<?php /** * CUploadedFile class file. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ /** * CUploadedFile represents the information for an uploaded file. * * Call {@link getInstance} to retrieve the instance of an uploaded file, * and then use {@link saveAs} to save it on the server. * You may also query other information about the file, including {@link name}, * {@link tempName}, {@link type}, {@link size} and {@link error}. * * @property string $name The original name of the file being uploaded. * @property string $tempName The path of the uploaded file on the server. * Note, this is a temporary file which will be automatically deleted by PHP * after the current request is processed. * @property string $type The MIME-type of the uploaded file (such as "image/gif"). * Since this MIME type is not checked on the server side, do not take this value for granted. * Instead, use {@link CFileHelper::getMimeType} to determine the exact MIME type. * @property integer $size The actual size of the uploaded file in bytes. * @property integer $error The error code. * @property boolean $hasError Whether there is an error with the uploaded file. * Check {@link error} for detailed error code information. * @property string $extensionName The file extension name for {@link name}. * The extension name does not include the dot character. An empty string * is returned if {@link name} does not have an extension name. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @package system.web * @since 1.0 */ class CUploadedFile extends CComponent { static private $_files; private $_name; private $_tempName; private $_type; private $_size; private $_error; /** * Returns an instance of the specified uploaded file. * The file should be uploaded using {@link CHtml::activeFileField}. * @param CModel $model the model instance * @param string $attribute the attribute name. For tabular file uploading, this can be in the format of "[$i]attributeName", where $i stands for an integer index. * @return CUploadedFile the instance of the uploaded file. * Null is returned if no file is uploaded for the specified model attribute. * @see getInstanceByName */ public static function getInstance($model, $attribute) { return self::getInstanceByName(CHtml::resolveName($model, $attribute)); } /** * Returns all uploaded files for the given model attribute. * @param CModel $model the model instance * @param string $attribute the attribute name. For tabular file uploading, this can be in the format of "[$i]attributeName", where $i stands for an integer index. * @return CUploadedFile[] array of CUploadedFile objects. * Empty array is returned if no available file was found for the given attribute. */ public static function getInstances($model, $attribute) { return self::getInstancesByName(CHtml::resolveName($model, $attribute)); } /** * Returns an instance of the specified uploaded file. * The name can be a plain string or a string like an array element (e.g. 'Post[imageFile]', or 'Post[0][imageFile]'). * @param string $name the name of the file input field. * @return CUploadedFile the instance of the uploaded file. * Null is returned if no file is uploaded for the specified name. */ public static function getInstanceByName($name) { if(null===self::$_files) self::prefetchFiles(); return isset(self::$_files[$name]) && self::$_files[$name]->getError()!=UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE ? self::$_files[$name] : null; } /** * Returns an array of instances starting with specified array name. * * If multiple files were uploaded and saved as 'Files[0]', 'Files[1]', * 'Files[n]'..., you can have them all by passing 'Files' as array name. * @param string $name the name of the array of files * @return CUploadedFile[] the array of CUploadedFile objects. Empty array is returned * if no adequate upload was found. Please note that this array will contain * all files from all subarrays regardless how deeply nested they are. */ public static function getInstancesByName($name) { if(null===self::$_files) self::prefetchFiles(); $len=strlen($name); $results=array(); foreach(array_keys(self::$_files) as $key) if(0===strncmp($key, $name.'[', $len+1) && self::$_files[$key]->getError()!=UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) $results[] = self::$_files[$key]; return $results; } /** * Cleans up the loaded CUploadedFile instances. * This method is mainly used by test scripts to set up a fixture. * @since 1.1.4 */ public static function reset() { self::$_files=null; } /** * Initially processes $_FILES superglobal for easier use. * Only for internal usage. */ protected static function prefetchFiles() { self::$_files = array(); if(!isset($_FILES) || !is_array($_FILES)) return; foreach($_FILES as $class=>$info) self::collectFilesRecursive($class, $info['name'], $info['tmp_name'], $info['type'], $info['size'], $info['error']); } /** * Processes incoming files for {@link getInstanceByName}. * @param string $key key for identifiing uploaded file: class name and subarray indexes * @param mixed $names file names provided by PHP * @param mixed $tmp_names temporary file names provided by PHP * @param mixed $types filetypes provided by PHP * @param mixed $sizes file sizes provided by PHP * @param mixed $errors uploading issues provided by PHP */ protected static function collectFilesRecursive($key, $names, $tmp_names, $types, $sizes, $errors) { if(is_array($names)) { foreach($names as $item=>$name) self::collectFilesRecursive($key.'['.$item.']', $names[$item], $tmp_names[$item], $types[$item], $sizes[$item], $errors[$item]); } else self::$_files[$key] = new CUploadedFile($names, $tmp_names, $types, $sizes, $errors); } /** * Constructor. * Use {@link getInstance} to get an instance of an uploaded file. * @param string $name the original name of the file being uploaded * @param string $tempName the path of the uploaded file on the server. * @param string $type the MIME-type of the uploaded file (such as "image/gif"). * @param integer $size the actual size of the uploaded file in bytes * @param integer $error the error code */ public function __construct($name,$tempName,$type,$size,$error) { $this->_name=$name; $this->_tempName=$tempName; $this->_type=$type; $this->_size=$size; $this->_error=$error; } /** * String output. * This is PHP magic method that returns string representation of an object. * The implementation here returns the uploaded file's name. * @return string the string representation of the object */ public function __toString() { return $this->_name; } /** * Saves the uploaded file. * Note: this method uses php's move_uploaded_file() method. As such, if the target file ($file) * already exists it is overwritten. * @param string $file the file path used to save the uploaded file * @param boolean $deleteTempFile whether to delete the temporary file after saving. * If true, you will not be able to save the uploaded file again in the current request. * @return boolean true whether the file is saved successfully */ public function saveAs($file,$deleteTempFile=true) { if($this->_error==UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { if($deleteTempFile) return move_uploaded_file($this->_tempName,$file); elseif(is_uploaded_file($this->_tempName)) return copy($this->_tempName, $file); else return false; } else return false; } /** * @return string the original name of the file being uploaded */ public function getName() { return $this->_name; } /** * @return string the path of the uploaded file on the server. * Note, this is a temporary file which will be automatically deleted by PHP * after the current request is processed. */ public function getTempName() { return $this->_tempName; } /** * @return string the MIME-type of the uploaded file (such as "image/gif"). * Since this MIME type is not checked on the server side, do not take this value for granted. * Instead, use {@link CFileHelper::getMimeType} to determine the exact MIME type. */ public function getType() { return $this->_type; } /** * @return integer the actual size of the uploaded file in bytes */ public function getSize() { return $this->_size; } /** * Returns an error code describing the status of this file uploading. * @return integer the error code * @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.errors.php */ public function getError() { return $this->_error; } /** * @return boolean whether there is an error with the uploaded file. * Check {@link error} for detailed error code information. */ public function getHasError() { return $this->_error!=UPLOAD_ERR_OK; } /** * @return string the file extension name for {@link name}. * The extension name does not include the dot character. An empty string * is returned if {@link name} does not have an extension name. */ public function getExtensionName() { if(($pos=strrpos($this->_name,'.'))!==false) return (string)substr($this->_name,$pos+1); else return ''; } }