2019-12-28 14:00:11 +01:00
< ? php
require_once 'Logger.php' ;
require_once 'Models.php' ;
require_once 'Utils.php' ;
class EGGDatabase
2020-03-05 18:20:27 +01:00
const DB_NAME = " " ;
2019-12-28 14:00:11 +01:00
/** @var string */
private $path ;
/* @var PDO */
private $pdo = null ;
/* @var ILogger */
private $logger = null ;
* @ param $path string
* @ param $log ILogger
public function __construct ( string $path , ILogger $log )
$this -> path = $path ;
$this -> logger = $log ;
public function open ()
$exists = file_exists ( $this -> path );
if ( ! $exists ) $this -> logger -> proclog ( " No database file found. Creating new at ' " . $this -> path . " ' " );
$dsn = " sqlite: " . $this -> path ;
$opt =
$this -> pdo = new PDO ( $dsn , null , null , $opt );
if ( ! $exists ) $this -> init ();
2020-04-22 11:24:48 +02:00
public function openReadOnly ()
$this -> open ();
public function beginTransaction ()
$this -> pdo -> beginTransaction ();
public function commitTransaction ()
$this -> pdo -> commit ();
public function abortTransactionIfExists ()
2022-10-17 10:30:19 +02:00
if ( $this -> pdo !== null && $this -> pdo -> inTransaction ()) $this -> pdo -> rollBack ();
2020-04-22 11:24:48 +02:00
2019-12-28 14:00:11 +01:00
private function init ()
$this -> logger -> proclog ( " Initialize new database ' " . $this -> path . " ' " );
$this -> query_from_file ( __DIR__ . " /db_init.sql " );
public function close ()
$this -> pdo = null ; // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18277233
/** @param $path string */
public function query_from_file ( string $path )
$sql = file_get_contents ( $path );
$cmds = explode ( " /*----SPLIT----*/ " , $sql );
foreach ( $cmds as $cmd ) $this -> pdo -> exec ( $cmd );
public function sql_query_assoc ( string $query )
2020-03-05 18:20:27 +01:00
$r = $this -> pdo -> query ( $query ) -> fetchAll ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC );
return $r ;
2019-12-28 14:00:11 +01:00
public function sql_query_assoc_prep ( string $query , array $params )
$stmt = $this -> pdo -> prepare ( $query );
foreach ( $params as $p )
if ( strpos ( $query , $p [ 0 ]) !== FALSE ) $stmt -> bindValue ( $p [ 0 ], $p [ 1 ], $p [ 2 ]);
$stmt -> execute ();
2020-03-05 18:20:27 +01:00
$r = $stmt -> fetchAll ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC );
return $r ;
2019-12-28 14:00:11 +01:00
public function sql_exec_prep ( string $query , array $params )
$stmt = $this -> pdo -> prepare ( $query );
foreach ( $params as $p )
if ( strpos ( $query , $p [ 0 ]) !== FALSE ) $stmt -> bindValue ( $p [ 0 ], $p [ 1 ], $p [ 2 ]);
$stmt -> execute ();
return $stmt -> rowCount ();
* @ param string $url
* @ param string $name
* @ param string $source
* @ return Repository
* @ throws Exception
public function getOrCreateRepository ( string $url , string $name , string $source )
$repo = $this -> sql_query_assoc_prep ( " SELECT * FROM repositories WHERE url = :url " ,
[ " :url " , $url , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
if ( count ( $repo ) === 0 )
$this -> sql_exec_prep ( " INSERT INTO repositories (url, name, source, last_update, last_change) VALUES (:url, :nam, :src, :lu, :lc) " ,
[ " :url " , $url , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
[ " :nam " , $name , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
[ " :src " , $source , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
[ " :lu " , Utils :: sqlnow (), PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
