namespace AdventOfCode2019_25_1 { const DAY = 25; const PROBLEM = 1; export async function run() { let input = await AdventOfCode.getInput(DAY); if (input == null) return; //await runInteractive(input); await runAuto(input); } async function runAuto(input: string) { const code = input.trim().split(",").map(p => parseInt(p.trim())); let visited = new Set(); let work: [number, Direction[]][] = []; work.push([0, []]); let rooms: Room[] = []; let dest: Room = new Room(); = "Floor"; dest.path = [Direction.S, Direction.S, Direction.S, Direction.E, Direction.S, Direction.E]; let items: {[_:string]:Room} = {}; let allitems = []; while (work.length > 0) { let workitem = work.pop()!; let room = getRoom(code, workitem[1]); if (visited.has( continue; visited.add(; rooms.push(room); AdventOfCode.outputConsole(`${} => ${ => dir_to_short_str(p)).join("")}`); if (room.object !== null) { items[room.object] = room; allitems.push(room.object); } for (const d of room.doors) { let p2 = Object.assign([], room.path); p2.push(d); work.push([ workitem[0]+1, p2 ]); } } for (let bmap = 0; bmap < Math.pow(2, allitems.length); bmap++) { let packeditems = allitems.filter((v,i,a) => ( bmap & Math.pow(2, i) ) !== 0 ); let destrooms = => items[p]); let fullpath = []; for (const destroomm of destrooms) { for (const d of destroomm.path) fullpath.push(dir_to_str(d)+"\n"); fullpath.push("take "+destroomm.object+"\n"); for (const d of destroomm.path.slice().reverse()) fullpath.push(dir_to_str_inv(d)+"\n"); } fullpath.push("inv\n"); for (const d of dest.path) fullpath.push(dir_to_str(d)+"\n"); let rnr = new Interpreter(code, fullpath.flatMap(p => p.split("").map(q => q.charCodeAt(0)))); rnr.autoRun(); let strout = => String.fromCharCode(p)).join(""); await AdventOfCode.outputIntermed("Inv: [" + packeditems.join(" ++ ") + "]\n" + fullpath.join("") + "\n\n" + strout); //await AdventOfCode.sleep(10*1000); if (strout.indexOf("You can't go that way.") > 0) { AdventOfCode.output(DAY, PROBLEM, "ERROR"); return; // error } if (strout.indexOf("A loud, robotic voice says \"Alert! ") > 0) continue; if (strout.indexOf("It is suddenly completely dark! You are eaten by a Grue!") > 0) continue; if (strout.indexOf("You're launched into space! Bye!") > 0) continue; if (strout.indexOf("Oh, hello! You should be able to get in by typing") > 0) { let lastline = strout.trim().split(new RegExp('\r?\n')).slice().reverse()[0]; let r = lastline.substring(lastline.indexOf("typing")+"typing".length).trim().split(" ")[0]; AdventOfCode.output(DAY, PROBLEM, r.trim()); return; } AdventOfCode.output(DAY, PROBLEM, "ERROR"); return; // error } } class Room { name: string = ""; doors: Direction[] = []; object: string|null = null; path: Direction[] = []; } enum Direction { N, E, S, W } function getRoom(code: number[], dirs: Direction[]): Room { let rnr = new Interpreter(code, => dir_to_str(p) + "\n").join("").split("").map(p => p.charCodeAt(0))); rnr.autoRun(); let lines = rnr.output .map(p => String.fromCharCode(p)) .join("") .split(new RegExp('\r?\n')) .reverse(); let r_dir: Direction[] = []; let r_obj: string|null = null; for(let lin of lines) { if (lin === "Command?") continue; if (lin === "") continue; if (lin.startsWith("- ")) { let obj = lin.substring(2); if (obj === "north") r_dir.push(Direction.N); else if (obj === "east") r_dir.push(Direction.E); else if (obj === "south") r_dir.push(Direction.S); else if (obj === "west") r_dir.push(Direction.W); else r_obj = obj; continue; } if (lin.startsWith("== ")) { let name = lin.substring(3, lin.length-3); let r = new Room(); r.doors = r_dir; = name; r.object = r_obj; r.path = dirs; return r; } } throw "EOD"; } function dir_to_str(d: Direction): string { if (d === Direction.N) return "north"; if (d === Direction.E) return "east"; if (d === Direction.S) return "south"; if (d === Direction.W) return "west"; throw d; } function dir_to_str_inv(d: Direction): string { if (d === Direction.N) return "south"; if (d === Direction.E) return "west"; if (d === Direction.S) return "north"; if (d === Direction.W) return "east"; throw d; } function dir_to_short_str(d: Direction): string { if (d === Direction.N) return "N"; if (d === Direction.E) return "E"; if (d === Direction.S) return "S"; if (d === Direction.W) return "W"; throw d; } async function runInteractive(input: string) { AdventOfCode.showIntermedInput(true); const code = input.trim().split(",").map(p => parseInt(p.trim())); let rnr = new Interpreter(code, []); let last_out = ""; for(;;) { rnr.autoRun(); let xout = rnr.output .map(p => String.fromCharCode(p)) .join("") .split(new RegExp('\r?\n')) .reverse() .filter((v,i,a) => i<60) .reverse() .join('\n'); if (last_out !== xout) { last_out = xout; await AdventOfCode.outputIntermed(xout); } else { await AdventOfCode.sleep(0); } if (AdventOfCode.isLastInputEnter() && rnr.inputqueue.length === 0) { let cmd = AdventOfCode.getAndClearInput(); rnr.inputqueue = cmd.split("").map(p => p.charCodeAt(0)); rnr.inputqueue.push(10); } } } class Interpreter { program: InfMem; inputqueue: number[]; instructionpointer: number; output: number[]; relative_base: number; blocking_io: boolean; is_halted: boolean = false; last_io_success: boolean = true; constructor(prog: number[], input: number[]) { this.program = new InfMem(prog); this.inputqueue = input; this.instructionpointer = 0; this.output = []; this.relative_base = 0; this.blocking_io = true; } fullRun() : number[] { while(!this.is_halted) { const r = this.singleStep(); if (r === StepResult.EXECUTED) continue; if (r === StepResult.HALTED) return this.output; if (r === StepResult.WAITING_FOR_IN) throw "not enough input"; throw "unknown output of singleStep"; } return this.output; } autoRun() : StepResult { while(!this.is_halted) { const r = this.singleStep(); if (r === StepResult.EXECUTED) continue; if (r === StepResult.HALTED) return StepResult.HALTED; if (r === StepResult.WAITING_FOR_IN) return StepResult.WAITING_FOR_IN; throw "unknown output of singleStep"; } return StepResult.HALTED; } singleStep() : StepResult { const cmd = new Op(this.program.r(this.instructionpointer)); if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.ADD) { const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0); const p1 = cmd.getParameter(this, 1); const pv = p0 + p1; cmd.setParameter(this, 2, pv); this.incInstrPtr(cmd); return StepResult.EXECUTED; } else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.MUL) { const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0); const p1 = cmd.getParameter(this, 1); const pv = p0 * p1; cmd.setParameter(this, 2, pv); this.incInstrPtr(cmd); return StepResult.EXECUTED; } else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.HALT) { this.is_halted = true; return StepResult.HALTED; } else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.IN) { if (this.inputqueue.length == 0) { if (this.blocking_io) return StepResult.WAITING_FOR_IN; cmd.setParameter(this, 0, -1); this.incInstrPtr(cmd); this.last_io_success = false; return StepResult.EXECUTED; } const pv = this.inputqueue[0]; cmd.setParameter(this, 0, pv); this.inputqueue = this.inputqueue.slice(1); this.incInstrPtr(cmd); this.last_io_success = true; return StepResult.EXECUTED; } else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.OUT) { const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0); this.output.push(p0); //AdventOfCode.outputConsole("# " + p0); this.incInstrPtr(cmd); return