#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os from subprocess import call import re import subprocess def findnext(str, start, chr): depth = 0 for i in range(start, len(str)): if (str[i] == chr): return i; def findclose(str, start): depth = 0 for i in range(start, len(str)): if (str[i] == '{'): depth = depth+1; if (str[i] == '}'): depth = depth-1; if (depth == 0): return i; def countnl(str, start, end): cnt = 0 for i in range(start, end+1): if (str[i] == '\n'): cnt = cnt+1; return cnt; finput = str.replace(sys.argv[1], '\\', '/') foutput = str.replace(sys.argv[2], '\\', '/') ftemp = '__temp_compresss_py_yui.tmp.css'; print('======== INPUT ========'); print(); print(finput); print(foutput); print(); print(); print('======== CALL ========'); #os.system("java -jar yuicompressor.jar \""+finput+"\" -o \""+ftemp+"\"") out = subprocess.run(['java', '-jar', 'yuicompressor.jar', finput, '-o', ftemp], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) print('STDOUT:'); print(out.stdout.decode('utf-8')) print('STDERR:'); print(out.stderr.decode('utf-8')) print('======== READ ========'); with open(ftemp, 'r') as tf: data = tf.read() print('======== REM ========'); try: os.remove(ftemp); except e: print(e) print('======== REGEX ========'); data = re.sub(r'(\}*\})', '\g<1>\n', data); print('======== MEDIA ========'); ins = [] for i in range(len(data)): if data[i:].startswith('@media'): copen = findnext(data, i, '{') cclose = findclose(data, copen) if (countnl(data, copen, cclose) == 0): continue; ins.append( (copen+1, '\n\t') ) for i in range(copen+1, cclose): if data[i] == '\n': tp =(i+1, '\t') ins.append( tp ) ins.append((cclose, '\n')) for (l, c) in reversed(ins): data = data[:l] + c + data[l:] print('======== WRITE ========'); with open(foutput, "w") as tf: tf.write(data)