* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ /** * MessageCommand extracts messages to be translated from source files. * The extracted messages are saved as PHP message source files * under the specified directory. * * @author Qiang Xue * @package system.cli.commands * @since 1.0 */ class MessageCommand extends CConsoleCommand { public function getHelp() { return << DESCRIPTION This command searches for messages to be translated in the specified source files and compiles them into PHP arrays as message source. PARAMETERS * config-file: required, the path of the configuration file. You can find an example in framework/messages/config.php. The file can be placed anywhere and must be a valid PHP script which returns an array of name-value pairs. Each name-value pair represents a configuration option. The following options are available: - sourcePath: string, root directory of all source files. - messagePath: string, root directory containing message translations. - languages: array, list of language codes that the extracted messages should be translated to. For example, array('zh_cn','en_au'). - fileTypes: array, a list of file extensions (e.g. 'php', 'xml'). Only the files whose extension name can be found in this list will be processed. If empty, all files will be processed. - exclude: array, a list of directory and file exclusions. Each exclusion can be either a name or a path. If a file or directory name or path matches the exclusion, it will not be copied. For example, an exclusion of '.svn' will exclude all files and directories whose name is '.svn'. And an exclusion of '/a/b' will exclude file or directory 'sourcePath/a/b'. - translator: the name of the function for translating messages. Defaults to 'Yii::t'. This is used as a mark to find messages to be translated. Accepts both string for single function name or array for multiple function names. - overwrite: if message file must be overwritten with the merged messages. - removeOld: if message no longer needs translation it will be removed, instead of being enclosed between a pair of '@@' marks. - sort: sort messages by key when merging, regardless of their translation state (new, obsolete, translated.) EOD; } /** * Execute the action. * @param array $args command line parameters specific for this command */ public function run($args) { if(!isset($args[0])) $this->usageError('the configuration file is not specified.'); if(!is_file($args[0])) $this->usageError("the configuration file {$args[0]} does not exist."); $config=require($args[0]); $translator='Yii::t'; extract($config); if(!isset($sourcePath,$messagePath,$languages)) $this->usageError('The configuration file must specify "sourcePath", "messagePath" and "languages".'); if(!is_dir($sourcePath)) $this->usageError("The source path $sourcePath is not a valid directory."); if(!is_dir($messagePath)) $this->usageError("The message path $messagePath is not a valid directory."); if(empty($languages)) $this->usageError("Languages cannot be empty."); if(!isset($overwrite)) $overwrite = false; if(!isset($removeOld)) $removeOld = false; if(!isset($sort)) $sort = false; $options=array(); if(isset($fileTypes)) $options['fileTypes']=$fileTypes; if(isset($exclude)) $options['exclude']=$exclude; $files=CFileHelper::findFiles(realpath($sourcePath),$options); $messages=array(); foreach($files as $file) $messages=array_merge_recursive($messages,$this->extractMessages($file,$translator)); foreach($languages as $language) { $dir=$messagePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$language; if(!is_dir($dir)) @mkdir($dir); foreach($messages as $category=>$msgs) { $msgs=array_values(array_unique($msgs)); $this->generateMessageFile($msgs,$dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$category.'.php',$overwrite,$removeOld,$sort); } } } protected function extractMessages($fileName,$translator) { echo "Extracting messages from $fileName...\n"; $subject=file_get_contents($fileName); $messages=array(); if(!is_array($translator)) $translator=array($translator); foreach ($translator as $currentTranslator) { $n=preg_match_all('/\b'.$currentTranslator.'\s*\(\s*(\'[\w.\/]*?(?0) $merged[$message]=$translated[$message]; else $untranslated[]=$message; } ksort($merged); sort($untranslated); $todo=array(); foreach($untranslated as $message) $todo[$message]=''; ksort($translated); foreach($translated as $message=>$translation) { if(!isset($merged[$message]) && !isset($todo[$message]) && !$removeOld) { if(substr($translation,0,2)==='@@' && substr($translation,-2)==='@@') $todo[$message]=$translation; else $todo[$message]='@@'.$translation.'@@'; } } $merged=array_merge($todo,$merged); if($sort) ksort($merged); if($overwrite === false) $fileName.='.merged'; echo "translation merged.\n"; } else { $merged=array(); foreach($messages as $message) $merged[$message]=''; ksort($merged); echo "saved.\n"; } $array=str_replace("\r",'',var_export($merged,true)); $content=<<