => 'US$',
'VND' => '₫',
'XAF' => 'FCFA',
'XCD' => 'EC$',
'XOF' => 'CFA',
'XPF' => 'CFPF',
'monthNames' =>
array (
'wide' =>
array (
1 => 'januario',
2 => 'februario',
3 => 'martio',
4 => 'april',
5 => 'maio',
6 => 'junio',
7 => 'julio',
8 => 'augusto',
9 => 'septembre',
10 => 'octobre',
11 => 'novembre',
12 => 'decembre',
'abbreviated' =>
array (
1 => 'jan',
2 => 'feb',
3 => 'mar',
4 => 'apr',
5 => 'mai',
6 => 'jun',
7 => 'jul',
8 => 'aug',
9 => 'sep',
10 => 'oct',
11 => 'nov',
12 => 'dec',
'monthNamesSA' =>
array (
'narrow' =>
array (
1 => '1',
2 => '2',
3 => '3',
4 => '4',
5 => '5',
6 => '6',
7 => '7',
8 => '8',
9 => '9',
10 => '10',
11 => '11',
12 => '12',
'weekDayNames' =>
array (
'wide' =>
array (
0 => 'dominica',
1 => 'lunedi',
2 => 'martedi',
3 => 'mercuridi',
4 => 'jovedi',
5 => 'venerdi',
6 => 'sabbato',
'abbreviated' =>
array (
0 => 'dom',
1 => 'lun',
2 => 'mar',
3 => 'mer',
4 => 'jov',
5 => 'ven',
6 => 'sab',
'weekDayNamesSA' =>
array (
'narrow' =>
array (
0 => '1',
1 => '2',
2 => '3',
3 => '4',
4 => '5',
5 => '6',
6 => '7',
'eraNames' =>
array (
'abbreviated' =>
array (
0 => 'a.Chr.',
1 => 'p.Chr.',
'wide' =>
array (
0 => 'ante Christo',
1 => 'post Christo',
'narrow' =>
array (
0 => 'a.Chr.',
1 => 'p.Chr.',
'dateFormats' =>
array (
'full' => 'EEEE, y MMMM dd',
'long' => 'y MMMM d',
'medium' => 'y MMM d',
'short' => 'yy/MM/dd',
'timeFormats' =>
array (
'full' => 'HH:mm:ss zzzz',
'long' => 'HH:mm:ss z',
'medium' => 'HH:mm:ss',
'short' => 'HH:mm',
'dateTimeFormat' => '{1} {0}',
'amName' => 'a.m.',
'pmName' => 'p.m.',
'orientation' => 'ltr',
'languages' =>
array (
'af' => 'afrikaans',
'am' => 'amharico',
'ar' => 'arabe',
'as' => 'Assamese',
'az' => 'azerbaidzhani',
'be' => 'bielorusso',
'bg' => 'bulgaro',
'bh' => 'bihari',
'bn' => 'bengali',
'br' => 'breton',
'bs' => 'bosniaco',
'ca' => 'catalano',
'cs' => 'checo',
'cy' => 'gallese',
'da' => 'danese',
'de' => 'germano',
'el' => 'greco',
'en' => 'anglese',
'en_gb' => 'anglese (RU)',
'en_us' => 'anglese (SUA)',
'eo' => 'esperanto',
'es' => 'espaniol',
'et' => 'estoniano',
'eu' => 'basco',
'fa' => 'persiano',
'fi' => 'finnese',
'fil' => 'tagalog',
'fo' => 'faroese',
'fr' => 'francese',
'fy' => 'frisiano',
'ga' => 'irlandese',
'gd' => 'scoto gaelic',
'gl' => 'gallego',
'gn' => 'guarani',
'gu' => 'gujarati',
'he' => 'hebreo',
'hi' => 'hindi',
'hr' => 'croato',
'hu' => 'hungaro',
'hy' => 'armeniano',
'ia' => 'interlingua',
'id' => 'indonesiano',
'ie' => 'Interlingue',
'is' => 'islandese',
'it' => 'italiano',
'ja' => 'japonese',
