<?php /** * CLocale class file. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ /** * CLocale represents the data relevant to a locale. * * The data includes the number formatting information and date formatting information. * * @property string $id The locale ID (in canonical form). * @property CNumberFormatter $numberFormatter The number formatter for this locale. * @property CDateFormatter $dateFormatter The date formatter for this locale. * @property string $decimalFormat The decimal format. * @property string $currencyFormat The currency format. * @property string $percentFormat The percent format. * @property string $scientificFormat The scientific format. * @property array $monthNames Month names indexed by month values (1-12). * @property array $weekDayNames The weekday names indexed by weekday values (0-6, 0 means Sunday, 1 Monday, etc.). * @property string $aMName The AM name. * @property string $pMName The PM name. * @property string $dateFormat Date format. * @property string $timeFormat Date format. * @property string $dateTimeFormat Datetime format, i.e., the order of date and time. * @property string $orientation The character orientation, which is either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left). * @property array $pluralRules Plural forms expressions. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @package system.i18n * @since 1.0 */ class CLocale extends CComponent { /** * @var string the directory that contains the locale data. If this property is not set, * the locale data will be loaded from 'framework/i18n/data'. * @since 1.1.0 */ public static $dataPath; private $_id; private $_data; private $_dateFormatter; private $_numberFormatter; /** * Returns the instance of the specified locale. * Since the constructor of CLocale is protected, you can only use * this method to obtain an instance of the specified locale. * @param string $id the locale ID (e.g. en_US) * @return CLocale the locale instance */ public static function getInstance($id) { static $locales=array(); if(isset($locales[$id])) return $locales[$id]; else return $locales[$id]=new CLocale($id); } /** * @return array IDs of the locales which the framework can recognize */ public static function getLocaleIDs() { static $locales; if($locales===null) { $locales=array(); $dataPath=self::$dataPath===null ? dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'data' : self::$dataPath; $folder=@opendir($dataPath); while(($file=@readdir($folder))!==false) { $fullPath=$dataPath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file; if(substr($file,-4)==='.php' && is_file($fullPath)) $locales[]=substr($file,0,-4); } closedir($folder); sort($locales); } return $locales; } /** * Constructor. * Since the constructor is protected, please use {@link getInstance} * to obtain an instance of the specified locale. * @param string $id the locale ID (e.g. en_US) * @throws CException if given locale id is not recognized */ protected function __construct($id) { $this->_id=self::getCanonicalID($id); $dataPath=self::$dataPath===null ? dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'data' : self::$dataPath; $dataFile=$dataPath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->_id.'.php'; if(is_file($dataFile)) $this->_data=require($dataFile); else throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Unrecognized locale "{locale}".',array('{locale}'=>$id))); } /** * Converts a locale ID to its canonical form. * In canonical form, a locale ID consists of only underscores and lower-case letters. * @param string $id the locale ID to be converted * @return string the locale ID in canonical form */ public static function getCanonicalID($id) { return strtolower(str_replace('-','_',$id)); } /** * @return string the locale ID (in canonical form) */ public function getId() { return $this->_id; } /** * @return CNumberFormatter the number formatter for this locale */ public function getNumberFormatter() { if($this->_numberFormatter===null) $this->_numberFormatter=new CNumberFormatter($this); return $this->_numberFormatter; } /** * @return CDateFormatter the date formatter for this locale */ public function getDateFormatter() { if($this->_dateFormatter===null) $this->_dateFormatter=new CDateFormatter($this); return $this->_dateFormatter; } /** * @param string $currency 3-letter ISO 4217 code. For example, the code "USD" represents the US Dollar and "EUR" represents the Euro currency. * @return string the