[ " :lc " , Utils :: sqlnow (), PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
$repo = $this -> sql_query_assoc_prep ( " SELECT * FROM repositories WHERE url = :url " ,
[ " :url " , $url , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
2020-04-22 11:24:48 +02:00
if ( count ( $repo ) === 0 ) throw new EGGException ( " No repo after insert [ " . $source . " | " . $name . " ] " );
2019-12-28 14:00:11 +01:00
$this -> logger -> proclog ( " Inserted (new) repository [ " . $source . " | " . $name . " ] into database " );
$r = new Repository ();
$r -> ID = $repo [ 0 ][ 'id' ];
$r -> URL = $repo [ 0 ][ 'url' ];
$r -> Name = $repo [ 0 ][ 'name' ];
$r -> Source = $repo [ 0 ][ 'source' ];
$r -> LastUpdate = $repo [ 0 ][ 'last_update' ];
$r -> LastChange = $repo [ 0 ][ 'last_change' ];
return $r ;
* @ param string $source
* @ param Repository $repo
* @ param string $name
* @ return Branch
* @ throws Exception
public function getOrCreateBranch ( string $source , Repository $repo , string $name )
$branch = $this -> sql_query_assoc_prep ( " SELECT * FROM branches WHERE repo_id = :rid AND name = :nam " ,
[ " :rid " , $repo -> ID , PDO :: PARAM_INT ],
[ " :nam " , $name , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
if ( count ( $branch ) === 0 )
$this -> sql_exec_prep ( " INSERT INTO branches (repo_id, name, head, last_update, last_change) VALUES (:rid, :nam, :sha, :lu, :lc) " ,
[ " :rid " , $repo -> ID , PDO :: PARAM_INT ],
[ " :nam " , $name , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
[ " :sha " , null , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
[ " :lu " , Utils :: sqlnow (), PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
[ " :lc " , Utils :: sqlnow (), PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
$branch = $this -> sql_query_assoc_prep ( " SELECT * FROM branches WHERE repo_id = :rid AND name = :nam " ,
[ " :rid " , $repo -> ID , PDO :: PARAM_INT ],
[ " :nam " , $name , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
2020-04-22 11:24:48 +02:00
if ( count ( $branch ) === 0 ) throw new EGGException ( " No branch after insert [ " . $source . " | " . $repo -> Name . " | " . $name . " ] " );
2019-12-28 14:00:11 +01:00
$this -> logger -> proclog ( " Inserted (new) branch [ " . $source . " | " . $repo -> Name . " | " . $name . " ] into database " );
$r = new Branch ();
$r -> ID = $branch [ 0 ][ 'id' ];
$r -> Name = $branch [ 0 ][ 'name' ];
$r -> Repo = $repo ;
$r -> Head = $branch [ 0 ][ 'head' ];
$r -> LastUpdate = $branch [ 0 ][ 'last_update' ];
$r -> LastChange = $branch [ 0 ][ 'last_change' ];
return $r ;
* @ param string $source
* @ param Repository $repo
* @ param Branch $branch
* @ param Commit [] $commits
public function insertNewCommits ( string $source , Repository $repo , Branch $branch , array $commits ) {
2022-10-17 10:30:19 +02:00
$this -> logger -> proclog ( " Inserting " . count ( $commits ) . " (new) commits into [ " . $source . " | " . $repo -> Name . " | " . $branch -> Name . " ] " );
2019-12-28 14:00:11 +01:00
foreach ( $commits as $commit )
$strparents = implode ( " ; " , $commit -> Parents );
2020-03-05 18:20:27 +01:00
$this -> sql_exec_prep ( " INSERT INTO commits ([branch_id], [hash]) VALUES (:brid, :sha) " ,
2019-12-28 14:00:11 +01:00
[ " :brid " , $branch -> ID , PDO :: PARAM_INT ],
[ " :sha " , $commit -> Hash , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
2020-03-05 18:20:27 +01:00
