namespace AdventOfCode2019_22_1 { const DAY = 22; const PROBLEM = 1; export async function run() { let input = await AdventOfCode.getInput(DAY); if (input == null) return; const cmds = input .split(new RegExp('\r?\n')) .filter(p => p.trim().length > 0) .map(p => parseLine(p)) AdventOfCode.setIntermedOutputSize("0.275vw"); let data = [...Array(10007).keys()]; for (const cmd of cmds) { if (cmd.type === CmdType.CUT && cmd.param >= 0) { data = [,, cmd.param)]; } else if (cmd.type === CmdType.CUT && cmd.param < 0) { data = [ + cmd.param),, data.length + cmd.param)]; } else if (cmd.type === CmdType.DEAL) { let d2 = Array(data.length); for(let i=0; i p.toString().padStart(5, ' ')).join(" ") + "\n"; } await AdventOfCode.outputIntermed(str); AdventOfCode.outputConsole( => p.toString()).join(" ")); } AdventOfCode.output(DAY, PROBLEM, data.indexOf(2019).toString()); } function parseLine(str: string): Cmd { const m0 = str.match(new RegExp('^cut (-?[0-9]+)$')); if (m0 != null) return new Cmd(CmdType.CUT, parseInt(m0![1])); const m1 = str.match(new RegExp('^deal into new stack$')); if (m1 != null) return new Cmd(CmdType.DEAL, 1); const m2 = str.match(new RegExp('^deal with increment ([0-9]+)$')); if (m2 != null) return new Cmd(CmdType.DEAL, parseInt(m2![1])); throw str; } enum CmdType { CUT, DEAL } class Cmd { type: CmdType; param: number; constructor(t:CmdType, n: number) { this.type=t; this.param=n; } } }