site = $site; $this->load(); } private function load() { $all = require (__DIR__ . '/../../statics/books/__all.php'); $this->staticData = array_map(function($a){return self::readSingle($a);}, $all); } private static function readSingle($a) { $a['imgfront_url'] = '/data/images/book_img/' . $a['id'] . '_front.png'; $a['imgfront_path'] = __DIR__ . '/../data/images/book_img/' . $a['id'] . '_front.png'; $a['imgfull_url'] = '/data/images/book_img/' . $a['id'] . '_full.png'; $a['imgfull_path'] = __DIR__ . '/../data/images/book_img/' . $a['id'] . '_full.png'; $a['preview_url'] = '/data/dynamic/bookprev_' . $a['id'] . '.png'; $a['preview_path'] = __DIR__ . '/../data/dynamic/bookprev_' . $a['id'] . '.png'; $a['url'] = '/books/view/' . $a['id'] . '/' . destructiveUrlEncode($a['title']); $a['extraimages_urls'] = []; $a['extraimages_paths'] = []; for ($i=1; $i <= $a['imagecount']; $i++) { $a['extraimages_urls'] []= '/data/images/book_img/' . $a['id'] . '_img' . $i . '.jpg'; $a['extraimages_paths'] []= __DIR__ . '/../data/images/book_img/' . $a['id'] . '_img' . $i . '.jpg'; } $a['book_count'] = is_array($a['pdf']) ? count($a['pdf']) : 1; return $a; } public function listAll() { return $this->staticData; } public function listAllNewestFirst() { $data = $this->staticData; usort($data, function($a, $b) { return strcasecmp($b['date'], $a['date']); }); return $data; } public function checkConsistency() { $warn = null; $this->load(); $ids = []; foreach ($this->staticData as $prog) { if (in_array($prog['id'], $ids)) return ['result'=>'err', 'message' => 'Duplicate id ' . $prog['id']]; $ids []= $prog['id']; if (!file_exists($prog['imgfront_path'])) return ['result'=>'err', 'message' => 'Image not found ' . $prog['title_short']]; if (!file_exists($prog['imgfull_path'])) return ['result'=>'err', 'message' => 'Image not found ' . $prog['title_short']]; foreach ($prog['extraimages_paths'] as $eipath) { if (!file_exists($eipath)) return ['result'=>'err', 'message' => 'Extra-Image not found ' . $prog['title_short']]; } if ($prog['book_count'] <= 0) return ['result'=>'err', 'message' => 'BookCount must be greater than zero ' . $prog['title_short']]; if ($prog['book_count'] > 1 && !is_array($prog['pdf'])) return ['result'=>'err', 'message' => 'Attribute [pdf] must be an array ' . $prog['title_short']]; if ($prog['book_count'] > 1 && count($prog['pdf']) !== $prog['book_count']) return ['result'=>'err', 'message' => 'Attribute [pdf] must be the correct size ' . $prog['title_short']]; if ($prog['book_count'] === 1 && !is_string($prog['pdf'])) return ['result'=>'err', 'message' => 'Attribute [pdf] must be an string ' . $prog['title_short']]; if ($prog['book_count'] > 1 && !is_array($prog['pages'])) return ['result'=>'err', 'message' => 'Attribute [pages] must be an array ' . $prog['title_short']]; if ($prog['book_count'] > 1 && count($prog['pages']) !== $prog['book_count']) return ['result'=>'err', 'message' => 'Attribute [pages] must be the correct size ' . $prog['title_short']]; if ($prog['book_count'] === 1 && !is_string($prog['pages'])) return ['result'=>'err', 'message' => 'Attribute [pages] must be an string ' . $prog['title_short']]; } if ($warn != null) return $warn; return ['result'=>'ok', 'message' => '']; } public function checkThumbnails() { foreach (self::listAll() as $book) { if (!file_exists($book['preview_path'])) return ['result'=>'err', 'message' => 'Preview not found ' . $book['title_short']]; } return ['result'=>'ok', 'message' => '']; } public function createPreview($prog) { $src = $prog['imgfront_path']; $dst = $prog['preview_path']; if ($this->site->config['use_magick']) magick_resize_image($src, 200, 0, $dst); else smart_resize_image($src, 200, 0, true, $dst); } public function getBook($id) { foreach (self::listAll() as $book) { if ($book['id'] == $id) return $book; } return null; } public function getRepositoryHost($book) { $r = $book['repository']; if (startsWith($r, "http://")) $r = substr($r, strlen("http://")); if (startsWith($r, "https://")) $r = substr($r, strlen("https://")); if (startsWith($r, "www.")) $r = substr($r, strlen("www.")); if (startsWith(strtolower($r), "gitlab")) return "Gitlab"; if (startsWith(strtolower($r), "github")) return "Github"; if (startsWith(strtolower($r), "bitbucket")) return "Bitbucket"; return "Online"; } }