$this -> sql_exec_prep ( " INSERT OR IGNORE INTO metadata ([hash], [author_name], [author_email], [committer_name], [committer_email], [message], [date], [parent_commits]) VALUES (:sha, :an, :am, :cn, :cm, :msg, :dat, :prt) " ,
[ " :sha " , $commit -> Hash , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
2019-12-28 14:00:11 +01:00
[ " :an " , $commit -> AuthorName , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
[ " :am " , $commit -> AuthorEmail , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
[ " :cn " , $commit -> CommitterName , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
[ " :cm " , $commit -> CommitterEmail , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
[ " :msg " , $commit -> Message , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
[ " :dat " , $commit -> Date , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
[ " :prt " , $strparents , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
$dbid = $this -> sql_query_assoc_prep ( " SELECT id FROM commits WHERE [branch_id] = :brid AND [Hash] = :sha " ,
[ " :brid " , $branch -> ID , PDO :: PARAM_INT ],
[ " :sha " , $commit -> Hash , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
$commit -> ID = $dbid [ 0 ][ 'id' ];
* @ param Branch $branch
* @ param string $head
public function setBranchHead ( Branch $branch , string $head ) {
2022-10-17 10:30:19 +02:00
$this -> logger -> proclog ( " Set HEAD of branch [ " . $branch -> Repo -> Source . " | " . $branch -> Repo -> Name . " | " . $branch -> Name . " ] to { " . substr ( $head , 0 , 8 ) . " } " );
2019-12-28 14:00:11 +01:00
$this -> sql_exec_prep ( " UPDATE branches SET head = :head WHERE id = :id " ,
[ " :id " , $branch -> ID , PDO :: PARAM_INT ],
[ " :head " , $head , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
$branch -> Head = $head ;
public function setUpdateDateOnRepository ( Repository $repo ) {
$now = Utils :: sqlnow ();
$this -> sql_exec_prep ( " UPDATE repositories SET last_update = :now WHERE id = :id " ,
[ " :id " , $repo -> ID , PDO :: PARAM_INT ],
[ " :now " , $now , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
$repo -> LastUpdate = $now ;
public function setChangeDateOnRepository ( Repository $repo ) {
$now = Utils :: sqlnow ();
$this -> sql_exec_prep ( " UPDATE repositories SET last_change = :now WHERE id = :id " ,
[ " :id " , $repo -> ID , PDO :: PARAM_INT ],
[ " :now " , $now , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
$repo -> LastChange = $now ;
public function setUpdateDateOnBranch ( Branch $branch ) {
$now = Utils :: sqlnow ();
$this -> sql_exec_prep ( " UPDATE branches SET last_update = :now WHERE id = :id " ,
[ " :id " , $branch -> ID , PDO :: PARAM_INT ],
[ " :now " , $now , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
$branch -> LastUpdate = $now ;
public function setChangeDateOnBranch ( Branch $branch ) {
$now = Utils :: sqlnow ();
$this -> sql_exec_prep ( " UPDATE branches SET last_change = :now WHERE id = :id " ,
[ " :id " , $branch -> ID , PDO :: PARAM_INT ],
[ " :now " , $now , PDO :: PARAM_STR ],
$branch -> LastChange = $now ;
* @ param string $source
* @ param Repository $repo
* @ param Branch [] $branches
public function deleteOtherBranches ( string $source , Repository $repo , array $branches )
$db = $this -> sql_query_assoc_prep ( " SELECT id, repo_id, name FROM branches WHERE repo_id = :rid " ,
[ " :rid " , $repo -> ID , PDO :: PARAM_STR ]
foreach ( $db as $dbname )
$exist = false ;
foreach ( $branches as $brnch ) if ( $brnch -> ID === $dbname [ 'id' ]) $exist = true ;
