<Query Kind="Program" /> enum Fraction { Wall, Elf, Goblin } class Entity { public Fraction Frac; public int AttackPower; public int HitPoints; public int X, Y; public bool Alive; public override string ToString() => $"{Frac}[{AttackPower};{HitPoints}]"; } int Width = 0; int Height = 0; Entity[,] Map = null; List<Entity> Units = null; readonly bool DUMP_REACHABLE = false; readonly bool DUMP_PATHFINDING = false; readonly bool DUMP_MAP = false; void Main() { var input = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Util.CurrentQueryPath), @"15_input.txt")); for (int pwr = 3; ; pwr++) { Load(input, pwr); try { for (int gen = 0; ; gen++) { if (DUMP_MAP) DumpMap(gen); //if (gen==60)Util.Break(); foreach (var u in Units.OrderBy(p => p.Y).ThenBy(p => p.X).ToList()) { if (!u.Alive) continue; var success = Tick(u); if (!success && (Units.Count(q => q.Frac == Fraction.Elf) == 0 || Units.Count(q => q.Frac == Fraction.Goblin) == 0)) { if (DUMP_MAP) DumpMap(gen + 1); var winner = Units.Where(q => q.Frac != Fraction.Wall).Select(p => p.Frac).Distinct().Single(); var count = Units.Count(q => q.Frac != Fraction.Wall); var hpsum = Units.Where(q => q.Frac != Fraction.Wall).Sum(q => q.HitPoints); $"Finished after {gen} rounds with {count} Units ({winner}), {hpsum} total HP and {pwr} Elf-power. The score is [ {hpsum * gen} ] ".Dump(); return; } } } } catch (Exception) {} } } bool Tick(Entity e) { var enemyFraction = e.Frac == Fraction.Elf ? Fraction.Goblin : Fraction.Elf; // [1] Fast Attack { Entity target = null; if (e.Y > 0 && Map[e.X, e.Y - 1] != null && Map[e.X, e.Y - 1].Frac == enemyFraction && (target == null || Map[e.X, e.Y - 1].HitPoints < target.HitPoints)) target = Map[e.X, e.Y - 1]; if (e.X > 0 && Map[e.X - 1, e.Y] != null && Map[e.X - 1, e.Y].Frac == enemyFraction && (target == null || Map[e.X - 1, e.Y].HitPoints < target.HitPoints)) target = Map[e.X - 1, e.Y]; if (e.X < Width - 1 && Map[e.X + 1, e.Y] != null && Map[e.X + 1, e.Y].Frac == enemyFraction && (target == null || Map[e.X + 1, e.Y].HitPoints < target.HitPoints)) target = Map[e.X + 1, e.Y]; if (e.Y < Height - 1 && Map[e.X, e.Y + 1] != null && Map[e.X, e.Y + 1].Frac == enemyFraction && (target == null || Map[e.X, e.Y + 1].HitPoints < target.HitPoints)) target = Map[e.X, e.Y + 1]; if (target != null) { Attack(e, target); return true; } } // [2] Path Finding { var targetPos = ListTargets(enemyFraction) .Select(p => (p, GetDistance((e.X, e.Y), (p.x, p.y)))) .Where(p => p.Item2 != null) .OrderBy(p => p.Item2) .ThenBy(p => p.p.y) .ThenBy(p => p.p.x) .Select(p => p.p) .FirstOrDefault(); if (targetPos == default) { return false; } int[,] matrix = DoPathFinding(targetPos.x, targetPos.y); if (DUMP_PATHFINDING) DumpPathFinding(matrix, e, (targetPos.x, targetPos.y)); Tuple<int, int, int> targetStep = null; if (e.Y > 0 && matrix[e.X, e.Y - 1] >= 0 && matrix[e.X, e.Y - 1] < int.MaxValue && (targetStep == null || targetStep.Item3 > matrix[e.X, e.Y - 1])) targetStep = Tuple.Create(e.X, e.Y - 1, matrix[e.X, e.Y - 1]); if (e.X > 0 && matrix[e.X - 1, e.Y] >= 0 && matrix[e.X - 1, e.Y] < int.MaxValue && (targetStep == null || targetStep.Item3 > matrix[e.X - 1, e.Y])) targetStep = Tuple.Create(e.X - 1, e.Y, matrix[e.X - 1, e.Y]); if (e.X < Width - 1 && matrix[e.X + 1, e.Y] >= 0 && matrix[e.X + 1, e.Y] < int.MaxValue && (targetStep == null || targetStep.Item3 > matrix[e.X + 1, e.Y])) targetStep = Tuple.Create(e.X + 1, e.Y, matrix[e.X + 1, e.Y]); if (e.Y < Height - 1 && matrix[e.X, e.Y + 1] >= 0 && matrix[e.X, e.Y + 1] < int.MaxValue && (targetStep == null || targetStep.Item3 > matrix[e.X, e.Y + 1])) targetStep = Tuple.Create(e.X, e.Y + 1, matrix[e.X, e.Y + 1]); //if (e.X > 0 && matrix[e.X - 1, e.Y] >= 0 && matrix[e.X - 1, e.Y] < int.MaxValue && (targetStep == null || targetStep.Item3 > matrix[e.X - 1, e.Y])) targetStep = Tuple.Create(e.X - 1, e.Y, matrix[e.X - 1, e.Y]); //if (e.Y > 0 && matrix[e.X, e.Y - 1] >= 0 && matrix[e.X, e.Y - 1] < int.MaxValue && (targetStep == null || targetStep.Item3 > matrix[e.X, e.Y - 1])) targetStep = Tuple.Create(e.X, e.Y - 1, matrix[e.X, e.Y - 1]); //if (e.Y < Height - 1 && matrix[e.X, e.Y + 1] >= 0 && matrix[e.X, e.Y + 1] < int.MaxValue && (targetStep == null || targetStep.Item3 > matrix[e.X, e.Y + 1])) targetStep = Tuple.Create(e.X, e.Y + 1, matrix[e.X, e.Y + 1]); //if (e.X < Width - 1 && matrix[e.X + 1, e.Y] >= 0 && matrix[e.X + 1, e.Y] < int.MaxValue && (targetStep == null || targetStep.Item3 > matrix[e.X + 1, e.Y])) targetStep = Tuple.Create(e.X + 1, e.Y, matrix[e.X + 1, e.Y]); if (targetStep == null) { return false; } Move(e, targetStep.Item1, targetStep.Item2); // [3] Normal Attack if (targetStep.Item3 == 0) { Entity att = null; if (e.Y > 0 && Map[e.X, e.Y - 1] != null && Map[e.X, e.Y - 1].Frac == enemyFraction && (att == null || att.HitPoints > Map[e.X, e.Y - 1].HitPoints)) att = Map[e.X, e.Y - 1]; if (e.X > 0 && Map[e.X - 1, e.Y] != null && Map[e.X - 1, e.Y].Frac == enemyFraction && (att == null || att.HitPoints > Map[e.X - 1, e.Y].HitPoints)) att = Map[e.X - 1, e.Y]; if (e.X < Width - 1 && Map[e.X + 1, e.Y] != null && Map[e.X + 1, e.Y].Frac == enemyFraction && (att == null || att.HitPoints > Map[e.X + 1, e.Y].HitPoints)) att = Map[e.X + 1, e.Y]; if (e.X < Height - 1 && Map[e.X, e.Y + 1] != null && Map[e.X, e.Y + 1].Frac == enemyFraction && (att == null || att.HitPoints > Map[e.X, e.Y + 1].HitPoints)) att = Map[e.X, e.Y + 1]; Attack(e, att); return true; } return true; } } int? GetDistance((int x, int y) p1, (int x, int y) p2) { int[,] dmap = new int[Width, Height]; var workload = new Stack<(int, int)>(); // <x,y> workload.Push((p1.x, p1.y)); for (int yy = 0; yy < Height; yy++) for (int xx = 0; xx < Width; xx++) dmap[xx, yy] = (Map[xx, yy] != null) ? -1 : int.MaxValue; dmap[p1.x, p1.y] = 0; dmap[p2.x, p2.y] = int.MaxValue; while (workload.Any()) { (var x, var y) = workload.Pop(); if (y > 0 && dmap[x, y - 1] - 1 > dmap[x, y]) { dmap[x, y - 1] = dmap[x, y] + 1; workload.Push((x, y - 1)); } // [N] if (x < Width - 1 && dmap[x + 1, y] - 1 > dmap[x, y]) { dmap[x + 1, y] = dmap[x, y] + 1; workload.Push((x + 1, y)); } // [E] if (x > 0 && dmap[x - 1, y] - 1 > dmap[x, y]) { dmap[x - 1, y] = dmap[x, y] + 1; workload.Push((x - 1, y)); } // [W] if (y < Height - 1 && dmap[x, y + 1] - 1 > dmap[x, y]) { dmap[x, y + 1] = dmap[x, y] + 1; workload.Push((x, y + 1)); } // [S] } if (DUMP_REACHABLE) DumpReachable(dmap, p1, p2); return dmap[p2.x, p2.y] == int.MaxValue ? (int?)null : dmap[p2.x, p2.y]; } void Move(Entity e, int x, int y) { Map[e.X, e.Y] = null; e.X = x; e.Y = y; Map[e.X, e.Y] = e; } IEnumerable<(int x, int y, Entity e)> ListTargets(Fraction destFrac) { foreach (var u in Units.Where(q => q.Frac == destFrac)) { if (u.Y > 0 && Map[u.X, u.Y - 1] == null) yield return (u.X, u.Y - 1, u); // [N] if (u.X < Width - 1 && Map[u.X + 1, u.Y] == null) yield return (u.X + 1, u.Y, u); // [E] if (u.X > 0 && Map[u.X - 1, u.Y] == null) yield return (u.X - 1, u.Y, u); // [W] if (u.Y < Height - 1 && Map[u.X, u.Y + 1] == null) yield return (u.X, u.Y + 1, u); // [S] } } int[,] DoPathFinding(int dx, int dy) { int[,] dmap = new int[Width, Height]; var workload = new Stack<(int, int)>(); // <x,y> workload.Push((dx, dy)); for (int yy = 0; yy < Height; yy++) for (int xx = 0; xx < Width; xx++) dmap[xx, yy] = (Map[xx, yy] != null) ? -1 : int.MaxValue; dmap[dx, dy] = 0; while (workload.Any()) { (var x, var y) = workload.Pop(); if (y > 0 && dmap[x, y - 1] - 1 > dmap[x, y]) { dmap[x, y - 1] = dmap[x, y] + 1; workload.Push((x, y - 1)); } // [N] if (x < Width - 1 && dmap[x + 1, y] - 1 > dmap[x, y]) { dmap[x + 1, y] = dmap[x, y] + 1; workload.Push((x + 1, y)); } // [E] if (x > 0 && dmap[x - 1, y] - 1 > dmap[x, y]) { dmap[x - 1, y] = dmap[x, y] + 1; workload.Push((x - 1, y)); } // [W] if (y < Height - 1 && dmap[x, y + 1] - 1 > dmap[x, y]) { dmap[x, y + 1] = dmap[x, y] + 1; workload.Push((x, y + 1)); } // [S] } return dmap; } void Attack(Entity src, Entity dst) { dst.HitPoints -= src.AttackPower; if (dst.HitPoints <= 0) { dst.Alive = false; Units.Remove(dst); Map[dst.X, dst.Y] = null; if (dst.Frac==Fraction.Elf)throw new Exception("DEATH"); } } void DumpPathFinding(int[,] dmap, Entity src, (int X, int Y) dst) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (int yy = 0; yy < Height; yy++) { b.Append(" "); for (int xx = 0; xx < Width; xx++) { if (xx == src.X && yy == src.Y) b.Append('+'); else if (xx == dst.X && yy == dst.Y) b.Append('O'); else if (dmap[xx, yy] == int.MaxValue) b.Append(' '); else if (dmap[xx, yy] < 0) b.Append('#'); else if (dmap[xx, yy] <= 9) b.Append(dmap[xx, yy]); else if (dmap[xx, yy] < 36) b.Append((char)('A' + (dmap[xx, yy] - 10))); else b.Append('$'); } b.AppendLine(); } b.ToString().Dump(); } void DumpReachable(int[,] rmap, (int X, int Y) src, (int X, int Y) dst) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (int yy = 0; yy < Height; yy++) { b.Append(": "); for (int xx = 0; xx < Width; xx++) { if (xx == src.X && yy == src.Y) b.Append('+'); else if (xx == dst.X && yy == dst.Y) b.Append('O'); else if (Map[xx, yy]?.Frac == Fraction.Wall) b.Append('#'); else if (rmap[xx, yy] < int.MaxValue) b.Append(' '); else if (rmap[xx, yy] == int.MaxValue) b.Append('.'); else b.Append('$'); } b.AppendLine(); } b.ToString().Dump(); } void DumpMap(int gen) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (int yy = 0; yy < Height; yy++) { List<string> extra = new List<string>(); for (int xx = 0; xx < Width; xx++) { if (Map[xx, yy] == null) { b.Append('.'); } else if (Map[xx, yy].Frac == Fraction.Wall) { b.Append('#'); } else if (Map[xx, yy].Frac == Fraction.Elf) { b.Append('E'); extra.Add($"E({Map[xx, yy].HitPoints})"); } else if (Map[xx, yy].Frac == Fraction.Goblin) { b.Append('G'); extra.Add($"G({Map[xx, yy].HitPoints})"); } else throw new Exception($"[{xx}|{yy}] := {Map[xx, yy]}"); } b.Append($" {string.Join(", ", extra)}{(extra.Any() ? ", " : "")}"); b.AppendLine(); } $"After {gen} rounds:".Dump(); b.ToString().Trim().Dump(); $"{new string(' ', Width)} HP[G] := {Units.Where(p => p.Frac == Fraction.Goblin).Sum(p => p.HitPoints)}".Dump(); $"{new string(' ', Width)} HP[E] := {Units.Where(p => p.Frac == Fraction.Elf).Sum(p => p.HitPoints)}".Dump(); "".Dump(); "".Dump(); "".Dump(); } void Load(string[] input, int pwr) { Width = input[0].Length; Height = input.Length; Map = new UserQuery.Entity[Width, Height]; Units = new List<Entity>(); for (int yy = 0; yy < Height; yy++) { for (int xx = 0; xx < Width; xx++) { if (input[yy][xx] == '#') Map[xx, yy] = new Entity { Frac = Fraction.Wall, AttackPower = 0, HitPoints = int.MaxValue, X = xx, Y = yy, Alive = true }; else if (input[yy][xx] == '.') Map[xx, yy] = null; else if (input[yy][xx] == 'E') Units.Add(Map[xx, yy] = new Entity { Frac = Fraction.Elf, AttackPower = pwr, HitPoints = 200, X = xx, Y = yy, Alive = true }); else if (input[yy][xx] == 'G') Units.Add(Map[xx, yy] = new Entity { Frac = Fraction.Goblin, AttackPower = 3, HitPoints = 200, X = xx, Y = yy, Alive = true }); else throw new Exception($"[{xx}|{yy}] := {input[xx][yy]}"); } } }