'jv' => 'javanese',
'ka' => 'georgiano',
'km' => 'Cambodiano',
'kn' => 'kannada',
'ko' => 'coreano',
'ku' => 'kurdo',
'ky' => 'kirghizo',
'la' => 'latino',
'ln' => 'lingala',
'lo' => 'laotiano',
'lt' => 'lithuano',
'lv' => 'letton',
'mk' => 'macedone',
'ml' => 'malayalam',
'mn' => 'mongolico',
'mr' => 'marathi',
'ms' => 'malay',
'mt' => 'maltese',
'ne' => 'nepalese',
'nl' => 'nederlandese',
'nn' => 'norvegiano (nynorsk)',
'no' => 'norvegiano',
'oc' => 'occitano',
'or' => 'oriya',
'pa' => 'punjabi',
'pl' => 'polonese',
'ps' => 'pashto',
'pt' => 'portugese',
'ro' => 'romaniano',
'ru' => 'russo',
'sa' => 'sanscrito',
'sd' => 'sindhi',
'sh' => 'serbocroate',
'si' => 'sinhalese',
'sk' => 'slovaco',
'sl' => 'sloveno',
'so' => 'somali',
'sq' => 'albanese',
'sr' => 'serbo',
'st' => 'sesotho',
'su' => 'sundanese',
'sv' => 'svedese',
'sw' => 'swahili',
'ta' => 'tamil',
'te' => 'telugu',
'th' => 'thai',
'ti' => 'tigrinya',
'tk' => 'turkmeno',
'tlh' => 'Klingon',
'tr' => 'turco',
'tw' => 'twi',
'ug' => 'Uyghur',
'uk' => 'ukrainiano',
'ur' => 'urdu',
'uz' => 'uzbeco',
'vi' => 'vietnamese',
'xh' => 'xhosa',
'yi' => 'yiddish',
'zu' => 'zulu',
'territories' =>
array (
'ae' => 'Emiratos Arabe Unite',
'af' => 'Afghanistan',
'ag' => 'Antigua e Barbuda',
'al' => 'Albania',
'am' => 'Armenia',
'an' => 'Antillas nederlandese',
'ao' => 'Angola',
'aq' => 'Antarctica',
'ar' => 'Argentina',
'as' => 'Samoa american',
'at' => 'Austria',
'au' => 'Australia',
'az' => 'Azerbaidzhan',
'ba' => 'Bosnia e Herzegovina',
'bd' => 'Bangladesh',
'be' => 'Belgica',
'bf' => 'Burkina Faso',
'bg' => 'Bulgaria',
'bi' => 'Burundi',
'bj' => 'Benin',
'bo' => 'Bolivia',
'br' => 'Brasil',
'bs' => 'Bahamas',
'bt' => 'Bhutan',
'bv' => 'Insula de Bouvet',
'bw' => 'Botswana',
'by' => 'Bielorussia',
'ca' => 'Canada',
'cf' => 'Republica African Central',
'cg' => 'Congo',
'ch' => 'Suissa',
'ck' => 'Insulas Cook',
'cl' => 'Chile',
'cm' => 'Camerun',
'cn' => 'China',
'co' => 'Colombia',
'cu' => 'Cuba',
'cx' => 'Insula de Natal',
'cy' => 'Cypro',
'cz' => 'Republica Tchec',
'de' => 'Germania',
'dk' => 'Danmark',
'do' => 'Republica Dominican',
'dz' => 'Algeria',
'ec' => 'Ecuador',
'ee' => 'Estonia',
'eg' => 'Egypto',
'eh' => 'Sahara occidental',
'er' => 'Eritrea',
'es' => 'Espania',
'et' => 'Ethiopia',
'fi' => 'Finlandia',
'fm' => 'Micronesia',
'fo' => 'Insulas Feroe',
'fr' => 'Francia',
'ga' => 'Gabon',
'gb' => 'Regno Unite',
'ge' => 'Georgia',
'gf' => 'Guyana francese',
'gh' => 'Ghana',
'gl' => 'Groenlandia',
'gm' => 'Gambia',