if ( ! $exist ) $this -> deleteBranchRecursive ( $source , $repo -> Name , $dbname [ 'name' ], $dbname [ 'id' ]);
* @ param string $source
* @ param Repository [] $repos
public function deleteOtherRepositories ( string $source , array $repos )
$db = $this -> sql_query_assoc_prep ( " SELECT id, url, name FROM repositories WHERE source = :src " ,
[ " :src " , $source , PDO :: PARAM_STR ]
foreach ( $db as $dbname )
$exist = false ;
foreach ( $repos as $rep ) if ( $rep -> ID === $dbname [ 'id' ]) $exist = true ;
if ( ! $exist ) $this -> deleteRepositoryRecursive ( $source , $dbname [ 'name' ], $dbname [ 'id' ]);
2020-03-05 18:20:27 +01:00
public function deleteDanglingCommitdata ( string $name )
2022-10-17 19:57:11 +02:00
$hashes = $this -> sql_query_assoc_prep ( " SELECT metadata.hash AS mdh FROM metadata LEFT JOIN commits ON metadata.hash = commits.hash WHERE commits.hash IS NULL " , []);
2020-03-05 18:20:27 +01:00
2022-10-17 12:15:28 +02:00
if ( count ( $hashes ) === 0 ) return ;
2020-03-05 18:20:27 +01:00
2022-10-17 12:15:28 +02:00
$this -> logger -> proclog ( " Deleting " . count ( $hashes ) . " dangling commits [ " . $name . " ] from database (no longer linked) " );
$this -> beginTransaction ();
foreach ( $hashes as $hash ) {
2022-10-17 19:57:11 +02:00
$this -> sql_query_assoc_prep ( " DELETE FROM metadata WHERE hash = :hash " , [ [ " :hash " , $hash [ 'mdh' ], PDO :: PARAM_STR ] ]);
2022-10-17 12:15:28 +02:00
$this -> commitTransaction ();
$this -> logger -> proclog ( " Succesfully deleted " . count ( $hashes ) . " dangling commits " );
2020-03-05 18:20:27 +01:00
2019-12-28 14:00:11 +01:00
* @ param string $source
* @ param string $name
* @ param int $id
private function deleteRepositoryRecursive ( string $source , string $name , int $id )
$this -> logger -> proclog ( " Delete repository [ " . $source . " | " . $name . " ] from database (no longer exists) " );
$branches = $this -> sql_query_assoc_prep ( " SELECT id FROM branches WHERE repo_id = :rid " , [ [ " :rid " , $id , PDO :: PARAM_INT ] ]);
$this -> sql_exec_prep ( " DELETE FROM repositories WHERE id = :id " , [[ " :id " , $id , PDO :: PARAM_INT ]]);
$this -> sql_exec_prep ( " DELETE FROM branches WHERE repo_id = :rid " , [[ " :rid " , $id , PDO :: PARAM_INT ]]);
foreach ( $branches as $branch ) $this -> sql_exec_prep ( " DELETE FROM commits WHERE branch_id = :bid " , [[ " :bid " , $branch [ " id " ], PDO :: PARAM_INT ]]);
* @ param string $source
* @ param string $reponame
* @ param string $name
* @ param int $id
private function deleteBranchRecursive ( string $source , string $reponame , string $name , int $id )
$this -> logger -> proclog ( " Delete branch [ " . $source . " | " . $reponame . " | " . $name . " ] from database (no longer exists) " );
$this -> sql_exec_prep ( " DELETE FROM branches WHERE id = :bid " , [[ " :bid " , $id , PDO :: PARAM_INT ]]);
$this -> sql_exec_prep ( " DELETE FROM commits WHERE branch_id = :bid " , [[ " :bid " , $id , PDO :: PARAM_INT ]]);
* @ param Branch $branch
public function deleteAllCommits ( Branch $branch ) {
$this -> sql_exec_prep ( " DELETE FROM commits WHERE branch_id = :bid " , [[ " :bid " , $branch -> ID , PDO :: PARAM_INT ]]);
public function deleteOldSources ( array $sources )
$dbsources = $this -> sql_query_assoc_prep ( " SELECT source FROM repositories GROUP BY source " , []);
foreach ( $dbsources as $dbsrc )
$exist = false ;
foreach ( $sources as $src ) if ( $src === $dbsrc [ 'source' ]) $exist = true ;
