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2019-12-24 13:34:32 +01:00
namespace AdventOfCode2019_17_2
const DAY = 17;
const PROBLEM = 2;
export async function run()
let input = await AdventOfCode.getInput(DAY);
if (input == null) return;
const code = input.trim().split(",").map(p => parseInt(p.trim()));
let [map, maxx, maxy] = await getMap(code);
const fullpath = getFullPath(map, maxx, maxy);
let proginput = await splitPath(fullpath, "y");
let rnr = new Interpreter(code, proginput);
while(!rnr.is_halted && (rnr.output.length < 0 || rnr.output[0] !== "?".charCodeAt(0))) { rnr.output=[]; rnr.singleStep(); }
while(!rnr.is_halted && (rnr.output.length < 0 || rnr.output[0] !== ".".charCodeAt(0))) { rnr.output=[]; rnr.singleStep(); }
if (rnr.output.length === (maxx+1)*(maxy+1)+1)
let str = rnr.output.map(p => String.fromCharCode(p)).reduce((a,b)=>a+b);
await AdventOfCode.outputIntermed(str);
await AdventOfCode.sleepIfIntermed(10);
rnr.output = [];
AdventOfCode.outputConsole(rnr.output.map(p => String.fromCharCode(p)).reduce((a,b)=>a+b));
AdventOfCode.output(DAY, PROBLEM, rnr.output[0].toString());
async function splitPath(fullpath: RoboCommand[], live: string): Promise<number[]>
let allsplits: { [pos:number]: [ number, RoboCommand[], number[] ][] } = {};
for(let i=0; i<fullpath.length; i++) allsplits[i] = [];
let splitmap: { [pos:number]: [ RoboCommand[], number[] ] } = {};
let splitid = 10000;
for(let splitlen = 10; splitlen>0;splitlen--)
let localfounds: Set<number> = new Set<number>();
for (let start=0; start <= fullpath.length-splitlen; start++)
if (localfounds.has(start)) continue;
let occurences = findInPath(fullpath, start, splitlen);
if (occurences.length === 1) continue;
for(const occ of occurences) localfounds.add(occ);
let localsplit = fullpath.slice(start, start+splitlen);
let localsplitstr = localsplit.map(p=>p.toString()).reduce((a,b)=>a+","+b);
if (localsplitstr.length>20) continue;
let r: [ number, RoboCommand[], number[] ] = [ splitid++, localsplit, occurences ];
splitmap[r[0]] = [ r[1], r[2] ];
AdventOfCode.outputConsole(`||(${r[0]}) ${occurences.length} x [${localsplitstr}] --> [${occurences.map(p=>p.toString()).reduce((a,b)=>a+";"+b)}]`);
for(const occ of occurences) allsplits[occ].push(r);
// ------------
let sf = new Splitfinder();
sf.allsplits = allsplits;
sf.fulllength = fullpath.length;
let result = "";
let intresult = [];
let progmap: {[_:number]: string} = {};
let first = true;
let rc0: RoboCommand[] = [];
let rc1: RoboCommand[] = [];
let rc2: RoboCommand[] = [];
for(const comp of sf.results[0])
let id = "";
if (comp in progmap) id = progmap[comp];
if (Object.entries(progmap).length==0) { id="A"; rc0 = splitmap[comp][0]; }
else if (Object.entries(progmap).length==1) { id="B"; rc1 = splitmap[comp][0]; }
else if (Object.entries(progmap).length==2) { id="C"; rc2 = splitmap[comp][0]; }
progmap[comp] = id;
if (!first) { result += ","; intresult.push(44); }
result += id;
first = false;
result += "\n";
let str0 = rc0.map(p => p.toString()).reduce((a,b)=>a+","+b);
result += str0+"\n";
str0.split('').forEach(p => intresult.push(p.charCodeAt(0)));
let str1 = rc1.map(p => p.toString()).reduce((a,b)=>a+","+b);
result += str1+"\n";
str1.split('').forEach(p => intresult.push(p.charCodeAt(0)));
let str2 = rc2.map(p => p.toString()).reduce((a,b)=>a+","+b);
result += str2+"\n";
str2.split('').forEach(p => intresult.push(p.charCodeAt(0)));
result += live + "\n";
return intresult;
class Splitfinder
allsplits: { [pos:number]: [ number, RoboCommand[], number[] ][] } = {}; // pos => [ id, path, starts ]
fulllength: number = 0;
results: number[][] = [];
