'', '$_SERVER variable' => '', '$_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] must be the same as the entry script file path.' => '', 'APC extension' => '', 'All DB-related classes' => '', 'DOM extension' => '', 'Either $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] or $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] must exist.' => '', 'GD extension' => '', 'Mcrypt extension' => '', 'Memcache extension' => '', 'PCRE extension' => '', 'PDO MySQL extension' => '', 'PDO PostgreSQL extension' => '', 'PDO SQLite extension' => '', 'PDO extension' => '', 'PHP 5.1.0 or higher is required.' => '', 'PHP version' => '', 'Reflection extension' => '', 'SOAP extension' => '', 'SPL extension' => '', 'This is required by encrypt and decrypt methods.' => '', 'This is required if you are using MySQL database.' => '', 'This is required if you are using PostgreSQL database.' => '', 'This is required if you are using SQLite database.' => '', 'Unable to determine URL path info. Please make sure $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"] (or $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] and $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]) contains proper value.' => '', );