if ( ! $exist )
$this -> logger -> proclog ( " Delete source [ " . $dbsrc [ 'source' ] . " ] from database (no longer exists) " );
$repos = $this -> sql_query_assoc_prep ( " SELECT source,name,id FROM repositories WHERE source = :src " , [ [ " :src " , $dbsrc [ 'source' ], PDO :: PARAM_STR ] ]);
foreach ( $repos as $r ) $this -> deleteRepositoryRecursive ( $r [ 'source' ], $r [ 'name' ], $r [ 'id' ]);
* @ param int $year
* @ param string [] $identities
* @ return array
public function getCommitCountOfYearByDate ( int $year , array $identities ) : array
$sql = file_get_contents ( __DIR__ . " /db_queryyear.sql " );
$cond = " (1=0) " ;
$prep =
[ " :year " , " " . $year , PDO :: PARAM_STR ]
$i = 0 ;
foreach ( $identities as $ident )
$cond .= " OR (mail1 = :_ " . $i . " _) " ;
$prep [] = [ " :_ " . $i . " _ " , $ident , PDO :: PARAM_STR ];
$i ++ ;
$cond .= " OR (mail2 = :_ " . $i . " _) " ;
$prep [] = [ " :_ " . $i . " _ " , $ident , PDO :: PARAM_STR ];
$i ++ ;
$sql = str_replace ( " /* { INDETITY_COND}*/ " , $cond , $sql );
$rows = $this -> sql_query_assoc_prep ( $sql , $prep );
$r = [];
foreach ( $rows as $row ) $r [ $row [ 'commitdate' ]] = $row [ 'count' ];
return $r ;
* @ return int []
public function getAllYears () : array
2020-03-05 18:20:27 +01:00
$rows = $this -> sql_query_assoc ( " SELECT d FROM (SELECT cast(strftime('%Y', metadata.date) as decimal) AS d FROM commits LEFT JOIN metadata ON commits.hash = metadata.hash) GROUP BY d ORDER BY d " );
2019-12-28 14:00:11 +01:00
$r = [];
foreach ( $rows as $row ) $r [] = $row [ 'd' ];
return $r ;
2021-06-13 07:07:29 +02:00
* @ return Commit []
2022-10-17 19:57:11 +02:00
public function getCommitsForBranch ( Branch $branch ) : array
2021-06-13 07:07:29 +02:00
2022-10-17 19:57:11 +02:00
$rows = $this -> sql_query_assoc_prep ( " SELECT metadata.*, commits.id AS commitid FROM commits LEFT JOIN metadata ON metadata.hash = commits.hash WHERE commits.branch_id = :bid " ,
[ " :bid " , $branch -> ID , PDO :: PARAM_INT ]
2021-06-13 07:07:29 +02:00
$r = [];
foreach ( $rows as $row )
$c = new Commit ();
$c -> ID = $row [ 'commitid' ];
$c -> Branch = $branch ;
$c -> Hash = $row [ 'hash' ];
$c -> AuthorName = $row [ 'author_name' ];
$c -> AuthorEmail = $row [ 'author_email' ];
$c -> CommitterName = $row [ 'committer_name' ];
$c -> CommitterEmail = $row [ 'committer_email' ];
$c -> Message = $row [ 'message' ];
$c -> Date = $row [ 'date' ];
2022-10-17 19:57:11 +02:00
$c -> Parents = array_filter ( explode ( ';' , $row [ 'parent_commits' ]), fn ( $p ) => $p !== '' );
$r [] = $c ;
return $r ;
* @ return Commit []
public function getCommitsForRepo ( Repository $repo , Branch $branchValue ) : array
$rows = $this -> sql_query_assoc_prep ( " SELECT DISTINCT metadata.* FROM branches INNER JOIN commits ON branches.id = commits.branch_id LEFT JOIN metadata ON metadata.hash = commits.hash WHERE branches.repo_id = :rid " ,
[ " :rid " , $repo -> ID , PDO :: PARAM_INT ]
$r = [];
foreach ( $rows as $row )
$c = new Commit ();
$c -> Branch = $branchValue ;
$c -> Hash = $row [ 'hash' ];
$c -> AuthorName = $row [ 'author_name' ];
$c -> AuthorEmail = $row [ 'author_email' ];
$c -> CommitterName = $row [ 'committer_name' ];
$c -> CommitterEmail = $row [ 'committer_email' ];
$c -> Message = $row [ 'message' ];
$c -> Date = $row [ 'date' ];
$c -> Parents = array_filter ( explode ( ';' , $row [ 'parent_commits' ]), fn ( $p ) => $p !== '' );
2021-06-13 07:07:29 +02:00
$r [] = $c ;
return $r ;
2019-12-28 14:00:11 +01:00