import std/strutils
import std/sequtils

proc run04_2(): string =
    const input = staticRead"../input/day04.txt"

    var ctr = 0

    let lines = splitLines(input).filter(proc(p: string): bool = p != "")

    for line in lines:

        let pairs = line.split(",")
        let sec1s = parseInt(pairs[0].split("-")[0])
        let sec1e = parseInt(pairs[0].split("-")[1])
        let sec2s = parseInt(pairs[1].split("-")[0])
        let sec2e = parseInt(pairs[1].split("-")[1])

        if (sec1s <= sec2s and sec2s <= sec1e) or (sec1s <= sec2e and sec2e <= sec1e):
            echo "[", sec2s, "..", sec2e, "]", " overlaps ", "[", sec1s, "..", sec1e, "]"
        elif (sec2s <= sec1s and sec1s <= sec2e) or (sec2s <= sec1e and sec1e <= sec2e):
            echo "[", sec2s, "..", sec2e, "]", " overlaps ", "[", sec1s, "..", sec1e, "]"
            echo "[", sec1s, "..", sec1e, "]", " nolap ", "[", sec2s, "..", sec2e, "]"

    return intToStr(ctr)

when not defined(js):
    echo run04_2()
    proc js_run04_2(): cstring {.exportc.} =
        return cstring(run04_2())