modules->Euler()->listAll(); $problem = $SITE->modules->Euler()->getEulerProblemFromStrIdent($subview); if ($problem === NULL) { $FRAME_OPTIONS->forceResult(404, 'Project Euler entry not found'); return; } $arr = []; $max = 0; foreach ($euler as $elem) { $max = max($max, $elem['number']); $arr[$elem['number']] = $elem; } $max = ceil($max / 20) * 20; ?>
Fork me on GitHub
renderMarkdown(file_get_contents($problem['file_description'])); ?>

Solution: fragments->WidgetBefunge93(file_get_contents($problem['file_code']), $problem['url_raw'], !$problem['abbreviated'], $problem['steps'] < 15000 ? 1 : ($problem['steps'] < 500000 ? 2 : 3), false); if ($problem['abbreviated']) echo 'This program is too big to display/execute here, click [download] to get the full program.
'; ?>
renderMarkdown(file_get_contents($problem['file_explanation'])); ?>

Interpreter steps:
Execution time (BefunExec): (' . (($problem['time']===0) ? '?' : number_format(($problem['steps']/$problem['time'])/1000, 2, '.', '')) . ' MHz)'; ?>
Program size: (fully conform befunge-93)'; ?>
Solved at:

\n"; if ($break) break; } ?>