# SynoCtrl [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/lk6vwv65v7cmy98b?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Mikescher/synoctrl) SynoCtrl is a command-line program to remotely control your Synology NAS ## Features - Show Synology status (`synoctrl status-all [] [--info] [options]`) - Shutdown Synology NAS (`synoctrl shutdown [] [options]`) - Reboot Synology NAS (`synoctrl reboot [] [options]`) - Boot up Synology NAS via WOL (`synoctrl wol [] [options]`) - Send ping package (`synoctrl ping [] [options]`) - Get IP adress by MAC (`synoctrl getip [] [options]`) - Get MAC address by IP via ARP (`synoctrl getmac [] [options]`) ## Configuration You do not need to create a configuration file and can use SynoCtrl completely portable only via command-line parameter. But (for convenience) you can specify properties of your NAS (or multiple NAS') in a config file and reference them in your program call: ~~~TOML Default = "MyDevice" # The default device to use if no specific device is specified # Can be removed if there shall be no default device. [[Device]] Name = "MyDevice" # Device name IP = "" # IP address (optional) Port = 1924 # Port of DiskStation WebInterface (optional) HTTPS = false # Enable HTTPS Communication (optional) Mac = "00-11-22-33-44-55" # MAC address (optional) Username = "usr" # DSM Web interface username (optional) Password = "pass" # DSM Web interface password (optional) # You can add more than one device: # [[Device]] # Name = "Demo2" # Device name # IP = "" # IP address (optional) # Port = 1924 # Port of DiskStation WebInterface (optional) # HTTPS = false # Enable HTTPS Communication (optional) # Mac = "00-A1-B2-C3-D4-E5" # MAC address (optional) # Username = "admin" # DSM Web interface username (optional) # Password = "admin" # DSM Web interface password (optional) # You can add more devices here and use them by their device-names in the command-line interface # ... ~~~ *(This is [TOML](https://github.com/toml-lang/toml) syntax)* Then you can call `synoctrl shutdown MyDevice` to shutdown the device with the name "MyDevice". If no config file exists or no device name is given you have to supply all necessary parameters via command-line parameter (In this case `--ip`, `--username`, `--password`) All fields except the *Name* field are optional in the TOML config file are optional and can be removed, in this case you need to supply these parameters in the program call if they are necessary. The config file location can be set with the command line parameter `--config`. If no `--config` parameter is set the standard locations are searched for a config file (in this order): - `%program_dir%\synoctrl.toml` - `%userprofile%\.config\synoctrl.toml` - `%userprofile%\synoctrl.toml` - `%appdata%\synoctrl\synoctrl.toml` You can create a example config file with the command `synoctrl create-config synoctrl.toml` ## Options / Command-line parameter | Parameter | Description | | -- | -- | | `-h` `--help` | Show the command-line help | | `--version` | Show the version | | `--mac ` | The MAC address of the device | | `--ip ` | The IP address of the device | | `--port ` | The Port of the DSM Web interface (if not set the default port 5000/5001 is used | | `--https` | Use a TLS encrypted connection to the DSM Web interface | | `-u ` `--user ` | The username for the DSM Web interface (and API) | | `-p ` `--password ` | The password for the DSM Web interface (and API) | | `-c ` `--config ` | Use the config file at this specific path, do not search in other places | | `-s`, `--silent` | Only output the result (or errors), useful if you want to parse the output | | `-v`, `--verbose` | Output debug/trace messages, useful for debugging | ## Commands ### Shutdown/Reboot You can shutdown the device `Melkor` with the command `synoctrl shutdown MyDevice`. This uses the Synology DSM API to send an shutdown request. If you do not have a configuration file you can supply all parameter by yourself: `synoctrl shutdown --ip --user admin --password admin` If you want to reboot your device (instead of shutdown) you can use the *reboot* command `synoctrl reboot MyDevice` ### Boot-up (Wake-on-LAN) You can boot the device by sending a Wake-on-LAN package to the MAC address of your NAS. For this to work you have to [enable WOL in your device config](https://www.synology.com/en-us/knowledgebase/search/Wake%20on%20LAN). The