StepResult.EXECUTED; } else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.TJMP) { const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0); if (p0 != 0) this.instructionpointer = cmd.getParameter(this, 1); else this.incInstrPtr(cmd); return StepResult.EXECUTED; } else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.FJMP) { const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0); if (p0 == 0) this.instructionpointer = cmd.getParameter(this, 1); else this.incInstrPtr(cmd); return StepResult.EXECUTED; } else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.LT) { const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0); const p1 = cmd.getParameter(this, 1); const pv = p0 < p1 ? 1 : 0; cmd.setParameter(this, 2, pv); this.incInstrPtr(cmd); return StepResult.EXECUTED; } else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.EQ) { const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0); const p1 = cmd.getParameter(this, 1); const pv = p0 == p1 ? 1 : 0; cmd.setParameter(this, 2, pv); this.incInstrPtr(cmd); return StepResult.EXECUTED; } else if (cmd.opcode == OpCode.ARB) { const p0 = cmd.getParameter(this, 0); this.relative_base = this.relative_base+p0; this.incInstrPtr(cmd); return StepResult.EXECUTED; } else throw "Unknown Op: " + cmd.opcode + " @ " + this.instructionpointer; } private incInstrPtr(cmd: Op) { this.instructionpointer += 1 + cmd.parametercount; } } enum StepResult { EXECUTED, HALTED, WAITING_FOR_IN } enum OpCode { ADD = 1, MUL = 2, IN = 3, OUT = 4, TJMP = 5, FJMP = 6, LT = 7, EQ = 8, ARB = 9, HALT = 99, } enum ParamMode { POSITION_MODE = 0, IMMEDIATE_MODE = 1, RELATIVE_MODE = 2, } class Op { opcode: OpCode; modes: ParamMode[]; name: string; parametercount: number; constructor(v: number) { this.opcode = v%100; v = Math.floor(v/100); this.modes = []; for(let i=0; i<4; i++) { this.modes.push(v%10); v = Math.floor(v/10); } if (this.opcode == OpCode.ADD) {"ADD"; this.parametercount=3; } else if (this.opcode == OpCode.MUL) {"MUL"; this.parametercount=3; } else if (this.opcode == OpCode.HALT) {"HALT"; this.parametercount=0; } else if (this.opcode == OpCode.IN) {"IN"; this.parametercount=1; } else if (this.opcode == OpCode.OUT) {"OUT"; this.parametercount=1; } else if (this.opcode == OpCode.TJMP) {"TJMP"; this.parametercount=2; } else if (this.opcode == OpCode.FJMP) {"FJMP"; this.parametercount=2; } else if (this.opcode == OpCode.LT) {"LT"; this.parametercount=3; } else if (this.opcode == OpCode.EQ) {"EQ"; this.parametercount=3; } else if (this.opcode == OpCode.ARB) {"ARB"; this.parametercount=1; } else throw "Unknown opcode: "+this.opcode; } getParameter(proc: Interpreter, index: number): number { const prog = proc.program; const ip = proc.instructionpointer; let p = prog.r(ip+1+index); if (this.modes[index] == ParamMode.POSITION_MODE) p = prog.r(p); else if (this.modes[index] == ParamMode.IMMEDIATE_MODE) p = p; else if (this.modes[index] == ParamMode.RELATIVE_MODE) p = prog.r(proc.relative_base+p); else throw "Unknown ParamMode: "+this.modes[index]; return p; } setParameter(proc: Interpreter, index: number, value: number): void { const prog = proc.program; const ip = proc.instructionpointer; let p = prog.r(ip+1+index); if (this.modes[index] == ParamMode.POSITION_MODE) prog.w(p, value); else if (this.modes[index] == ParamMode.IMMEDIATE_MODE) throw "Immediate mode not allowed in write"; else if (this.modes[index] == ParamMode.RELATIVE_MODE) prog.w(proc.relative_base+p, value); else throw "Unknown ParamMode: "+this.modes[index]; } } class InfMem { private data: { [_:number]:number } = {}; constructor(v: number[]) { for(let i=0; i