95 lines
2.4 KiB
95 lines
2.4 KiB
import std/strutils
import std/sequtils
import system
type Pos = object
X: int
Y: int
type Rope = object
Head: Pos
Tail: Pos
proc move_rope(input: Rope, vec: Pos): Rope =
var rope = input
rope.Head.X += vec.X
rope.Head.Y += vec.Y
let deltaX = rope.Head.X - rope.Tail.X
let deltaY = rope.Head.Y - rope.Tail.Y
if not (abs(deltaX) >= 2 or abs(deltaY) >= 2): return rope
if deltaX > 0:
rope.Tail.X += 1
elif deltaX < 0:
rope.Tail.X -= 1
if deltaY > 0:
rope.Tail.Y += 1
elif deltaY < 0:
rope.Tail.Y -= 1
return rope
proc print_rope(r: Rope, width: int, height: int) =
for y in -height .. height:
for x in -width .. width:
let ishead = (x == r.Head.X and y == r.Head.Y)
let istail = (x == r.Tail.X and y == r.Tail.Y)
let iszero = (x == 0 and y == 0 )
if ishead and istail:
io.stdout.write "@"
elif ishead:
io.stdout.write "H"
elif istail:
io.stdout.write "T"
elif iszero:
io.stdout.write "s"
io.stdout.write "."
io.stdout.write "\n"
io.stdout.write "\n"
proc run09_1(): string =
const input = staticRead"../input/day09.txt"
let lines = splitLines(input).filter(proc(p: string): bool = p != "")
var rope = Rope(Head: Pos(X: 0, Y: 0), Tail: Pos(X: 0, Y: 0))
var tailposmap = @[rope.Tail]
# print_rope(rope, 200, 200)
for line in lines:
let dir = case line.split(" ")[0][0]:
of 'U': Pos(X: 00, Y: -1)
of 'D': Pos(X: 00, Y: +1)
of 'L': Pos(X: -1, Y: 00)
of 'R': Pos(X: +1, Y: 00)
else: Pos(X: 00, Y: 00)
let cnt = parseInt(line.split(" ")[1])
for _ in 0 ..< cnt:
# echo "== ", line, " ==", " (dir: [", dir.X, "|", dir.Y, "] )"
rope = move_rope(rope, dir)
# print_rope(rope, 100, 100)
#echo "[", rope.Tail.X, ";", rope.Tail.Y, "] -> [", rope.Head.X, ";", rope.Head.Y, "]"
# echo tailposmap.deduplicate()
return tailposmap.deduplicate().len().intToStr()
when not defined(js):
echo run09_1()
proc js_run09_1(): cstring {.exportc.} =
return cstring(run09_1())