2017-12-31 17:53:59 +01:00
< ? php
require_once ( __DIR__ . '/../internals/base.php' );
require_once ( __DIR__ . '/../internals/blog.php' );
require_once ( __DIR__ . '/../internals/euler.php' );
require_once ( __DIR__ . '/../extern/Parsedown.php' );
$problems = Euler :: listAll ();
2018-01-20 03:05:15 +01:00
< div class = " blogcontent bc_euler base_markdown " >
2017-12-31 17:53:59 +01:00
< div style = " position: relative; " >
< a href = " https://github.com/Mikescher/Project-Euler_Befunge " style = " position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0; " >
2018-01-01 23:03:05 +01:00
< img src = " /data/images/blog/github_band.png " alt = " Fork me on GitHub " data - canonical - src = " https://s3.amazonaws.com/github/ribbons/forkme_right_darkblue_121621.png " >
2017-12-31 17:53:59 +01:00
</ a >
</ div >
< div class = " bc_header " >
< ? php echo $post [ 'date' ]; ?>
</ div >
< div class = " bc_data " >
< p >< a href = " https://projecteuler.net/problems " >< img src = " https://projecteuler.net/profile/Mikescher.png " /></ a ></ p >
< p >
A lot of you probably know < a href = " https://projecteuler.net/ " > Project Euler </ a >.< br />
For those who don ' t here a short explanation : Project Euler is a collection of mathematical / programming problems .
Most problems consist of finding a single number and are solved by writing a program in the programming language of your choice .
</ p >
< p >
Most people solve these by using normal languages like C , Java , Phyton , Haskell etc .
But you can also go a step further and try solving it with a little bit more exotic languages .
</ p >
< p >
So here are my solutions written in < a href = " http://esolangs.org/wiki/Befunge " > Befunge </ a >
</ p >
< blockquote >
< p >
< strong > Note :</ strong >< br />
Similar to most Befunge content on this site I only used the Befunge - 93 instruction - set but ignored the 80 x25 size restriction .< br />
Still I tries to keep the programs in the Befunge - 93 grid size , but that wasn ' t possible for all . So I guess some programs are < i > technically </ i > Befunge - 98.
</ p >
2018-01-20 03:05:15 +01:00
< p >
Also the original < a href = " https://github.com/catseye/Befunge-93/blob/master/doc/Befunge-93.markdown " > befunge - 93 spec </ a > didn ' t specify the word size of the stack or the grid < br />
So , while most programs run happily with 32 bit integers some need an interpreter that supports 64 bit integers for both stack and grid .
</ p >
2017-12-31 17:53:59 +01:00
</ blockquote >
< p >
I have a included javascript runner here , but for one I only enabled it for programs of reasonable sizes ( a few soutions had source files in the megabyte range ) .< br />
And also it ' s not the fastest interpreter and some solution take quite a while to finish .< br />
I recommend using < a href = " /programs/view/BefunUtils " > BefunExec </ a >. I specially made that interpreter for this project . It can run befunge code with around 6.5 MHz < i > ( on my machine ) </ i >
</ p >
< div class = " mdtable_container " >
< table id = " PEB_tableProblems " class = " mdtable " >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > Number </ th > < th > Title </ th > < th > Time </ th > < th > Size </ th > < th > Solution ( hover to reveal ) </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >
< ? php
foreach ( $problems as $problem )
echo '<tr class="PEB_tablerowProblems">' . " \r \n " ;
echo '<td class="PEB_tablecellProblems PEB_TC_Number">' ;
echo '<a href="' . $problem [ 'url' ] . '">' ;
echo $problem [ 'number' ];
echo '</a>' ;
echo '</td>' . " \r \n " ;
echo '<td class="PEB_tablecellProblems PEB_TC_Title">' ;
echo '<a href="' . $problem [ 'url' ] . '">' ;
echo htmlspecialchars ( $problem [ 'title' ]);
echo '</a>' ;
echo '</td>' . " \r \n " ;
echo '<td class="PEB_tablecellProblems PEB_TC_Rating">' ;
echo '<a href="' . $problem [ 'url' ] . '">' ;
echo '<div class="PEB_TC_Time PEB_TC_Timelevel_' . $problem [ 'rating' ] . '">' ;
echo formatMilliseconds ( $problem [ 'time' ]) . " </div></td> \r \n " ;
echo '</div>' ;
echo '</a>' ;
echo '</td>' . " \r \n " ;
echo '<td class="PEB_tablecellProblems PEB_TC_Size">' ;
echo '<a href="' . $problem [ 'url' ] . '">' ;
echo $problem [ 'width' ] . 'x' . $problem [ 'height' ];
echo '<div class="PEB_TC_Size_' . ( $problem [ 'is93' ] ? '93' : '98' ) . '">' ;
echo ( $problem [ 'is93' ] ? 'Bef-93' : 'Bef-98' );
echo '</div>' ;
echo '</a>' ;
echo '</td>' . " \r \n " ;
echo '<td class="PEB_tablecellProblems PEB_TC_Value">' ;
echo number_format ( $problem [ 'value' ], 0 , null , ',' );
echo '</td>' . " \r \n " ;
echo " </tr> \r \n " ;
</ tbody >
</ table >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >