<?php /** * CWsdlGenerator class file. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ /** * CWsdlGenerator generates the WSDL for a given service class. * * The WSDL generation is based on the doc comments found in the service class file. * In particular, it recognizes the '@soap' tag in the comment and extracts * API method and type definitions. * * In a service class, a remote invokable method must be a public method with a doc * comment block containing the '@soap' tag. In the doc comment, the type and name * of every input parameter and the type of the return value should be declared using * the standard phpdoc format. * * CWsdlGenerator recognizes the following primitive types (case-sensitive) in * the parameter and return type declarations: * <ul> * <li>str/string: maps to xsd:string;</li> * <li>int/integer: maps to xsd:int;</li> * <li>float/double: maps to xsd:float;</li> * <li>bool/boolean: maps to xsd:boolean;</li> * <li>date: maps to xsd:date;</li> * <li>time: maps to xsd:time;</li> * <li>datetime: maps to xsd:dateTime;</li> * <li>array: maps to xsd:string;</li> * <li>object: maps to xsd:struct;</li> * <li>mixed: maps to xsd:anyType.</li> * </ul> * * If a type is not a primitive type, it is considered as a class type, and * CWsdlGenerator will look for its property declarations. Only public properties * are considered, and they each must be associated with a doc comment block containg * the '@soap' tag. The doc comment block should declare the type of the property. * * CWsdlGenerator recognizes the array type with the following format: * <pre> * typeName[]: maps to tns:typeNameArray * </pre> * * The following is an example declaring a remote invokable method: * <pre> * / ** * * A foo method. * * @param string name of something * * @param string value of something * * @return string[] some array * * @soap * * / * public function foo($name,$value) {...} * </pre> * * And the following is an example declaring a class with remote accessible properties: * <pre> * class Foo { * / ** * * @var string name of foo {nillable=1, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=2} * * @soap * * / * public $name; * / ** * * @var Member[] members of foo * * @soap * * / * public $members; * } * </pre> * In the above, the 'members' property is an array of 'Member' objects. Since 'Member' is not * a primitive type, CWsdlGenerator will look further to find the definition of 'Member'. * * Optionally, extra attributes (nillable, minOccurs, maxOccurs) can be defined for each * property by enclosing definitions into curly brackets and separated by comma like so: * * {[attribute1 = value1][, attribute2 = value2], ...} * * where the attribute can be one of following: * <ul> * <li>nillable = [0|1|true|false]</li> * <li>minOccurs = n; where n>=0</li> * <li>maxOccurs = n; where [n>=0|unbounded]</li> * </ul> * * Additionally, each complex data type can have assigned a soap indicator flag declaring special usage for such a data type. * A soap indicator must be declared in the doc comment block with the '@soap-indicator' tag. * Following soap indicators are currently supported: * <ul> * <li>all - (default) allows any sorting order of child nodes</li> * <li>sequence - all child nodes in WSDL XML file will be expected in predefined order</li> * <li>choice - supplied can be either of the child elements</li> * </ul> * The Group indicators can be also injected via custom soap definitions as XML node into WSDL structure. * * In the following example, class Foo will create a XML node <xsd:Foo><xsd:sequence> ... </xsd:sequence></xsd:Foo> with children attributes expected in pre-defined order. * <pre> * / * * * @soap-indicator sequence * * / * class Foo { * ... * } * </pre> * For more on soap indicators, see See {@link http://www.w3schools.com/schema/schema_complex_indicators.asp}. * * Since the variability of WSDL definitions is virtually