The Metropolitan Man (LyX) =============================== [The Metropolitan Man]( LyX files ---------- A PDF version of *The Metropolitan* used for printing the book on []( Font and back cover image created with []( and [Gimp]( Front cover art from [Justin Maller]( *You will need the [Crimson Text]( and [ Linux Biolinum]( font - and [LyX 2.1.5](* ### Chapters ~~~ 1. Literally Incredible 2. Dissemination of Information 3. The All-Seeing Eye 4. Like Clockwork 5. A Stopped Clock 6. Private Wars 7. Choices 8. Peeling Back the Veil 9. Dust to Dust 10. A Vast and Terrifying Enemy 11. Actions and Consequences 12. Finale, Part 1 13. Finale, Part 2 ~~~