namespace AdventOfCode2019_18_2 { const DAY = 18; const PROBLEM = 2; type P = [number, number]; type PSet = [P, P, P, P]; export async function run() { let input = await AdventOfCode.getInput(DAY); if (input == null) return; AdventOfCode.setIntermedOutputSize("0.46vw"); let grid = input .trim() .split(new RegExp('\r?\n')) .filter(p => p.trim().length > 0) .map(p => p.trim().split('').map(q => q.charCodeAt(0)) ); grid[40][40] = "#".charCodeAt(0); grid[39][40] = "#".charCodeAt(0); grid[41][40] = "#".charCodeAt(0); grid[40][39] = "#".charCodeAt(0); grid[40][41] = "#".charCodeAt(0); let keys = grid.flatMap(p => p.filter(q => q>=97 && q<=122)); await AdventOfCode.outputIntermed( =>>String.fromCharCode(q)).join("") ).join("\n") ); let dictionary: {[_:number]: ReachableKey[] } = {}; dictionary[id([39,39])] = ReachableKeys(grid, [39,39], ""); dictionary[id([41,39])] = ReachableKeys(grid, [41,39], ""); dictionary[id([39,41])] = ReachableKeys(grid, [39,41], ""); dictionary[id([41,41])] = ReachableKeys(grid, [41,41], ""); for (let k of keys) { const pos = FindPositionOf(grid, k); dictionary[id(pos)] = ReachableKeys(grid, pos, ""); } let positions: {[_:number]: P} = {}; for (let k of keys) { positions[k] = FindPositionOf(grid, k); } let minimumSteps = CollectKeys(grid, dictionary, positions, [[39,39], [41,39], [39,41], [41,41]]) AdventOfCode.output(DAY, PROBLEM, minimumSteps.toString()); } function CollectKeys(grid: number[][], keyPaths: {[_:number]: ReachableKey[]}, positions: {[_:number]: P}, pos: P[]) { let currentMinimum = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; let startingSet: PSet = [ pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3] ]; let q: State[] = []; q.unshift(new State(startingSet, 0, 0)); let visited = new Map(); let finishValue = 0; for (var i = 0; i < Object.entries(positions).length; ++i) { finishValue = finishValue | Math.floor(Math.pow(2, i)); } while (q.length>0) { let state = q.pop()!; let valueTupleKey = state.strPositionsOwnedKeys(); if (valueTupleKey in visited) { let steps = visited.get(valueTupleKey)!; if (steps <= state.Steps) continue; visited.set(valueTupleKey, state.Steps); } else { visited.set(valueTupleKey, state.Steps); } if (state.OwnedKeys === finishValue) { currentMinimum = Math.min(currentMinimum, state.Steps); continue; } for (let i=0; i < 4; i++) { for (let k of keyPaths[id(state.Positions[i])]) { let ki = Math.floor(Math.pow(2, k.Key.charCodeAt(0) - "a".charCodeAt(0))); if ((state.OwnedKeys & ki) === ki || (k.Obstacles & state.OwnedKeys) != k.Obstacles) continue; let newOwned = state.OwnedKeys | ki; var newPos = state.Positions.slice() as PSet; newPos[i] = positions[k.Key.charCodeAt(0)]; q.unshift(new State(newPos, newOwned, state.Steps + k.Distance)); } } } return currentMinimum; } function id (p: P) { return p[1]*10000+p[0]; } function FindPositionOf(grid: number[][], needle: number): P { for(let y=0; y = new Set(); var q: P[] = []; var s: number[] = []; var o: number[] = []; q.unshift(start); s.unshift(0); o.unshift(0); while (q.length>0) { const pos = q.pop()!; const dist = s.pop()!; let obst = o.pop()!; if (visited.has(id(pos))) continue; visited.add(id(pos)); var c = map[pos[1]][pos[0]]; if (c>=97 && c<=122) // lower { let rk = new ReachableKey(); rk.Distance = dist; rk.Key = String.fromCharCode(c); rk.Obstacles = obst; list.push(rk); pos_around(pos).forEach(p => { q.unshift(p); s.unshift(dist+1); o.unshift(obst); }); } else if (c>=65 && c<=90) // upper { pos_around(pos).forEach(p => { q.unshift(p); s.unshift(dist+1); obst = obst | Math.floor(Math.pow(2, c-65)) o.unshift(obst); }); } else if (c === 46) // . { pos_around(pos).forEach(p => { q.unshift(p); s.unshift(dist+1); o.unshift(obst); }); } else if (c === 35) {}// # else throw "["+c+"]"; } return list; } function pos_around(pos: P): P[] { return [ [pos[0], pos[1]-1], [pos[0]-1, pos[1]], [pos[0]+1, pos[1]], [pos[0], pos[1]+1], ]; } class ReachableKey { Key: string = ""; Distance: number = 0; Obstacles: number = 0; } }