path: number[] = [];
used_segments: [number, number][] = [];
position = 0;
// abort if we finished
if (this.position === this.fulllength)
this.results.push(Object.assign([], this.path));
AdventOfCode.outputConsole(">>> " + this.path.map(p => "["+p.toString()+"]").reduce((a,b)=>a+","+b) )
for(const seg of this.allsplits[this.position])
// ======== add to used_segments ========
let added = false;
for(let i=0; i<this.used_segments.length; i++)
if (this.used_segments[i][0] === seg[0])
added = true;
if (!added)
if (this.used_segments.length === 3) continue;
this.used_segments.push([seg[0], 1]);
// ======== add to path ========
// ======== inc pos ========
this.position += seg[1].length;
// ======== recursion ========
// ======== dec pos ========
this.position -= seg[1].length;
// ======== rem from path ========
// ======== rem from used_segments ========
let rem_us = false;
for(let i=0; i<this.used_segments.length; i++)
if (this.used_segments[i][0] === seg[0])
if (this.used_segments[i][1] === 0) rem_us = true;
if (rem_us)
this.used_segments = this.used_segments.filter(p => p[1] > 0);
function findInPath(fullpath: RoboCommand[], start: number, len: number): number[]
let r = [start];
for (let s = start+len; s<=fullpath.length-len;s++)
if (isPathEqual(fullpath, start, s, len)) r.push(s);
return r;
function isPathEqual(path: RoboCommand[], start1: number, start2: number, len: number)
for (let i=0; i<len; i++)
if (!(path[start1+i].eq(path[start2+i]))) return false;
return true;
function getFullPath(map: {[_:number]: number}, maxx: number, maxy: number)
let robox = -1;
let roboy = -1;
let robod = Direction.North;
for(let yy=0;yy<=maxy;yy++)
for(let xx=0;xx<=maxx;xx++)
let id = (yy*1_0000 + xx);
if (map[id] === 94) { robox=xx; roboy=yy; robod=Direction.North; break; }
if (map[id] === 62) { robox=xx; roboy=yy; robod=Direction.East; break; }
if (map[id] === 60) { robox=xx; roboy=yy; robod=Direction.West; break; }
if (map[id] === 118) { robox=xx; roboy=yy; robod=Direction.South; break; }
let result: RoboCommand[] = [];
let pos: [number, number] = [robox, roboy];
let dir = robod;
let moves = 0;
if (isScaffolding(map, moveDir(pos, dir)))
pos = moveDir(pos, dir);
else if (isScaffolding(map, moveDir(pos, turnLeft(dir))))
if (moves > 0) result.push(new RoboCommand(RoboCommandType.Move, moves));
moves = 0;
result.push(new RoboCommand(RoboCommandType.Left, 1));
dir = turnLeft(dir);
else if (isScaffolding(map, moveDir(pos, turnRight(dir))))
if (moves > 0) result.push(new RoboCommand(RoboCommandType.Move, moves));
moves = 0;
result.push(new RoboCommand(RoboCommandType.Right, 1));
dir = turnRight(dir);
if (moves > 0) result.push(new RoboCommand(RoboCommandType.Move, moves));
AdventOfCode.outputConsole(result.map(p => p.toString()).reduce((a,b)=> a+","+b));
return result;
function moveDir(pos: [number, number], dir: Direction): [number, number]
return move(pos, dirToVec(dir))
function move(pos: [number, number], vec: [number, number]): [number, number]
return [ pos[0]+vec[0], pos[1]+vec[1] ];
function isScaffolding(map: {[_:number]: number}, pos: [number, number])
let id = (pos[1]*1_0000 + pos[0]);
return map[id] === 35;
class RoboCommand
cmd: RoboCommandType = RoboCommandType.Move;
len: number = 0;
constructor(c: RoboCommandType, l: number)
this.cmd = c;
this.len = l;
eq(o: RoboCommand)
if (this.cmd !== o.cmd) return false;
if (this.len !== o.len) return false;
return true;
toString(): string
if (this.cmd === RoboCommandType.Left) return "L";
if (this.cmd === RoboCommandType.Right) return "R";
if (this.cmd === RoboCommandType.Move) return ""+this.len;
throw "??";