command is `synoctrl wol MyDevice`, if you do not have a configured device the command is `synoctrl wol --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55` ### Get IP/MAC address For convenience two commands are available to get the MAC address from an IP address (via ARP) and to get the IP address from a MAC address (via you local ARP table): `synoctrl getip MyDevice` and `synoctrl getmac MyDevice` or `synoctrl getip --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55` and `synoctrl getmac --ip`. For obvious reasons *getip* only works when the device is powered on (and accepts ARP requests) and *getmac* only works if the device is already in your local ARP table. ### Status SynoCtrl can show many different status fields. All these data is gathered via the API, so if you don't have a config file with the respective data supplied you need to at least set the parameters `--ip`, `--username` and `--password`. You can list all available status fields with `synoctrl status-list` (see [Appendix 1](#appendix-1-available-status-fields)). The *status-all* command returns all available status fields, this can take a moment because multiple API endpoints have to be called. (`synoctrl status-all MyDevice`). But the normal way is to call *status* together with a comma-separated list of fields you want to get: `synoctrl status Model,MemoryUsageReal,Uptime MyDevice` or `synoctrl status Load5min MyDevice` If you only want the raw unformatted value you can add `--silent` and if you want the value together with the field description you can add `--info` ##Contribution Contributions are always welcome, if you're missing something feel free to send a pull request. Also if you find a bug or have a feature request create an [issue](https://github.com/Mikescher/SynoCtrl/issues). ## License [MIT](https://github.com/Mikescher/AlephNote/blob/master/LICENSE) ## Appendix 1: Available Status fields ~~~ Name | Description ------------------------|------------------------------------------------------ Model | The model of the device RAM | The amount of installed RAM Serial | The serial number Temperature | The current device temperature DeviceTime | The current device time Uptime | Time since last boot UptimeStr | Time since last boot as formatted value VersionString | Currently running DSM version VersionRaw | Currently running DSM version number IsSystemCrashed | Indicator if the system experienced a crash IsUpgradeReady | Indicator if the system is ready to upgrade Hostname | The DSM hostname UserIsAdmin | If the logged-in user is an administrator UserSupportsSharing | Whether the logged-in user can share file(s)/folder(s) UserID | UserID of the logged-in user ShareCount | Number of shares ConnectionCount | Number of active connections ArpIgnore | Ignore ARP requests DnsManual | The manual configured DNS server PrimaryDNS | The configured primary DNS server SecondaryDNS | The configured secondary DNS server WinDomain | The configured Windows Domain Gateway | The configured Gateway ServerName | The server name GatewayIPv6 | The configured IPv6 Gateway Services | All services ServicesEnabled | Enabled services ClockSpeed | Clock speed of the CPU CoreCount | Number of CPU cores CPUFamily | CPU family CPUSeries | CPU series CPUVendor | CPU vendor NTPEnabled | Whether NTP enabled is FirmwareDate | Date of the firmware FirmwareVersion | Version of the firmware NTPServer | Configued NTP server Timezone | Configued timezone Load15min | Load average in the last 15 minutes Load5min | Load average in the last 5 minutes Load1min | Load average in the last minute DiscCount | Number of mounted disks RamAvailableReal | Available (real) RAM in bytes RamAvailableSwap | Available (swap) RAM in bytes BufferSize | Buffer size CachedSize | Cached size MemorySize | Memory size MemoryUsageReal | Memory usage (real) MemoryUsageSwap | Memory usage (swap) TotalMemoryReal | Total memory (real) TotalMemorySwap | Total Memory (swap) NetworkLoadTransmit | Network load Recieve (RX) NetworkLoadRecieve | Network load Transmit (TX) DiskAccessReadCount | Disk utilization Read count DiskAccessReadBytes | Disk utilization Read amount in bytes DiskAccessWriteCount | Disk utilization Write count DiskAccessWriteBytes | Disk utilization Write amount in bytes UserCount | Amount of configured users ~~~