localized currency symbol. Null if the symbol does not exist. */ public function getCurrencySymbol($currency) { return isset($this->_data['currencySymbols'][$currency]) ? $this->_data['currencySymbols'][$currency] : null; } /** * @param string $name symbol name * @return string symbol */ public function getNumberSymbol($name) { return isset($this->_data['numberSymbols'][$name]) ? $this->_data['numberSymbols'][$name] : null; } /** * @return string the decimal format */ public function getDecimalFormat() { return $this->_data['decimalFormat']; } /** * @return string the currency format */ public function getCurrencyFormat() { return $this->_data['currencyFormat']; } /** * @return string the percent format */ public function getPercentFormat() { return $this->_data['percentFormat']; } /** * @return string the scientific format */ public function getScientificFormat() { return $this->_data['scientificFormat']; } /** * @param integer $month month (1-12) * @param string $width month name width. It can be 'wide', 'abbreviated' or 'narrow'. * @param boolean $standAlone whether the month name should be returned in stand-alone format * @return string the month name */ public function getMonthName($month,$width='wide',$standAlone=false) { if($standAlone) return isset($this->_data['monthNamesSA'][$width][$month]) ? $this->_data['monthNamesSA'][$width][$month] : $this->_data['monthNames'][$width][$month]; else return isset($this->_data['monthNames'][$width][$month]) ? $this->_data['monthNames'][$width][$month] : $this->_data['monthNamesSA'][$width][$month]; } /** * Returns the month names in the specified width. * @param string $width month name width. It can be 'wide', 'abbreviated' or 'narrow'. * @param boolean $standAlone whether the month names should be returned in stand-alone format * @return array month names indexed by month values (1-12) */ public function getMonthNames($width='wide',$standAlone=false) { if($standAlone) return isset($this->_data['monthNamesSA'][$width]) ? $this->_data['monthNamesSA'][$width] : $this->_data['monthNames'][$width]; else return isset($this->_data['monthNames'][$width]) ? $this->_data['monthNames'][$width] : $this->_data['monthNamesSA'][$width]; } /** * @param integer $day weekday (0-7, 0 and 7 means Sunday) * @param string $width weekday name width. It can be 'wide', 'abbreviated' or 'narrow'. * @param boolean $standAlone whether the week day name should be returned in stand-alone format * @return string the weekday name */ public function getWeekDayName($day,$width='wide',$standAlone=false) { $day=$day%7; if($standAlone) return isset($this->_data['weekDayNamesSA'][$width][$day]) ? $this->_data['weekDayNamesSA'][$width][$day] : $this->_data['weekDayNames'][$width][$day]; else return isset($this->_data['weekDayNames'][$width][$day]) ? $this->_data['weekDayNames'][$width][$day] : $this->_data['weekDayNamesSA'][$width][$day]; } /** * Returns the week day names in the specified width. * @param string $width weekday name width. It can be 'wide', 'abbreviated' or 'narrow'. * @param boolean $standAlone whether the week day name should be returned in stand-alone format * @return array the weekday names indexed by weekday values (0-6, 0 means Sunday, 1 Monday, etc.) */ public function getWeekDayNames($width='wide',$standAlone=false) { if($standAlone) return isset($this->_data['weekDayNamesSA'][$width]) ? $this->_data['weekDayNamesSA'][$width] : $this->_data['weekDayNames'][$width]; else return isset($this->_data['weekDayNames'][$width]) ? $this->_data['weekDayNames'][$width] : $this->_data['weekDayNamesSA'][$width]; } /** * @param integer $era era (0,1) * @param string $width era name width. It can be 'wide', 'abbreviated' or 'narrow'. * @return string the era name */ public function getEraName($era,$width='wide') { return $this->_data['eraNames'][$width][$era]; } /** * @return string the AM name */ public function getAMName() { return $this->_data['amName']; } /** * @return string the PM name */ public function getPMName() { return $this->_data['pmName']; } /** * @param string $width date format width. It can be 'full', 'long', 'medium' or 'short'. * @return string date format */ public function getDateFormat($width='medium') { return $this->_data['dateFormats'][$width]; } /** * @param string $width time format width. It can be 'full', 'long', 'medium' or 'short'. * @return string date format */ public function getTimeFormat($width='medium') { return $this->_data['timeFormats'][$width]; } /** * @return string datetime format, i.e., the order of date and time. */ public function getDateTimeFormat() { return $this->_data['dateTimeFormat']; } /** * @return string the character orientation, which is either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left) * @since 1.1.2 */ public function getOrientation() { return isset($this->_data['orientation']) ? $this->_data['orientation'] : 'ltr'; } /** * @return array plural forms expressions */ public function getPluralRules() { return isset($this->_data['pluralRules']) ? $this->_data['pluralRules'] : array(0=>'true'); } /** * Converts a locale ID to a language ID. * A language ID consists of only the first group of letters before an underscore or dash. * @param string $id the locale ID to be converted * @return string the language ID * @since 1.1.9 */ public function getLanguageID($id) { // normalize id $id = $this->getCanonicalID($id); // remove sub tags if(($underscorePosition=strpos($id, '_'))!== false) { $id = substr($id, 0, $underscorePosition); } return $id; } /** * Converts a locale ID to a script ID. * A script ID consists of only the last four characters after an underscore or dash. * @param string $id the locale ID to be converted * @return string the script ID * @since 1.1.9 */ public function getScriptID($id) { // normalize id $id = $this->getCanonicalID($id); // find sub tags if(($underscorePosition=strpos($id, '_'))!==false) { $subTag = explode('_', $id); // script sub tags can be distigused from territory sub tags by length if (strlen($subTag[1])===4) { $id = $subTag[1]; } else { $id = null; } } else { $id = null; } return $id; } /** * Converts a locale ID to a territory ID. * A territory ID consists of only the last two to three letter or digits after an underscore or dash. * @param string $id the locale ID to be converted * @return string the territory ID * @since 1.1.9 */ public function getTerritoryID($id) { // normalize id $id = $this->getCanonicalID($id); // find sub tags if (($underscorePosition=strpos($id, '_'))!== false) { $subTag = explode('_', $id); // territory sub tags can be distigused from script sub tags by length if (isset($subTag[2]) && strlen($subTag[2])<4) { $id = $subTag[2]; } elseif (strlen($subTag[1])<4) { $id = $subTag[1]; } else { $id = null; } } else { $id = null; } return $id; } /** * Gets a localized name from i18n data file (one of framework/i18n/data/ files). * * @param string $id array key from an array named by $category. * @param string $category data category. One of 'languages', 'scripts' or 'territories'. * @return string the localized name for the id specified. Null if data does not exist. * @since 1.1.9 */ public function getLocaleDisplayName($id=null, $category='languages') { $id = $this->getCanonicalID($id); if (($category == 'languages') && (isset($this->_data[$category][$id]))) { return $this->_data[$category][$id]; } elseif (($category == 'scripts') && ($val=$this->getScriptID($id)) && (isset($this->_data[$category][$val]))) { return $this->_data[$category][$val]; } elseif (($category == 'territories') && ($val=$this->getTerritoryID($id)) && (isset($this->_data[$category][$val]))) { return $this->_data[$category][$val]; } elseif (isset($this->_data[$category][$id])) { return $this->_data[$category][$id]; } else { return null; } } /** * @param string $id Unicode language identifier from IETF BCP 47. For example, the code "en_US" represents U.S. English and "en_GB" represents British English. * @return string the local display name for the language. Null if the language code does not exist. * @since 1.1.9 */ public function getLanguage($id) { $id = $this->getLanguageID($id); return $this->getLocaleDisplayName($id, 'languages'); } /** * @param string $id Unicode script identifier from IETF BCP 47. For example, the code "en_US" represents U.S. English and "en_GB" represents British English. * @return string the local display name for the script. Null if the script code does not exist. * @since 1.1.9 */ public function getScript($id) { return $this->getLocaleDisplayName($id, 'scripts'); } /** * @param string $id Unicode territory identifier from IETF BCP 47. For example, the code "en_US" represents U.S. English and "en_GB" represents British English. * @return string the local display name for the territory. Null if the territory code does not exist. * @since 1.1.9 */ public function getTerritory($id) { return $this->getLocaleDisplayName($id, 'territories'); } }