enum RoboCommandType { Left, Right, Move }
enum Direction
North = 1,
South = 2,
West = 3,
East = 4,
function dirToVec(d: Direction): [number, number]
if (d === Direction.North) return [0, -1];
if (d === Direction.East) return [+1, 0];
if (d === Direction.South) return [0, +1];
if (d === Direction.West) return [-1, 0];
throw "-.-";
function turnRight(d: Direction): Direction
if (d === Direction.North) return Direction.East;
if (d === Direction.East) return Direction.South;
if (d === Direction.South) return Direction.West;
if (d === Direction.West) return Direction.North;
throw "dr";
function turnLeft(d: Direction): Direction
if (d === Direction.North) return Direction.West;
if (d === Direction.East) return Direction.North;
if (d === Direction.South) return Direction.East;
if (d === Direction.West) return Direction.South;
throw "dl";
async function getMap(code: number[]): Promise<[{[_:number]: number}, number, number]>
let rnr = new Interpreter(code, []);
let map: {[_:number]: number} = {};
let maxx = 0;
let maxy = 0;
let out = "";
let ipx=0;
let ipy=0
while (!rnr.is_halted)
if (rnr.output.length>0)
const v = rnr.output.pop()!;
out += String.fromCharCode(v);
//await AdventOfCode.outputIntermed(out);
if (v === 10)
// AdventOfCode.outputConsole(`# [${ipx}|${ipy}] = ${v}`);
map[ipy*1_0000 + ipx] = v;
maxx = Math.max(maxx, ipx);
maxy = Math.max(maxy, ipy);
await AdventOfCode.outputIntermed(out);
for(let yy=-1;yy<=maxy+1;yy++)
for(let xx=-1;xx<=maxx+1;xx++)
if (!((yy*1_0000 + xx) in map)) map[yy*1_0000 + xx] = 46;
return [map, maxx, maxy];
class Interpreter
program: InfMem;
inputqueue: number[];
instructionpointer: number;
output: number[];
relative_base: number;
is_halted: boolean = false;
constructor(prog: number[], input: number[])
this.program = new InfMem(prog);
this.inputqueue = input;
this.instructionpointer = 0;
this.output = [];
this.relative_base = 0;
fullRun() : number[]
const r = this.singleStep();
if (r === StepResult.EXECUTED) continue;
if (r === StepResult.HALTED) return this.output;
if (r === StepResult.WAITING_FOR_IN) throw "not enough input";
throw "unknown output of singleStep";
return this.output;
autoRun() : StepResult
const r = this.singleStep();
if (r === StepResult.EXECUTED) continue;
if (r === StepResult.HALTED) return StepResult.HALTED;
if (r === StepResult.WAITING_FOR_IN) return StepResult.WAITING_FOR_IN;
throw "unknown output of singleStep";
return StepResult.HALTED;
singleStep() : StepResult
const cmd = new Op(this.program.r(this.instructionpointer));
if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.ADD)
const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0);
const p1 = cmd.getParameter(this, 1);
const pv = p0 + p1;
cmd.setParameter(this, 2, pv);
return StepResult.EXECUTED;
else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.MUL)
const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0);
const p1 = cmd.getParameter(this, 1);
const pv = p0 * p1;
cmd.setParameter(this, 2, pv);
return StepResult.EXECUTED;
else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.HALT)
this.is_halted = true;
return StepResult.HALTED;
else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.IN)
if (this.inputqueue.length == 0) return StepResult.WAITING_FOR_IN;
const pv = this.inputqueue[0];
cmd.setParameter(this, 0, pv);
this.inputqueue = this.inputqueue.slice(1);
return StepResult.EXECUTED;
else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.OUT)
const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0);
//AdventOfCode.outputConsole("# " + p0);
return StepResult.EXECUTED;
else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.TJMP)
const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0);
if (p0 != 0) this.instructionpointer = cmd.getParameter(this, 1);
else this.incInstrPtr(cmd);
return StepResult.EXECUTED;
else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.FJMP)
const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0);
if (p0 == 0) this.instructionpointer = cmd.getParameter(this, 1);
else this.incInstrPtr(cmd);
return StepResult.EXECUTED;
else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.LT)
const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0);
const p1 = cmd.getParameter(this, 1);
const pv = p0 < p1 ? 1 : 0;
cmd.setParameter(this, 2, pv);
return StepResult.EXECUTED;
else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.EQ)
const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0);
const p1 = cmd.getParameter(this, 1);
const pv = p0 == p1 ? 1 : 0;
cmd.setParameter(this, 2, pv);
return StepResult.EXECUTED;
else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.ARB)
const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0);
this.relative_base = this.relative_base+p0;
return StepResult.EXECUTED;
else throw "Unknown Op: " + cmd.opcode + " @ " + this.instructionpointer;
private incInstrPtr(cmd: Op)
this.instructionpointer += 1 + cmd.parametercount;
enum OpCode
ADD = 1,
MUL = 2,
IN = 3,
OUT = 4,
TJMP = 5,
FJMP = 6,
LT = 7,
EQ = 8,
ARB = 9,
HALT = 99,
enum ParamMode
class Op
opcode: OpCode;
modes: ParamMode[];
name: string;
parametercount: number;
constructor(v: number)
this.opcode = v%100;
v = Math.floor(v/100);
this.modes = [];
for(let i=0; i<4; i++)
v = Math.floor(v/10);
if (this.opcode == OpCode.ADD) { this.name="ADD"; this.parametercount=3; }
else if (this.opcode == OpCode.MUL) { this.name="MUL"; this.parametercount=3; }
else if (this.opcode == OpCode.HALT) { this.name="HALT"; this.parametercount=0; }
else if (this.opcode == OpCode.IN) { this.name="IN"; this.parametercount=1; }
else if (this.opcode == OpCode.OUT) { this.name="OUT"; this.parametercount=1; }
else if (this.opcode == OpCode.TJMP) { this.name="TJMP"; this.parametercount=2; }
else if (this.opcode == OpCode.FJMP) { this.name="FJMP"; this.parametercount=2; }
else if (this.opcode == OpCode.LT) { this.name="LT"; this.parametercount=3; }
else if (this.opcode == OpCode.EQ) { this.name="EQ"; this.parametercount=3; }
else if (this.opcode == OpCode.ARB) { this.name="ARB"; this.parametercount=1; }
else throw "Unknown opcode: "+this.opcode;
getParameter(proc: Interpreter, index: number): number
const prog = proc.program;
const ip = proc.instructionpointer;
let p = prog.r(ip+1+index);
if (this.modes[index] == ParamMode.POSITION_MODE) p = prog.r(p);
else if (this.modes[index] == ParamMode.IMMEDIATE_MODE) p = p;
else if (this.modes[index] == ParamMode.RELATIVE_MODE) p = prog.r(proc.relative_base+p);
else throw "Unknown ParamMode: "+this.modes[index];
return p;
setParameter(proc: Interpreter, index: number, value: number): void
const prog = proc.program;
const ip = proc.instructionpointer;
let p = prog.r(ip+1+index);
if (this.modes[index] == ParamMode.POSITION_MODE) prog.w(p, value);
else if (this.modes[index] == ParamMode.IMMEDIATE_MODE) throw "Immediate mode not allowed in write";
else if (this.modes[index] == ParamMode.RELATIVE_MODE) prog.w(proc.relative_base+p, value);
else throw "Unknown ParamMode: "+this.modes[index];
class InfMem
private data: { [_:number]:number } = {};
constructor(v: number[])
for(let i=0; i<v.length;i++) this.data[i]=v[i];
r(pos: number): number
if (!(pos in this.data)) this.data[pos] = 0;
return this.data[pos];
w(pos: number, val: number): number
return this.data[pos] = val;