unlimited, a special doc comment tag '@soap-wsdl' can be used in order to inject any custom XML string into generated WSDL file. * If such a block of the code is found in class's comment block, then it will be used instead of parsing and generating standard attributes within the class. * This gives virtually unlimited flexibility in defining data structures of any complexity. * Following is an example of defining custom piece of WSDL XML node: * <pre> * / * * * @soap-wsdl <xsd:sequence> * * @soap-wsdl <xsd:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false" name="name" type="xsd:string"/> * * @soap-wsdl <xsd:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false"> * * @soap-wsdl <xsd:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false" name="age" type="xsd:integer"/> * * @soap-wsdl <xsd:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false" name="date_of_birth" type="xsd:date"/> * * @soap-wsdl </xsd:choice> * * @soap-wsdl </xsd:sequence> * * / * class User { * / ** * * @var string User name {minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1} * * @soap * * / * public $name; * / ** * * @var integer User age {nillable=0, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1} * * @example 35 * * @soap * * / * public $age; * / ** * * @var date User's birthday {nillable=0, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1} * * @example 1980-05-27 * * @soap * * / * public $date_of_birth; * } * </pre> * In the example above, WSDL generator would inject under XML node <xsd:User> the code block defined by @soap-wsdl lines. * * By inserting into SOAP URL link the parameter "?makedoc", WSDL generator will output human-friendly overview of all complex data types rather than XML WSDL file. * Each complex type is described in a separate HTML table and recognizes also the '@example' PHPDoc tag. See {@link buildHtmlDocs()}. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @package system.web.services * @since 1.0 */ class CWsdlGenerator extends CComponent { /** * @var string the namespace to be used in the generated WSDL. * If not set, it defaults to the name of the class that WSDL is generated upon. */ public $namespace; /** * @var string the name of the generated WSDL. * If not set, it defaults to "urn:{$className}wsdl". */ public $serviceName; protected static $typeMap=array( 'string'=>'xsd:string', 'str'=>'xsd:string', 'int'=>'xsd:int', 'integer'=>'xsd:integer', 'float'=>'xsd:float', 'double'=>'xsd:float', 'bool'=>'xsd:boolean', 'boolean'=>'xsd:boolean', 'date'=>'xsd:date', 'time'=>'xsd:time', 'datetime'=>'xsd:dateTime', 'array'=>'soap-enc:Array', 'object'=>'xsd:struct', 'mixed'=>'xsd:anyType', ); /** * @var array List of recognized SOAP operations that will become remotely available. * All methods with declared @soap parameter will be included here in the format operation1 => description1, operation2 => description2, .. */ protected $operations; /** * @var array List of complex types used by operations. * If an SOAP operation defines complex input or output type, all objects are included here containing all sub-parameters. * For instance, if an SOAP operation "createUser" requires complex input object "User", then the object "User" will be included here with declared subparameters such as "firstname", "lastname", etc.. */ protected $types; /** * @var array Map of request and response types for all operations. */ protected $messages; /** * Generates the WSDL for the given class. * @param string $className class name * @param string $serviceUrl Web service URL * @param string $encoding encoding of the WSDL. Defaults to 'UTF-8'. * @return string the generated WSDL */ public function generateWsdl($className, $serviceUrl, $encoding='UTF-8') { $this->operations=array(); $this->types=array(); $this->messages=array(); if($this->serviceName===null) $this->serviceName=$className; if($this->namespace===null) $this->namespace='urn:'.str_replace('\\','/',$className).'wsdl'; $reflection=new ReflectionClass($className); foreach($reflection->getMethods() as $method) { if($method->isPublic()) $this->processMethod($method); } $wsdl=$this->buildDOM($serviceUrl,$encoding)->saveXML(); if(isset($_GET['makedoc'])) $this->buildHtmlDocs(); return $wsdl; } /** * @param ReflectionMethod $method method */ protected function processMethod($method) { $comment=$method->getDocComment(); if(strpos($comment,'@soap')===false) return; $comment=strtr($comment,array("\r\n"=>"\n","\r"=>"\n")); // make line endings consistent: win -> unix, mac -> unix $methodName=$method->getName(); $comment=preg_replace('/^\s*\**(\s*?$|\s*)/m','',$comment); $params=$method->getParameters(); $message=array(); $n=preg_match_all('/^@param\s+([\w\.]+(\[\s*\])?)\s*?(.*)$/im',$comment,$matches); if($n>count($params)) $n=count($params); for($i=0;$i<$n;++$i) $message[$params[$i]->getName()]=array($this->processType($matches[1][$i]), trim($matches[3][$i])); // name => type, doc $this->messages[$methodName.'Request']=$message; if(preg_match('/^@return\s+([\w\.]+(\[\s*\])?)\s*?(.*)$/im',$comment,$matches)) $return=array($this->processType($matches[1]),trim($matches[2])); // type, doc else $return=null; $this->messages[$methodName.'Response']=array('return'=>$return); if(preg_match('/^\/\*+\s*([^@]*?)\n@/s',$comment,$matches)) $doc=trim($matches[1]); else $doc=''; $this->operations[$methodName]=$doc; } /** * @param string $type PHP variable type */ protected function processType($type) { if(isset(self::$typeMap[$type])) return self::$typeMap[$type]; elseif(isset($this->types[$type])) return is_array($this->types[$type]) ? 'tns:'.$type : $this->types[$type]; elseif(($pos=strpos($type,'[]'))!==false) { // array of types $type=substr($type,0,$pos); $this->types[$type.'[]']='tns:'.$type.'Array'; $this->processType($type); return $this->types[$type.'[]']; } else { // process class / complex type $type=Yii::import($type,true); $class=new ReflectionClass($type); $comment=$class->getDocComment(); $comment=strtr($comment,array("\r\n"=>"\n","\r"=>"\n")); // make line endings consistent: win -> unix, mac -> unix $comment=preg_replace('/^\s*\**(\s*?$|\s*)/m','',$comment); // extract soap indicator flag, if defined, e.g. @soap-indicator sequence // see http://www.w3schools.com/schema/schema_complex_indicators.asp if(preg_match('/^@soap-indicator\s+(\w+)\s*?(.*)$/im', $comment, $matches)) { $indicator=$matches[1]; $attributes=$this->getWsdlElementAttributes($matches[2]); }else{ $indicator='all'; $attributes=$this->getWsdlElementAttributes(''); } $custom_wsdl=false; if(preg_match_all('/^@soap-wsdl\s+(\S.*)$/im',$comment,$matches)>0) $custom_wsdl=implode("\n", $matches[1]); $this->types[$type]=array( 'indicator'=>$indicator, 'nillable'=>$attributes['nillable'], 'minOccurs'=>$attributes['minOccurs'], 'maxOccurs'=>$attributes['maxOccurs'], 'custom_wsdl'=>$custom_wsdl, 'properties'=>array() ); foreach($class->getProperties() as $property) { $comment=$property->getDocComment(); if($property->isPublic() && strpos($comment,'@soap')!==false) { if(preg_match('/@var\s+([\w\.]+(\[\s*\])?)\s*?(.*)$/mi',$comment,$matches)) { $attributes=$this->getWsdlElementAttributes($matches[3]); if(preg_match('/{(.+)}/',$comment,$attr)) $matches[3]=str_replace($attr[0],'',$matches[3]); // extract PHPDoc @example $example=''; if(preg_match("/@example[:]?(.+)/mi",$comment,$match)) $example=trim($match[1]); $this->types[$type]['properties'][$property->getName()]=array( $this->processType($matches[1]), trim($matches[3]), $attributes['nillable'], $attributes['minOccurs'], $attributes['maxOccurs'], $example ); // name => type, doc, nillable, minOccurs, maxOccurs, example } } } return 'tns:'.$type; } } /** * Parse attributes nillable, minOccurs, maxOccurs * @param string $comment Extracted PHPDoc comment */ protected function getWsdlElementAttributes($comment) { $nillable=$minOccurs=$maxOccurs=null; if(preg_match('/{(.+)}/',$comment,$attr)) { if(preg_match_all('/((\w+)\s*=\s*(\w+))/mi',$attr[1],$attr)) { foreach($attr[2] as $id=>$prop) { $prop=strtolower($prop); $val=strtolower($attr[3][$id]); if($prop=='nillable'){ if($val=='false' || $val=='true') $nillable=$val; else $nillable=$val ? 'true' : 'false'; }elseif($prop=='minoccurs') $minOccurs=intval($val); elseif($prop=='maxoccurs') $maxOccurs=($val=='unbounded') ? 'unbounded' : intval($val); } } } return array( 'nillable'=>$nillable, 'minOccurs'=>$minOccurs, 'maxOccurs'=>$maxOccurs ); } /** * Import custom XML source node into WSDL document under specified target node * @param DOMDocument $dom XML WSDL document being generated * @param DOMElement $target XML node, to which will be appended $source node * @param DOMNode $source Source XML node to be imported */ protected function injectDom(DOMDocument $dom, DOMElement $target, DOMNode $source) { if ($source->nodeType!=XML_ELEMENT_NODE) return; $import=$dom->createElement($source->nodeName); foreach($source->attributes as $attr) $import->setAttribute($attr->name,$attr->value); foreach($source->childNodes as $child) $this->injectDom($dom,$import,$child); $target->appendChild($import); } /** * @param string $serviceUrl Web service URL * @param string $encoding encoding of the WSDL. Defaults to 'UTF-8'. */ protected function buildDOM($serviceUrl,$encoding) { $xml="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$encoding\"?> <definitions name=\"{$this->serviceName}\" targetNamespace=\"{$this->namespace}\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/\" xmlns:tns=\"{$this->namespace}\" xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns:wsdl=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/\" xmlns:soap-enc=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\"></definitions>"; $dom=new DOMDocument(); $dom->formatOutput=true; $dom->loadXml($xml); $this->addTypes($dom); $this->addMessages($dom); $this->addPortTypes($dom); $this->addBindings($dom); $this->addService($dom,$serviceUrl); return $dom; } /** * @param DOMDocument $dom Represents an entire HTML or XML document; serves as the root of the document tree */ protected function addTypes($dom) { if($this->types===array()) return; $types=$dom->createElement('wsdl:types'); $schema=$dom->createElement('xsd:schema'); $schema->setAttribute('targetNamespace',$this->namespace); foreach($this->types as $phpType=>$xmlType) { if(is_string($xmlType) && strrpos($xmlType,'Array')!==strlen($xmlType)-5) continue; // simple type $complexType=$dom->createElement('xsd:complexType'); if(is_string($xmlType)) { if(($pos=strpos($xmlType,'tns:'))!==false) $complexType->setAttribute('name',substr($xmlType,4)); else $complexType->setAttribute('name',$xmlType); $complexContent=$dom->createElement('xsd:complexContent'); $restriction=$dom->createElement('xsd:restriction'); $restriction->setAttribute('base','soap-enc:Array'); $attribute=$dom->createElement('xsd:attribute'); $attribute->setAttribute('ref','soap-enc:arrayType'); $attribute->setAttribute('wsdl:arrayType',substr($xmlType,0,strlen($xmlType)-5).'[]'); $arrayType=($dppos=strpos($xmlType,':')) !==false ? substr($xmlType,$dppos + 1) : $xmlType; // strip namespace, if any $arrayType=substr($arrayType,0,-5); // strip 'Array' from name $arrayType=(isset(self::$typeMap[$arrayType]) ? 'xsd:' : 'tns:') .$arrayType.'[]'; $attribute->setAttribute('wsdl:arrayType',$arrayType); $restriction->appendChild($attribute); $complexContent->appendChild($restriction); $complexType->appendChild($complexContent); } elseif(is_array($xmlType)) { $complexType->setAttribute('name',$phpType); if($xmlType['custom_wsdl']!==false) { $custom_dom=new DOMDocument(); $custom_dom->loadXML('<root xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">'.$xmlType['custom_wsdl'].'</root>'); foreach($custom_dom->documentElement->childNodes as $el) $this->injectDom($dom,$complexType,$el); }else{ $all=$dom->createElement('xsd:' . $xmlType['indicator']); if(!is_null($xmlType['minOccurs'])) $all->setAttribute('minOccurs',$xmlType['minOccurs']); if(!is_null($xmlType['maxOccurs'])) $all->setAttribute('maxOccurs',$xmlType['maxOccurs']); if(!is_null($xmlType['nillable'])) $all->setAttribute('nillable',$xmlType['nillable']); foreach($xmlType['properties'] as $name=>$type) { $element=$dom->createElement('xsd:element'); if(!is_null($type[3])) $element->setAttribute('minOccurs',$type[3]); if(!is_null($type[4])) $element->setAttribute('maxOccurs',$type[4]); if(!is_null($type[2])) $element->setAttribute('nillable',$type[2]); $element->setAttribute('name',$name); $element->setAttribute('type',$type[0]); $all->appendChild($element); } $complexType->appendChild($all); } } $schema->appendChild($complexType); $types->appendChild($schema); } $dom->documentElement->appendChild($types); } /** * @param DOMDocument $dom Represents an entire HTML or XML document; serves as the root of the document tree */ protected function addMessages($dom) { foreach($this->messages as $name=>$message) { $element=$dom->createElement('wsdl:message'); $element->setAttribute('name',$name); foreach($this->messages[$name] as $partName=>$part) { if(is_array($part)) { $partElement=$dom->createElement('wsdl:part'); $partElement->setAttribute('name',$partName); $partElement->setAttribute('type',$part[0]); $element->appendChild($partElement); } } $dom->documentElement->appendChild($element); } } /** * @param DOMDocument $dom Represents an entire HTML or XML document; serves as the root of the document tree */ protected function addPortTypes($dom) { $portType=$dom->createElement('wsdl:portType'); $portType->setAttribute('name',$this->serviceName.'PortType'); $dom->documentElement->appendChild($portType); foreach($this->operations as $name=>$doc) $portType->appendChild($this->createPortElement($dom,$name,$doc)); } /** * @param DOMDocument $dom Represents an entire HTML or XML document; serves as the root of the document tree * @param string $name method name * @param string $doc doc */ protected function createPortElement($dom,$name,$doc) { $operation=$dom->createElement('wsdl:operation'); $operation->setAttribute('name',$name); $input=$dom->createElement('wsdl:input'); $input->setAttribute('message', 'tns:'.$name.'Request'); $output=$dom->createElement('wsdl:output'); $output->setAttribute('message', 'tns:'.$name.'Response'); $operation->appendChild($dom->createElement('wsdl:documentation',$doc)); $operation->appendChild($input); $operation->appendChild($output); return $operation; } /** * @param DOMDocument $dom Represents an entire HTML or XML document; serves as the root of the document tree */ protected function addBindings($dom) { $binding=$dom->createElement('wsdl:binding'); $binding->setAttribute('name',$this->serviceName.'Binding'); $binding->setAttribute('type','tns:'.$this->serviceName.'PortType'); $soapBinding=$dom->createElement('soap:binding'); $soapBinding->setAttribute('style','rpc'); $soapBinding->setAttribute('transport','http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http'); $binding->appendChild($soapBinding); $dom->documentElement->appendChild($binding); foreach($this->operations as $name=>$doc) $binding->appendChild($this->createOperationElement($dom,$name)); } /** * @param DOMDocument $dom Represents an entire HTML or XML document; serves as the root of the document tree * @param string $name method name */ protected function createOperationElement($dom,$name) { $operation=$dom->createElement('wsdl:operation'); $operation->setAttribute('name', $name); $soapOperation=$dom->createElement('soap:operation'); $soapOperation->setAttribute('soapAction', $this->namespace.'#'.$name); $soapOperation->setAttribute('style','rpc'); $input=$dom->createElement('wsdl:input'); $output=$dom->createElement('wsdl:output'); $soapBody=$dom->createElement('soap:body'); $soapBody->setAttribute('use', 'encoded'); $soapBody->setAttribute('namespace', $this->namespace); $soapBody->setAttribute('encodingStyle', 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/'); $input->appendChild($soapBody); $output->appendChild(clone $soapBody); $operation->appendChild($soapOperation); $operation->appendChild($input); $operation->appendChild($output); return $operation; } /** * @param DOMDocument $dom Represents an entire HTML or XML document; serves as the root of the document tree * @param string $serviceUrl Web service URL */ protected function addService($dom,$serviceUrl) { $service=$dom->createElement('wsdl:service'); $service->setAttribute('name', $this->serviceName.'Service'); $port=$dom->createElement('wsdl:port'); $port->setAttribute('name', $this->serviceName.'Port'); $port->setAttribute('binding', 'tns:'.$this->serviceName.'Binding'); $soapAddress=$dom->createElement('soap:address'); $soapAddress->setAttribute('location',$serviceUrl); $port->appendChild($soapAddress); $service->appendChild($port); $dom->documentElement->appendChild($service); } /** * Generate human friendly HTML documentation for complex data types. * This method can be invoked either by inserting URL parameter "&makedoc" into URL link, e.g. "http://www.mydomain.com/soap/create?makedoc", or simply by calling from another script with argument $return=true. * * Each complex data type is described in a separate HTML table containing following columns: * <ul> * <li># - attribute ID</li> * <li>Attribute - attribute name, e.g. firstname</li> * <li>Type - attribute type, e.g. integer, date, tns:SoapPovCalculationResultArray</li> * <li>Nill - true|false - whether the attribute is nillable</li> * <li>Min - minimum number of occurrences</li> * <li>Max - maximum number of occurrences</li> * <li>Description - Detailed description of the attribute.</li> * <li>Example - Attribute example value if provided via PHPDoc property @example.</li> * <ul> * * @param bool $return If true, generated HTML output will be returned rather than directly sent to output buffer */ public function buildHtmlDocs($return=false) { $html='<html><head>'; $html.='<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />'; $html.='<style type="text/css"> table{border-collapse: collapse;background-color: #DDDDDD;} tr{background-color: #FFFFFF;} th{background-color: #EEEEEE;} th, td{font-size: 12px;font-family: courier;padding: 3px;} </style>'; $html.='</head><body>'; $html.='<h2>WSDL documentation for service '.$this->serviceName.'</h2>'; $html.='<p>Generated on '.date('d.m.Y H:i:s').'</p>'; $html.='<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">'; $html.='<tr><td>'; if(!empty($this->types)) { foreach($this->types as $object=>$options){ if(!is_array($options) || empty($options) || !is_array($options['properties']) || empty($options['properties'])){ continue; } $params=$options['properties']; $html.="\n\n<h3>Object: {$object}</h3>"; $html.='<table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">'; $html.='<tr><th>#</th><th>Attribute</th><th>Type</th><th>Nill</th><th>Min</th><th>Max</th><th>Description</th><th>Example</th></tr>'; $c=0; foreach($params as $param=>$prop){ ++$c; $html.="\n<tr>" ."\n\t<td>{$c}</td>" ."\n\t<td>{$param}</td>" ."\n\t<td>".(str_replace('xsd:','',$prop[0]))."</td>" ."\n\t<td>".$prop[2]."</td>" ."\n\t<td>".($prop[3]==null ? ' ' : $prop[3])."</td>" ."\n\t<td>".($prop[4]==null ? ' ' : $prop[4])."</td>" ."\n\t<td>{$prop[1]}</td>" ."\n\t<td>".(trim($prop[5])=='' ? ' ' : $prop[5])."</td>" ."\n</tr>"; } $html.="\n</table><br/>"; } } else $html.='No complex data type found!'; $html.='</td></tr></table></body></html>'; if($return) return $html; echo $html; Yii::app()->end(); // end the app to avoid conflict with text/xml header } }