namespace AdventOfCode2019_18_1 { const DAY = 18; const PROBLEM = 1; export async function run() { let input = await AdventOfCode.getInput(DAY); if (input == null) return; AdventOfCode.setIntermedOutputSize("0.46vw"); let grid = input .trim() .split(new RegExp('\r?\n')) .filter(p => p.trim().length > 0) .map(p => p.trim().split('').map(q => q.charCodeAt(0)) ); let str = ""; for(let line of grid) { str += => { if (p == 46) return " "; if (p == 35) return "\u2591"; return String.fromCharCode(p); }).reduce((a,b)=>a+b)+"\n"; await AdventOfCode.outputIntermed(str); } let map = new AOCMap(grid); await map.dump(); await createReachabilityMap(map, "@", map.start, 0); for(let i=0;i<26;i++) await createReachabilityMap(map, String.fromCharCode(i+97), map.keys[i], 1); await map.dump(); let best_path = (await findPaths(map))!; await map.dump(); AdventOfCode.outputConsole(best_path[0] + " (" + map.getPathLength(best_path[1]) + ") --> " + best_path[1]); AdventOfCode.output(DAY, PROBLEM, best_path[0].toString()); } async function createReachabilityMap(map: AOCMap, letter:string, pos: [number, number], dumpmode: number) { let quadrant: {[_:string]: [number, number]} = {}; for(let i=0;i<26;i++) { quadrant[String.fromCharCode(i+97)] = [ Math.sign(map.keys[i][0] - map.start[0]), Math.sign(map.keys[i][1] - map.start[1]) ]; } const no_doors = new Array(26).fill(false); map.reachability.set("@>@", [0, no_doors]); for(let i=0;i<26;i++) map.reachability.set(String.fromCharCode(i+97)+">"+String.fromCharCode(i+97), [0, no_doors]); let visited_map: { [_:number]: number } = {}; let next: [number, number, boolean[], string[] ][] = []; // x, y, currently_passed_doors, currently_found_keys next.push([pos[0], pos[1], no_doors, ['@']]); let counter = 0; if (dumpmode===0 || dumpmode===1) await map.dumpWithFillAndNext(visited_map, next); for(;;) { let ls = next.slice(); next = []; let updates = 0; for(let pos of ls) { const x = pos[0]; const y = pos[1]; let currently_passed_doors: boolean[] = pos[2]; let currently_found_keys: string[] = pos[3]; const i = (y*10000000 + x); if (i in visited_map) { if (visited_map[i] < counter && visited_map[i]>4) throw "loop in map :("; continue; } visited_map[i] = counter; updates++; if (map.iskey([x,y])) { const key1 = letter; const key2 = String.fromCharCode(map.get([x, y])); { let dist = counter; const keys = currently_passed_doors; //if (key1 !== "@" && key2 !== "@") //{ // const q1 = quadrant[key1]; // const q2 = quadrant[key2]; // // if (q1[0]*q2[0]*q1[1]*q2[1] === -1) dist -= 2; // big middle area //} map.reachability.set(key1+">"+key2, [ dist, keys ]); map.reachability.set(key2+">"+key1, [ dist, keys ]); AdventOfCode.outputConsole("Add reachability ("+key1+" <-> " + key2 + ") == " + dist); if (dumpmode===1) await map.dumpWithFillAndNext(visited_map, next); } currently_found_keys = currently_found_keys.slice(); currently_found_keys.push(key2); } else if (map.isdoor([x,y])) { const v = map.get([x, y]); currently_passed_doors = currently_passed_doors.slice(); currently_passed_doors[v-65] = true; } if (map.iswalkable([x-1, y]) && !(((y )*10000000 + (x-1)) in visited_map)) next.push([x-1, y, currently_passed_doors, currently_found_keys]); if (map.iswalkable([x+1, y]) && !(((y )*10000000 + (x+1)) in visited_map)) next.push([x+1, y, currently_passed_doors, currently_found_keys]); if (map.iswalkable([x, y-1]) && !(((y-1)*10000000 + (x )) in visited_map)) next.push([x, y-1, currently_passed_doors, currently_found_keys]); if (map.iswalkable([x, y+1]) && !