<?php /** * TbNav class file. * @author Christoffer Niska <christoffer.niska@gmail.com> * @copyright Copyright © Christoffer Niska 2013- * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @package bootstrap.widgets */ /** * Bootstrap navigation menu widget. * @see http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/components.html#navbar */ class TbNav extends CWidget { /** * @var string the menu type. */ public $type; /** * @var boolean whether the menu items should be stacked on top of each other. */ public $stacked = false; /** * @var string|array the scrollspy target or configuration. */ public $scrollspy; /** * @var array list of menu items. Each menu item is specified as an array of name-value pairs. */ public $items = array(); /** * @var boolean whether the labels for menu items should be HTML-encoded. Defaults to true. */ public $encodeLabel = true; /** * @var boolean whether to automatically activate items according to whether their route setting * matches the currently requested route. Defaults to true. */ public $activateItems = true; /** * @var boolean whether to activate parent menu items when one of the corresponding child menu items is active. */ public $activateParents = false; /** * @var boolean whether to hide empty menu items. */ public $hideEmptyItems = true; /** * @var array HTML attributes for the menu's root container tag. */ public $htmlOptions = array(); // todo: consider supporting these. //public $submenuHtmlOptions = array(); //public $linkLabelWrapper; //public $linkLabelWrapperHtmlOptions=array(); //public $itemCssClass; /** * Initializes the widget. */ public function init() { $this->attachBehavior('TbWidget', new TbWidget); $this->copyId(); $route = $this->controller->getRoute(); if ($this->stacked) { TbHtml::addCssClass('nav-stacked', $this->htmlOptions); } if (isset($this->scrollspy)) { if (is_string($this->scrollspy)) { $this->scrollspy = array('target' => $this->scrollspy); } $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbScrollspy', $this->scrollspy); } $this->items = $this->normalizeItems($this->items, $route, $hasActiveChild); } /** * Runs the widget. */ public function run() { if (!empty($this->items)) { echo TbHtml::nav($this->type, $this->items, $this->htmlOptions); } } /** * Normalizes the menu items. * @param array $items the items to be normalized. * @param string $route the route of the current request. * @param boolean $active whether there is an active child menu item. * @return array the normalized menu items. */ protected function normalizeItems($items, $route, &$active) { foreach ($items as $i => $item) { // skip dividers if (is_string($item)) { continue; } if (isset($item['visible']) && !$item['visible']) { unset($items[$i]); continue; } TbArray::defaultValue('label', '', $item); if ($this->encodeLabel) { $items[$i]['label'] = CHtml::encode($item['label']); } $hasActiveChild = false; if (isset($item['items']) && !empty($item['items'])) { $items[$i]['items'] = $this->normalizeItems($item['items'], $route, $hasActiveChild); if (empty($items[$i]['items']) && $this->hideEmptyItems) { unset($items[$i]['items']); if (!isset($item['url'])) { unset($items[$i]); continue; } } } if (!isset($item['active'])) { if ($this->activateParents && $hasActiveChild || $this->activateItems && $this->isItemActive( $item, $route ) ) { $active = $items[$i]['active'] = true; } else { $items[$i]['active'] = false; } } else { if ($item['active']) { $active = true; } } } return array_values($items); } /** * Checks whether a menu item is active. * @param array $item the menu item to be checked. * @param string $route the route of the current request. * @return boolean whether the menu item is active. */ protected function isItemActive($item, $route) { if (isset($item['url']) && is_array($item['url']) && !strcasecmp(trim($item['url'][0], '/'), $route)) { unset($item['url']['#']); if (count($item['url']) > 1) { foreach (array_splice($item['url'], 1) as $name => $value) { if (!isset($_GET[$name]) || $_GET[$name] != $value) { return false; } } } return true; } return false; } }