CrystalGrid is again an [absCanvas](/programs/view/absCanvas)-game by me.  
The game is a tactical "warfare" simulator, if you want to call it that way.
Practically its about fastly killing the enemy cannons with your own. On the way to your target you ccan conquer neutral cannons and assimilate enemy cannons.

Your enemy is a KI (even so I plan to implement a player-vs-player mode) with 4 different difficulties.  
While you are probably able to easily beat all 38 levels on `Easy` it gets harder with every difficulty.  
The final setting `Impossible` becomes a real challenge, and at the time I wrote this nobody has beaten every level in this setting. (Even so it's definitely not impossible :D )

A little gimmick is the KI-vs-KI where you can watch th level played only by computer controlled players