(((y+1)*10000000 + (x )) in visited_map)) next.push([x, y+1, currently_passed_doors, currently_found_keys]); } if (dumpmode===0) await map.dumpWithFillAndNext(visited_map, next); if (updates === 0) break; counter++; } await map.dumpWithFill(visited_map); return; } async function findPaths(map: AOCMap): Promise<[number, string]|null> { let queue: [string, boolean[], number, number, string][] = []; // < pos, keys, key_count, path_len, path > queue.push(["@", new Array(26).fill(false), 0, 0, ""]); let best_result: [number, string]|null = null; let seen = new Set(); for(let ctr=1;;ctr++) { let [ pos, keys, key_count, path_len, path ] = queue.shift()!; let hskey =>p?1:0).join()+""+path_len; if (seen.has(hskey)) continue; seen.add(hskey); if (ctr % 100 === 0) AdventOfCode.outputConsole("[INTERMED] ["+path_len+"] " + path); if (ctr % 500 === 0) await AdventOfCode.sleep(0); if (key_count === 26) { if (best_result === null || best_result[0]>path_len) { best_result = [path_len, path]; AdventOfCode.outputConsole("[RESULT] ["+path_len+"] ==== " + path); //return [path_len, path]; } } if (best_result !== null && best_result[0] < path_len) return best_result; let reachable = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .split('') .filter(p => !keys[p.charCodeAt(0)-97]) .filter(p => map.isreachable(pos, p, keys)) .map(p => [p, map.reachability.get(pos+">"+p)![0]] as [string, number] ) .sort((a,b) => a[1] - b[1]) ; for(const [nextkey, steplen] of reachable) { let keys_copy = keys.slice(); keys_copy[nextkey.charCodeAt(0)-97]=true; if (best_result!==null && best_result[0] < path_len+steplen) continue; array_insert(queue, [nextkey, keys_copy, key_count+1, path_len+steplen, path+nextkey]); //queue.push([nextkey, keys_copy, key_count+1, path_len+steplen, path+nextkey]); //queue.sort((a, b) => b[3] - a[3] ); } if (queue.length===0) break; } return best_result; } function array_insert(array: [string, boolean[], number, number, string][], element: [string, boolean[], number, number, string]) { function sortedIndex(array: [string, boolean[], number, number, string][], value: [string, boolean[], number, number, string]) { var low = 0, high = array.length; while (low < high) { var mid = (low + high) >>> 1; if (array[mid][3] < value[3]) low = mid + 1; else high = mid; } return low; } array.splice(sortedIndex(array, element) + 1, 0, element); return array; } function key_except(base: boolean[], exc: boolean[]) { let r = base; let cp = false; for(let i=0; i<26; i++) { if (exc[i] && base[i]) { if (!cp) {r = base.slice(); cp=true; } r[i]=false; } } return r; } function key_combine(a: boolean[], b: boolean[]) { let r = a; let cp = false; for(let i=0; i<26; i++) { if (b[i] && !r[i]) { if (!cp) {r = a.slice(); cp=true; } r[i]=true; } } return r; } class AOCMap { grid: number[][]; width: number; height: number; start: [number, number]; doors: [number, number][]; keys: [number, number][]; reachability: Map = new Map(); // [x;y] => [length;keys] constructor(g: number[][]) { this.grid = g; this.width = g[0].length; this.height = g.length; this.doors = new Array(26); this.keys = new Array(26); this.start = [-1, -1]; for(let y=0; y= "A".charCodeAt(0) && v.charCodeAt(0) <= "Z".charCodeAt(0)) { this.doors[v.charCodeAt(0) - "A".charCodeAt(0)] = [x,y]; continue; } if (v.charCodeAt(0) >= "a".charCodeAt(0) && v.charCodeAt(0) <= "z".charCodeAt(0)) { this.keys[v.charCodeAt(0) - "a".charCodeAt(0)] = [x,y]; continue; } throw "input:"+v+":"; } } getPathLength(path: string): number { path = "@" + path; let sum = 0; for (let i=1; i"+path.charAt(i))![0]; } return sum; } isreachable(p0: string, p1: string, keys: boolean[]): boolean { const k_needed = this.reachability.get(p0+">"+p1)![1]; for(let i=0; i<26; i++) { if (k_needed[i] && !keys[i]) return false; } return true; } get(pos: [number, number]): number { return this.grid[pos[1]][pos[0]]; } iswalkable(pos: [number, number]): boolean { const v = this.get(pos); return (v !== 35 && v !== 64); // # && @ } iskey(pos: [number, number]): boolean { const v = this.get(pos); return (v >= 97 && v <= 122); // a-z } isdoor(pos: [number, number]): boolean { const v = this.get(pos); return (v >= 65 && v <= 90); // A-Z } async dump() { let str = ""; for(let y=0; y p[0]==x && p[1]==y)>=0) str += "\u25cb" else if (i in visited_map) str += "\u25cf" else { let v = this.get([x, y]); if (v == 46) str += " "; else if (v == 35) str += "\u2591"; else str += String.fromCharCode(v); } } str += "\n"; } await AdventOfCode.outputIntermed(str); } } }