.Net format specifier Cheat Sheet ============================ Here my (growing) collection of C# format specifier, this is not a complete list but rather a collection of specifier I needed in the past: ###Short syntax summary ```csharp "{0,5:000;0.#;0}" ``` ```plain { 0 // The index of the displayed object ,5 // A padding of 5 000;0.#;0 // The format string } ``` ```plain 000 // The format for positive numbers (min 3 places, fill missing with zeroes) ; 0.# // The format for negative numbers (at least one digit before decimal point, maximum one after) ; 0 // The format for zeros (one digit - a zero) ``` ###Align right with leading spaces ```csharp "{0,6}" // min-width: 6 character ``` ###Digits after decimal point ```csharp "{0:0.00}" // exactly 2 digits after decimal point "{0:0.##}" // maximal 2 digits after decimal point ``` ###Align positive & negative numbers with leading zeros ```csharp /* integer: */ "{0:0000;-000}" // min-width: 4 character /* float: */ "{0:0000.00;-000.00}" // min-width: 4 character + 2 decimal places ``` ###Remove minus sign ```csharp "{0:0;0}" ``` ###Show thousand seperator ```csharp "{0:#,0}" // only for integer ``` ###Scale numbers ```csharp "{0:#,#}" // normal number "{0:#,##0, kilo}" // (number/1000) kilo "{0:#,##0,, mill}" // (number/1000/1000) million "{0:#,##0,,, bill}" // (number/1000/1000/1000) billion ``` > **see: ** [stackoverflow.com](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11731996/string-format-numbers-thousands-123k-millions-123m-billions-123b) ###Right align currency ```csharp "{0,10:#,##0.00}" // Right aligned & always 2 decimal places ``` > **see: ** [stackoverflow.com](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7422625/right-align-currency-in-string-format) ###Align strings ```csharp "{0,-10}" // Left aligned, min-width: 10 chars "{0,10}" // Right aligned, min-width: 10 chars ``` ###Datetime formatting ```csharp "s" // second "m" // minute "t" // AM/PM "h" // hour (1-12) "H" // hour (0-23) "d" // day "M" // month "y" // year "z" // timezone offset "{0:D/M/yyyy}" // z.B.: 28/2/2013" ``` ###Only show positive numbers ```csharp "{0:#.#####;'';}" ``` ###Add a prefix/suffix ```csharp "{0:(0)}" // ( number ) "{0:_0_}" // _number_ ``` ###Format Hexadecimal ```csharp "{0:X}" // z.B.: 138D5 "{0:x}" // z.B.: 138d5 "{0:X8}" // z.B.: 000138D5 "0x{0:X8}" // z.B.: 0x000138D5 ```