'gn' => 'Guinea',
'gq' => 'Guinea equatorial',
'gr' => 'Grecia',
'gw' => 'Guinea-Bissau',
'hn' => 'Honduras',
'hr' => 'Croatia',
'ht' => 'Haiti',
'hu' => 'Hungaria',
'id' => 'Indonesia',
'ie' => 'Irlanda',
'il' => 'Israel',
'in' => 'India',
'io' => 'Territorio oceanic britanno-indian',
'iq' => 'Irak',
'ir' => 'Iran',
'is' => 'Islanda',
'it' => 'Italia',
'jo' => 'Jordania',
'jp' => 'Japon',
'ke' => 'Kenya',
'kg' => 'Kirghizistan',
'kh' => 'Cambodgia',
'ki' => 'Kiribati',
'km' => 'Comoros',
'kn' => 'Sancte Christophoro e Nevis',
'kp' => 'Corea del Nord',
'kr' => 'Corea del Sud',
'ky' => 'Insulas de Caiman',
'kz' => 'Kazakhstan',
'lb' => 'Libano',
'lc' => 'Sancte Lucia',
'li' => 'Liechtenstein',
'lk' => 'Sri Lanka',
'lr' => 'Liberia',
'ls' => 'Lesotho',
'lt' => 'Lituania',
'lv' => 'Lettonia',
'ly' => 'Libya',
'ma' => 'Marocco',
'md' => 'Moldavia',
'mg' => 'Madagascar',
'mh' => 'Insulas Marshall',
'mk' => 'Macedonia',
'ml' => 'Mali',
'mm' => 'Birmania/Myanmar',
'mn' => 'Mongolia',
'mp' => 'Insulas Marianna del Nord',
'mr' => 'Mauritania',
'mw' => 'Malawi',
'mx' => 'Mexico',
'my' => 'Malaysia',
'mz' => 'Mozambique',
'na' => 'Namibia',
'nc' => 'Nove Caledonia',
'ne' => 'Niger',
'nf' => 'Insula Norfolk',
'ng' => 'Nigeria',
'ni' => 'Nicaragua',
'nl' => 'Nederlandia',
'no' => 'Norvegia',
'np' => 'Nepal',
'nz' => 'Nove Zelanda',
'om' => 'Oman',
'pe' => 'Peru',
'pf' => 'Polynesia francese',
'pg' => 'Papua Nove Guinea',
'ph' => 'Philippinas',
'pk' => 'Pakistan',
'pl' => 'Polonia',
'pt' => 'Portugal',
'py' => 'Paraguay',
'ro' => 'Romania',
'rw' => 'Ruanda',
'sa' => 'Arabia Saudita',
'sb' => 'Insulas Solomon',
'sc' => 'Seychelles',
'sd' => 'Sudan',
'se' => 'Svedia',
'si' => 'Slovenia',
'sk' => 'Slovachia',
'sl' => 'Sierra Leone',
'sm' => 'San Marino',
'sn' => 'Senegal',
'so' => 'Somalia',
'sr' => 'Suriname',
'sy' => 'Syria',
'sz' => 'Swazilandia',
'tc' => 'Insulas Turcos e Caicos',
'td' => 'Tchad',
'tf' => 'Territorios meridional francese',
'tg' => 'Togo',
'th' => 'Thailandia',
'tj' => 'Tadzhikistan',
'tk' => 'Tokelau',
'tl' => 'Timor del Est',
'tm' => 'Turkmenistan',
'tn' => 'Tunisia',
'to' => 'tonga',
'tr' => 'Turchia',
'tt' => 'Trinidad e Tobago',
'tv' => 'Tuvalu',
'tw' => 'Taiwan',
'tz' => 'Tanzania',
'ua' => 'Ukraina',
'ug' => 'Uganda',
'us' => 'Statos Unite',
'uy' => 'Uruguay',
'uz' => 'Uzbekistan',
'vc' => 'Sancte Vincente e le Grenadinas',
've' => 'Venezuela',
'vu' => 'Vanuatu',
'ws' => 'Samoa',
'ye' => 'Yemen',
'za' => 'Africa del Sud',
'zm' => 'Zambia',
'zw' => 'Zimbabwe',